Wu Rebellious Universe

1908 Nine drops of blood, drink tea

For the knowledge of runes, Chu Nan only heard a few words from Lan Qiusheng, what is it, what is the process from beginning to end, and what to pay attention to when condensing runes...

Chu Nan didn't know everything.

At that time, Chu Nan had not got the "soul search secret" from the soul suzerain. In the matter of rune, it was almost blank, but looking at the false fire in front of him, it was a situation that had to be done. In addition to driving the duck on the shelves, Chu Nan had no other way to put everything he

Thinking that Lan Qiusheng could get nine drops of the blood of the dragon to condense into a rune, which was extremely proud. Chu Nan's eyes couldn't help but fall on Xiaohei. The dragon is a dragon, Xiaohei is also a dragon, and it is a ten-clawed and ten-color dragon. The dragon is incomparable The first reaction is to kneel down and submit, trembling.

Moreover, there are only nine drops of blood, and I don't know how many drops it is.

Xiaohei's blood is really tempting. There is no doubt that Xiaohei's strength is, and the rune formed by Xiaohei's blood will naturally not be much worse, but Chu Nan is still hesitant.

Chu Nan knew that if he asked Xiaohei to take out the blood, Xiaohei would definitely agree. However, Chu Nan was a little worried. Now Xiaohei was still in a coma. If he took his blood, he had no way to know whether it would affect him.

With a little hesitation, Chu Nan gave up the idea of taking Xiaohei's blood. He didn't gamble. If it affected Xiaohei's recovery and growth, Chu Nan would definitely regret it very much. A rune, even if it had thousands of benefits, how could it be compared with Xiaohei's safety?

Give up this idea, Chu Nan's eyes turned on the dragon soul and the little girl again, including the soul that ran out of the "soul bell", but Chu Nan rejected them one by one.

The little girl can't take it, and the little girl is not as good as the little black. As for the dragon soul and the Sirius soul, it's even worse. Now, Chu Nan is a little difficult to do, "Where can I get strong blood?"

Chu Nan asked, but it was clear. Even if there was, I'm afraid it's too late to get it now. The virtual fire is more condensed. If there is, even if it can be done, Chu Nan may not be good. Yan Long's body flashed through Chu Nan's mind and was still rejected by Chu Nan.

Finally, Chu Nan said, "When you make a rune, you must use the blood of other people or things? Can't you do your own blood?" Thinking of this, Chu Nan slowly made a decision, "Xiaohei was still born with my blood, and after so much experience, my blood has also undergone earth-shaking changes, especially after the generation of internal space, which brings greater changes. Why not?"

After a rhetorical question, Chu Nan directly took out his own blood and sent it into the virtual fire. There were dozens of drops of it. For his own blood, Chu Nan could use it as he wanted. Anyway, he could regenerate it after using it.

After taking about a hundred drops, Chu Nan stopped and said, "Now that it has been done here, make it bigger. Even if it doesn't succeed, it can be turned into energy and swallowed by the body space. I just lose a little blood."

After thinking about this, Chu Nan was cruel and took out three drops of blood and dripped it into the virtual fire!

As soon as three drops of blood entered the virtual fire, the virtual fire immediately floated with bleeding color, and the surrounding energy surged more. However, after counting the breaths, the original dazzling light dimmed. Specifically, it should be restrained!

This kind of introvertence made Chu Nan naturally think of returning to the original.

At present, another three drops.

As Chu Nan expected, the light almost disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a blood and fire bead. However, it could still make people feel his extraordinary, "Is this a rune?"

"Three drops, three drops, a total of six drops, if you add three drops, will it look like an ordinary bead, and if you add three drops, a total of nine drops, the number of nine..."

Chu Nan's thinking jumped and thought of the number of nine. Without hesitation, he dropped three drops. And immediately, the extraordinary feeling also disappeared. Anyway, on the road, it is an ordinary thing, and the energy in the body space no longer rushes to the virtual fire beads, but Chu Nan has a feeling that the virtual fire beads and the space energy in the The relationship is the relationship between fish and water, such as fish in water.

"What changes will this thing bring? Is there no other way to attack except to sacrifice and use the outermost blow? Chu Nan was thinking about it. The false fire seed suspected to be a rune suddenly shot up and flew straight to the top of the mountain.

The virtual fire beads had just stood on it. When Chu Nan was still asking "why", the space in his body changed sharply, and the energy breath was stronger. This strong breath made Chu Nan not immediately observe the specific changes in his body space, because Chu Nan thought of such energy, and he had already But let him try to see if he can open up the meridians.

But Chu Nan didn't try it immediately. He was asking Xiaozhen, "Xiaozhen, how is the meridian of the supreme universe going, and those star acupuncture points..."

"The supreme meridians are almost ready, and I can deduce a lot of them right away."

"All right, hurry up."

After saying that, in order to increase the possibility of opening up, Chu Nan took out Yanlong tea. Although there was no tea here to make Yanlong tea for Chunan, when Chu Nan saw the tea dragon refining, it was not in vain.

At this juncture, even if Chu Nan may not be able to make it, he will try it. Even if it doesn't work, the energy contained in Yanlong tea will not be in vain. Moreover, Chu Nan is very confident in himself. This confidence comes from the grinding of alchemy, refiners, etc. "If it really can't Refined into a dragon elixir!"

Fortunately, Chu Nan still has bloody Qin Xuan. As for other auxiliary materials, Chu Nan was still missing two kinds, but Gan Zhicang's storage ring is just available, and there are many more. As for Gan Zhicang's collection of these materials, whether it is for Yanlong tea, Chu Nan didn't bother to pay attention to it and put On Yanlong tea.

Without a special tea set, Chu Nan, like alchemy, condensed a set of tea sets with the energy of the space in his body, took the water in the pool as a guide, took out all kinds of materials, and brewed it. There is a common point between alchemy and brewing. Although Chu Nan can't be as skilled as tea Yanlong tea is not a big problem.

Half an hour, the first cup of Yanlong tea is freshly baked.

In the half hour of Chu Nan's brewing, the upheaval in the body space has not stopped. Chu Nan was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the virtual fire bead would have such a great benefit. With that, Chu Nan drank all the dragon tea.

Suddenly, the energy was a hundred times more fierce than the Yanlong tea given by the tea, which surged into Chu Nan's body. The momentum, that is, Chu Nan could not get all of it into the body space at once, so that these energies caused damage to the flesh and blood, but also made the flesh and blood refined a little.

In the end, Chu Nan formed a black hole in his body space. The small array and the epee went into the body space, and most of the energy was put into the internal space. Such a big gap made Chu Nan a little stunned.

Chu Nan is sure that his brewing technology is not as good as the tea dragon, but the energy of the Yanlong tea he made is a hundred times stronger than that of tea. As a result, Chu Nan can only be attributed to the space energy in his body and the pool of water.

Once born, twice cooked.

The next Yanlong tea is much faster. In an hour, Chu Nan has made four cups, four cups into his abdomen, and the change in the space in his body has been impacted like a storm. Chu Nan felt this and said, "Well, it should be almost done!"

Chu Nan's eyes are solemn!