Wu Rebellious Universe

1926 news leaked, single on the road

There was no shouting, some were just wailing.

Qian Lei and Nujiang only kill people and don't say anything; those people want to take advantage of Chu Nan's heads for a thousand of the best stones, and want to get the treasures on Chu Nan's people, but they turned around, constantly begging for mercy and being killed.

Only at this time did they remember what Qian Lei said before. Unfortunately, it's too late now. Although the group of people in front of them is easy to solve, so far, no one can escape, but Qian Lei's eyebrows are still frowned tightly, and the matter has started, which can't be calmed down.

Although there were a lot of people around, some people left on this supported void road. Maybe at this time, the news was already spreading. Qian Lei thought to himself that when he saw the figure in the distance, he was rushing to this place crazily and couldn't help scolding: "Damn it! If the identity of Mr. Chu is really revealed this time, the five elements clan must be wiped out. No matter what person is behind it, the little five elements clan really thinks that if there is a little blood on the body, it can control the five elements of the world.

With the appearance of dozens of breaths, those figures came with murderous energy, burning, cutting with knives, smashing the earth, and breaking the wood. One by one, they all took great means to Chu Nan. Qian Lei and others fought with the audience. The positions of the two sides, the people of these four races did not know, but the compass It's Chu Nan!

So, all kinds of power, such as under the net, Chu Nan seemed to be out of sight. He turned to the little Shui Feihong and said, "Your mission has completed the page." At that moment, Chu Nan withdrew his hand, and Shui Feihong's body melted like an iceberg and turned into nothingness.

Then, Chu Nan looked at those killing moves with great power. With one hand, the black hole swirled out, and those powerful powers, like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea, let Chu Nan swallow into the inner space of ti.

Of course, these people don't know exactly what's going on. They just thought that Chu Nan had some powerful magic weapons, so they wanted to pile up with human lives. Nujiang and Jiuwu turned around to kill them. Chu Nan said, "Give it to me."

The voice fell, the figure flashed out, and the two fists alternated. Before the punch arrived, there was a person standing there, but after the punch fell, it was already blank and there was nothing.

The battle soon came to an end. The group of people who came to kill Chu Nan, as well as those who were fooled by Shui Feihong's plot, were all erased traces. However, on this originally crowded empty road, there was already a silence, only Chu Nan and his party.

"Ms. Chu, we have to leave immediately and change the route."

Qian Lei said in a hurry. Chu Nan took a look at the distance and frowned, but still nodded. At that time, the group left the point of the incident as soon as possible. Just after Chu Nan and the others left, a lot of people appeared far away from the scene. When they walked to the empty road, they were talking, "This The group of people didn't know what they did, but they even killed the people of the Wuxing clan.

"I seem to hear them shouting Chu Nan in their mouths."

"Who is Chu Nan? Why does it feel like the page has been heard somewhere?

"Me too... Yes, someone was looking for Chu Nan before. Is this Chu Nan that Chu Nan?"

"It's very likely..."

These comments slowly spread around. In fact, even without these people, the name of Chu Nan spread, because the people who came to chase Chu Nan were not only the Wuxing clan, but also the killers sent by Lei Mi. They also had a compass in their hands, which was the Yan Chi who was contacted by Lei Yuan Laozi alone.

The reason why this group of people did not arrive was that they were far apart, and secondly because there was another team of people who stopped each other. Naturally, the people sent by Lei Zhuding. Although the people sent by Lei Yi Laozi did not have time to fight, they already knew the news of Chu Nan's appearance and immediately sent the news back. Go.

In the Wuxing clan, Yan Chi and other patriarchs were shocked by the destruction of the whole army of the killers sent, but Lei Mi Laozi passed on the news to them. The senior officials of the Wuxing clan were shocked, that is, the Tuba Laozi first put aside the matter of creating people and hurriedly discussed how to do it, and the It can no longer be solved by the strength of their five elements. Therefore, the five elements decided to ask for help from behind.

After a mysterious act, the forces behind the Wuxing clan spoke out and would send a person to help them kill Chu Nan. In addition, they were given a great opportunity to let them choose the best people in their own clan, and they would send people to take them away and cultivate powerful figures for the Wuxing clan.

This news made the Wuxing people collectively excited. The adults above not only did not blame them, but also gave them such benefits. No wonder they were unhappy. Although they also felt that this move was abnormal, it had real benefits. Therefore, they immediately began to select.

The Tuzhang was very simple. He directly left the words and let the heirs he chose fight. In the end, whoever wins will go. When the Tuba got the news, he didn't figure it out, but the black girl pointed out that whoever was selected this time must be the next patriarch.

Tuba punched him fiercely and said in his heart, "What the adult gave me can be used this time. My lord, I won't let you down." Tuba also let the black girl take full responsibility for this matter.

Besides, Chu Nan and others rushed all the way. When they arrived at a fork in the road, Chu Nan stopped. Qian Lei also stopped when he saw the situation and asked, "Mr. Chu, what's wrong?"

"If we go on like this, I don't think we can do it. Maybe before we reach Da Daozong, we will be surrounded again. The closer we are to Da Dao Sect, the more dangerous it will be surrounded by people, which is likely to disturb Yantian Cave."

"That's true." Qian Lei nodded and admitted, with a solemn face. He only heard Chu Nan say, "I have always felt that we seem to be targeted, but I tried a few times, but I didn't find anything unusual."


Qian Lei believed Chu Nan's intuition very much and asked, "Mr. Chu, do you have any good opinions?"

"I think so. Let's go separately."

"Okay, let's divide it into two ways again, so that they can't see the virtual page and disperse them."

Qian Lei was about to order him to go down, but Chu Nan shook his head and said, "This time, we are not divided into two ways, but more than 20 ways. Everyone goes in different directions all the way."

"No." Qian Lei rejected Chu Nan's suggestion, "Son of Chu, no matter what, we guarantee your safety. It's too dangerous for you to go on the road alone." Chu Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't lose my life so easily."

Then, he restrained his smile and said calmly, "If someone really wants my life, and I can't beat him, I'm afraid you can't protect me either." Qian Lei's face stagnated, but he knew that this was the truth. Chu Nan continued, "After it is turned into zero, the possibility of my bao revealed will be greatly reduced. Just give me the map to Dazong, and we will meet in Dazong then."

Qian Lei also felt that the current situation was the best only way, so he agreed. At the moment, everyone modified the appearance again, and all of them were exactly the same. Chu Nan thought about it a few times and made several rune arrays to completely block the breath of everyone. Even if they were recognized, they felt that The breath is the same.

In addition, Chu Nan also prepared some emergency killing moves for Jiuwu and Chang Mingge. After all of them were ready, Chu Nan was separated from Jiuwu and God of War. He took good care of each other. After making an appointment to meet Dazong, he turned around and ran in different directions.

Such a move really confused some people, and Chu Nan, who would be "changing", was like a needle. After falling into the sea, he could no longer find it. However, Chu Nan did not stay around and rushed to Da Daozong as fast as possible.

On this day, Chu Nan, who was on his way, suddenly moved his heart. Just in his ear, there was another sound in his ear, "Friends in front of us, help us stop this fierce beast!"

(PS: Ask weakly, do you have a monthly ticket? Reach out your little hands and throw two! Tomorrow's Friday update! Try to be earlier and more xing!)