Wu Rebellious Universe

1958 blood melted, Taoist building activated

1958 Blood Melt, Taoist Building Activation 2 Update

"Taosheng one, one life two, two..."

When Chu Nan reads here, he can't read it any more, and he doesn't know what is behind it. However, Chu Nan feels that these two sentences are enough for him to think about. Although there are only six short words, the reason contained in it gives him a sense of extremely smallness.

Looking at the closed picture scroll, Chu Nan couldn't help unfolding again, but there was no light flashing, no energy bombardment, just a plain calligraphy and painting. Chu Nan couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He hoped to be attacked by the energy of the "Tao calligraphy and painting scroll" again, which was very likely to let him In the mysterious realm.

But everything has become ordinary and ordinary, and I'm afraid the word "Tao" is the same.

Sure enough, as Chu Nan expected, after the scroll was fully unfolded, what Chu Nan saw was only the word "Tao", only the word "Tao" itself; because of this, the "Tao calligraphy and painting scroll" could be taken off the wall by Chu Nan and put into the inner space.

At this time, Chu Nan was in the mood to look at other items in the small room. There were not many things in the small room. There was only one painting and two boxes. Chu Nan walked to the box on the left and said as he walked, "I hope this box is not like a painting. It takes so much effort to open it."

Chu Nan's wish was realized, and the box was opened as soon as it was beaten. There was a bottle in it. The bottle contained red **, which was just blood, not much, just a drop. The moment he saw the blood, Chu Nan's face became solemn. Now he is quite ** about blood, bones and so on. Who knows if there What a mystery.

However, Chu Nan did not abandon it, and it is still possible to study it. Therefore, Chu Nan opened the bottle and immediately emitted a breath, which made Chu Nan feel familiar and strange.

In addition, the blood smells very fresh, as if it had just been taken from a living person, but Chu Nan knows that this drop of blood must have been kept for a long time. It is placed on the twelfth floor of the Taoist building. According to Dao Jinglong, no one has been able to the twelfth floor of

"Whose blood is this?"

Chu Nan condensed all his mind and explored where this familiar feeling came from. In the midst of this, time passed quickly. Half an hour later, after Chu Nan mobilized his body, soul and body space, he faintly realized that the familiarity fluctuated from the deepest part of his blood.

This result made Chu Nan more confused and puzzled. His blood has changed a lot. The first time, he swallowed the blood of the black fire blood python of the rigid dragon. The second time, the blood of the holy evil unicorn in the depths of the Holy Fire Gate Mountain. Next, there are fire robbery, water robbery, extinction robbery, five elements The great change in blood brought about by the disaster...

With so many blood changes, the chaos is relatively thorough. Even Chu Nan himself did not know what his current blood is. He doubted whether his blood could be mixed with his parents' blood.

With a laugh at himself, Chu Nan thought about the strange feeling. There was no basis for this strange Chu Nan. After a little time, Chu Nan was ready to cover the bottle, but at the moment he was about to cover it, the drop of blood flew out without warning, touched Chu Nan's finger, and got in as soon as he touched it.

Chu Nan was shocked and felt that the blood was penetrating into his blood. He quickly wanted to force it out, but it didn't work. Just as Chu Nan asked the small array to arrange the formation to block the energy in the body space to block the blood, the blood in the bottle was gone.

"How could this happen?"

Chu Nan said extremely heavily that he still didn't believe in evil. He made the space energy in his body into a dense sieve to sift out the drop of blood, but he didn't get anything, because Chu Nan didn't find any abnormal condition at all.

"Let the blood melt into my blood like this?"

With the strength of Taoist calligraphy and picture scrolls in front of him, Chu Nan did not dare to be careless. He turned his eyes and said awe-inspiringly, "Since you want to melt into my blood, I will refine you clean, just like those Xuanyuan bones."

Chu Nan immediately refined all the blood bit by bit, over and over again, so after seventy-seven or forty-nine times, Chu Nan refined all the blood, together with the flesh and bones.

After a few hours, Chu Nan took a breath, "I hope this drop of blood has been refined by me, and it will no longer hide the danger and become an unstable factor." With that, Chu Nan threw the box and bottle into the body space together, and then refined it angrily.

Then, Chu Nan turned around and walked to the other side and warned himself, "If there is anything strange, resolutely ignore it!" When the words fell, Chu Nan stretched out his hand to open the box.

In an anze, Chu Nan was stunned on the spot. What was put in this box was not a strange thing, but a token, which was roughly the same as the twelve anonymous tokens previously collected by Chu Nan. The difference was on the pattern of the token.

"Unnamed token?"

The shock of seeing the nameless token here is beyond the previous shock of blood seeping into Chunan's body. The twelfth floor of the Taoist building is not the hole in Tianwu Continent, nor is it comparable to those people in Totem Continent...

"Why are some places where anonymous tokens appear very easy to obtain, while others are extremely difficult. For example, I don't know how much effort it takes to get this part at present."

Chu Nan chewed the question, remembered all kinds of news about the nameless token, and couldn't help saying, "Isn't that Taoist word learned from this nameless token?"

I couldn't figure it out. Chu Nan didn't think about it anymore. He threw the thirteenth nameless token into his body space. As soon as he threw it in, he drew a light like the previous twelve pieces, and he didn't know where it flashed.

Chu Nan didn't care. Anyway, sooner or later, it would come out of his inner space. After he glanced again to make sure that there was nothing else in the Taoist building, Chu Nan walked out. As soon as he walked, he took the Taoist calligraphy and painting scroll out of the door of the small room, and the whole Taoist building suddenly As low as the god of war, as high as the wilderness of Daojing Dragon, all of them have been thrown out, and Jiuwu and God of War, who are attacking the barrier, are no exception.

The people who were thrown out were all inexplicable. They didn't know what had happened. They quickly got up and turned their attention to the tower. They only saw that the vibration range was getting bigger and bigger, but in the vibration, the tower actually began to become smaller.

"What's wrong with the Taoist Tower?"

"Why is it getting smaller? It's still changing, getting smaller and smaller..."

Listening to these comments, Zhao You glanced around and didn't see Chu Nan's figure. He thought to himself, "Guess it's him!" Jiuwu and God of War went to the Taoist Tower, because Chu Nan was still in it.

Dao Jinglong stopped them, with an unpleasant look on his face and said, "He will be fine, but he will get a big opportunity!" Dao Jinglong, the patriarch of Da Daozong, naturally understands what the situation is now in the Taoist Tower. This is the scene where the magic weapon of the Taoist Tower is activated in the classics.

Although Dao Jinglong had already said that if Chu Nan was useless, he would send him the Daolou to him to deal with the disaster of Dazong, but when he said this, Dao Jinglong thought in his heart that Chu Nan would definitely not be able to activate the Daolou. For so many years, there have been countless geniuses of Daozong who have not succeeded Can it succeed?

Unexpectedly, it was this outsider who activated the Taoist magic weapon.

What made Dao Jinglong most depressed was that he couldn't get angry, but even his unhappy look had to be hidden. If he was accidentally found by Chu Nan, he turned around, shook his hand, and no longer care about the disaster of Da Daozong. Then he would cry to whom.

"If he can't take out that picture scroll, if he can't help Da Daozong through the disaster, I..." There was a murderous intention in Dao Jinglong's heart. At this moment, a sentence sounded next to him, "Have you forgotten what I told you?" RO