Wu Rebellious Universe

1972 Killing God, Blood Array

1972 Killing God, the voice of the beautiful monsters in Blood Array 3 was directly ignored. First of all, the beautiful monsters are now human beings, and these ordinary blood prison monsters must not know the identity of the beautiful monsters. Otherwise, the beautiful monsters do not need white tents and other things to shield them.

So, in the eyes of the surging blood prison monster, the beautiful monster is regarded as a sinner who came in from the outside like Chu Nan!

Second, the word "killing god" made the blood prison monsters laugh wildly.

Three times, the virtual black hole sacrificed by Chu Nan has disappeared, and even the fluctuation of the murderous spirit has no trace. The blood prison monsters did not feel anything abnormal, but the beautiful monster standing next to Chu Nan was even more afraid, because she felt a very strong murderous spirit, flowing aside through her body.

Before the beautiful monsters can figure it out, don't wait for the beautiful monsters to remind you again. The blood prison monsters are approaching. The fastest, they are still those blood prison monsters who can fly. They stand condescendingly above the sky of Chunan and shouted awe-inspiringly, "Kill... God, we... are all... kill "

Although this monster can say Chu Nan's words, it is very strange. When Chu Nan saw it, he smiled and said, "It seems that you are well prepared to learn our language, but..."

Chu Nan didn't say anything. He directly expressed it with his actions. With a casual finger, the murderous air became a line, the line was like a sword, and the sword pierced the eyebrows. Immediately, there was a "boom" explosion. This monster with good strength among the blood prison monsters exploded to death.

The explosion stunned the blood prison monsters around them for a while, but it made the beautiful monsters recover in an instant. They quickly shouted at a group of monsters in their language. When the blood prison monsters heard the familiar voice, they turned their heads and stared at the beautiful monsters, full of doubts.

Just when they were puzzled, Chu Nan had already stepped forward and stepped down gently. The murderous atmosphere in the air was immediately chaotic, and then affected the murderous atmosphere in their bodies, boiling like boiling water.

So, originally the most favorable murderous spirit of the blood prison monsters became the poison that killed them. The blood prison monsters could not control the murderous spirit in their bodies at all, so they had to watch their bodies raged by the murderous spirit, and then broke their arms and feet, and their heads exploded...

Every foot will attract countless screams. Where Chu Nan stepped on, there was blood like rain. Those blood prison monsters that could fly could not fly for a long time. At the moment of murderous chaos, they fell to the ground. However, before they fell to the ground, they turned into a bloody rain.

It was a completely one-sided slaughter. The beautiful monster could no longer shout out. She deeply felt that the man beside her was many times stronger than when he first came in. The beautiful monster screamed blood.

Chu Nan released Xiao Lan, and Xiao Lan's flying flesh and blood were swallowed up. There were more and more monsters gushing out of the city, and their strength was getting stronger and stronger. But in Chu Nan's eyes, they were just ants.

It's just that some are strong and some are weak.

Chu Nan did not waste time on these blood prison monsters. After only seven steps, he stood on the highest building of the Blood Capital Bone City, which was formed by several warcrafts, including dragons and tigers, lions and leopards...

At the bottom, it is a huge black turtle skeleton; at the highest level, it is a keel, and at the peak is the dragon's head!

Chu Nan's figure had just fallen, and a loud shout sounded from the depths of the ground, "At the top of the Forbidden City, can you stand as a sinner?" Then, the magnificent murderous atmosphere surged to Chu Nan. Chu Nan said lightly, "Another one speaks fluently. I don't know what language those blood prison monsters originally said and what language it was."

With Chu Nan's words, these murderous atmospheres all entered Chu Nan's internal space, like mud into the sea, and there was no wave. There was a shocking sound from the ground. The monster with a dragon tail froze on the spot, and shouted coldly in a blink of an eye: "The blood array opens, bombard!"

"Ancestor, Lan'er is still on it."

"That sinner was brought by her. Damn it!"


"If you don't obey the order, even if you kill together, don't you see that our clan is already in the most dangerous situation?"

"Yes, my ancestors."

After five breaths, a cloud of bloody smoke faintly came out of Xuedu Bone City. Chu Nan looked at it and said, "Is this a blood array?"

"Serrment to our clan quickly, or you will die in the blood array."

The beautiful monster was still playing a heart attack. Chu Nan smiled and said, "Do you know where the next bloody smoke will come out?"

"I don't know."

"I know."

"The blood array is ever-changing, it's up to you..."

The beautiful monster sneered, and Chu Nan said lightly, "Dongfang is the fifth house." As soon as the words fell, a blood mist came out of what Chu Nan said. The beautiful monster was shocked, but still said, "This is just a coincidence."

"In the dry position, do you know the dry position? It's your eyes looking to the left, the building with a ball..."

The beautiful monster looked at it and happened to see the blood fog rising. Next, Chu Nan said more than ten places in a row, all of which were extremely correct. In the eyes of the beautiful monster, the blood fog seemed to come out after hearing Chu Nan's order.

Controlling the shock in his heart, the beautiful monster said again, "Even if you know, so what? Anyway, you can't break the blood array, and you are waiting to be collected by the wronged souls of our people, and you will be entangled to death!"

Chu Nan smiled and continued to say in that faint voice, "This blood array can also be regarded as a large array, 1,08 arrays of eyes, ninety-nine and eighty-one arrays, the formation of the formation of the large array and the small array together, there are tens of millions of arrays, but the blood array still has defects, and it can Well; I have 72 ways to break the array. Well, I can only think of so much for the time being. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth can be broken, and thunder and death can also be broken, but..."

This has already stunned the beautiful monster. Chu Nan smiled and said, "My favorite thing is to break the array of violence!" As soon as the words fell, Chu Nan gathered his murderous spirit in the heavy sword. With one sword, he cut it off, and the dragon roared!

The beautiful monster saw the epee spit out a hundred-foot-long blood dragon. The blood dragon roared and raged away. Wherever it passed, the big and small bone city were broken; and there were countless whirlpools on the blood dragon, and the whirlpool was devouring the murderous air.

Therefore, the power of the blood dragon is not weak but strong.

In only about ten breaths, except for the forbidden bones standing at Chu Nan's feet, all the other bone cities were destroyed, and the eyes of the beautiful monsters were all in a mess.

The blood dragon destroyed not only the bone city, but also the countless blood prison monsters. So far, the blood array was completely destroyed, but Chu Nan's face was no longer relaxed. Instead, he became solemn and muttered, "No matter why you fight, since you are dead, the dust will return to the dust. Return to the earth, so that the bones will not be deseced by these monsters!"

When he was saying the words, Chu Nan thought of Xuanyuan's bones, which were also bones, but he was still conscious. Chu Nan didn't know how to treat Xuanyuan now. He didn't know whether Xuanyuan had lost those bones that he had completely refined, and whether it would have an impact on his possible rebirth.

Just as the idea drifted away, the Forbidden Bone City at Chu Nan's feet suddenly shook, and then a terrible energy filled it. Chu Nan frowned and stepped down heavily.

With Chu Nan's ability to refine the bones of Xuanyuan earlier, how could these bones, which had been eroded by the murderous spirit for a long time, be able to stand the full blow of Chu Nan? At that time, countless bones of the Forbidden Bone City were turned into powder.

That terrible energy was also destroyed!

"Get out of here."

Chu Nan drank coldly, but there was no response. Chu Nan continued, "It seems that you like to toast without eating, and you will be punished." Chu Nan moved his mind and scratched his fingers in the air. Immediately, there was a row of thirty-six blood swords, standing in the air. The tip of thirty-five blood swords was facing the earth, but there was one, with the tip of the sword facing up.
