Wu Rebellious Universe

1982 turning everything into one thing

1982 turn everything into one thing 2 update

The dark thing is like the night, and it is plausible. Chu Nan can't know what it is and how wide it is. He just understands that this dark thing exudes a dangerous atmosphere. What Chu Nan is worried that when he swallows the secret place of the blood prison, he swallows those dark things together.

Therefore, Chu Nan stared straight. If there is any change, Chu Nan can take other plans.

Fortunately, the dark thing stayed there, motionless. I don't know if it was forbidden by something, or because Chu Nan's swallowing force was too small to attract the attention of the dark thing at all, and he couldn't swallow it.

Seeing this, Chu Nan was much more relieved, but he still had a few vigilances in his heart.

Chu Nan swallows the secret place of the blood prison, which seems to be very risky, but it is also a planned adventure. Chu Nan's first step is to solve the murderous spirit and blood; the second step is the secret place of the blood prison; in this way, while swallowing makes the body space strong. If the secret place of the blood prison is

"It's good to understand Taiji. After understanding 'Taosheng one, one life two', it has generated powerful substances again. Otherwise, those blood and murderous gas will be enough for me to suffer. The emergence of powerful substances also shows that the second disaster is coming soon."

Thinking of the disaster of destruction, Chu Nan suddenly increased his strength again and swallowed the secret place of the blood prison. He wanted to swallow the secret place of the blood prison into his body space as soon as possible. Otherwise, under the chain change, the secret place of the blood prison exploded, and his gains outweighed the loss.

The virtual black hole sacrificed by Chu Nan is big and big. In a blink of an eye, it has reached thousands of feet. It sounds that this virtual black hole is very large, but compared with the secret place of the blood prison, this virtual black hole is still too small.

Moreover, it is difficult and very difficult to swallow the secret place of the blood prison in this way, but you can't save time.

"No, I have to think of a way. The secret place of the blood prison is not a world in the cave, and it can't be wrapped and swallowed."

Chu Nan's thoughts rolled like waves again. After thinking for a long time, there are two directions, one is Xiaohei. If Xiaohei can emit ten colors of light again and mix into the virtual black hole, I believe it will play a big role.

However, this idea was rejected by Chu Nan, because Chu Nan remembered the words said before the crystal coffin fell asleep, "Don't let that rabbit come out."

After so many things, Chu Nan's understanding of this sentence is much deeper than before. It is clearer that if Xiaohei is really used to deal with it, and it happens that the second disaster of destruction is coming, the disaster of destruction will be extremely powerful, and it is not something they can handle at all.

Therefore, Chu Nan can only think of a second method.

The second method comes from the "Tao" calligraphy and picture scroll. Chu Nan thought, "One thing, one Taiji, Taiji; then this secret place of the blood prison can be regarded as one thing, and everything in the secret place of the blood prison is also one thing; in two lifetime, the secret place of the blood prison can be divided into two parts This; if you can make their yin and yang combine, and then merge with each other, big and small, strong and weak, just like the food chain, the law of the jungle, swallow a series of swallows, isn't that all things into one thing? And if you want to swallow all these things, and then swallow this secret place of blood prison, I believe it won't be as difficult as it is now, right?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan did it. He divided the energy of the space in his body into two parts, one of which continued to maintain the virtual black hole and swallowed the secret place of the blood prison; the other part was sacrificed and divided into countless small virtual black holes, with his body as the center, scattered in all directions. Send it out.

Chu Nan has a two-pronged approach, in case the second method doesn't work, or it doesn't have much effect.

As soon as the countless small virtual black holes emanate, the matter around Chunan, whether it is soil or flying stones, or flowers and trees, all show another form. If those super strong see all this, they may exclaim words such as "everythings of yin and yang".

It shows a different form of matter, without any obstacle, so it melts into the virtual black hole, becomes part of the virtual black hole, and continues to spread out. There are too many virtual black holes, and there must be a collision between the two.

And these collided virtual and real black holes did not have any explosions. Instead, they turned into yin, yang into yang, and penetrated into each other, becoming a new virtual and real black hole, and then diffused and collided with other virtual and real black holes...

With these pictures in front of him in his mind, Chu Nan seems to have made new discoveries, but he still can't get lost and can't see it completely. "New virtual black holes, old virtual black holes, old ones have old ones, old ones have new ones, they are not one..."

At the beginning, the virtual black hole spread slowly, but it was less than ten breath. These virtual black holes ran in all directions at an unimaginable speed. If the previous speed was regarded as a wild horse galloping, it is now the dragon flying.

Moreover, this diffusion is not limited to the plane of the earth, but also involves space; the virtual black hole sweeps the whole secret world of the blood prison with the overwhelming momentum; and everything in the secret world of the blood prison is turned into two parts of yin and yang and swallowed into the virtual black hole.

After only a while, the virtual black hole spread to Yulan. Yulan looked at the scene in front of her and was stunned. Before the virtual black hole completely covered her, she felt that her body was separating; but this separation was not only the separation of hands and feet, but also the separation of the brain from the body, and Every hair, every inch of skin, every cell is being separated into two parts...

Seeing that Yulan was about to be like other substances, a big hand suddenly came out of the virtual black hole and grabbed it. When Yulan came to her senses, she came to a completely strange world and saw a more horrible virtual black hole, a sword, a dragon, a cute rabbit and so on...< /P>

"Where is this?"

Yulan was in a trance and kept asking herself.

At the moment when Yulan was taken into the space in the body by Chu Nan, the virtual black hole was three-dimensional and completely connected the sky and the earth. At this moment, Chu Nan found that every time the virtual black hole spread out, the secret place of the blood prison would be a little less.

In just three minutes, this scene is very obvious and clearly visible; it is like a tough bubble that does not break easily. After extracting the gas inside, the bubble begins to shrink and become smaller.

The secret place of the blood prison is such a bubble, but it is tens of thousands of times more advanced than the bubble, but the principle is no different.

"Sure enough, there is a play. If I think it is accurate, if I want to evolve and evolve to the end, the secret place of the blood prison is really just a thing, a clean thing." Chu Nan read, more confident, and at the same time sacrificed more energy to maintain this evolution.

These seem easy, but Chu Nan is very aware of the danger. If the energy is not enough to maintain this evolution, the changed secret place of the blood prison will definitely fall into extreme imbalance, and the secret place of the blood prison is unbalanced. In the secret place of the blood prison, he will suffer. If it is more serious, the space in his body Collapsed due to this imbalance...

The earth became shorter and narrower at the foot of Chunan, the space became smaller and lower around Chunan, a thousand feet became a hundred feet, and a hundred feet turned into ten feet. Chunan was not moving in place, but when he changed, he moved again.

The most obvious thing is that the distance between the dark thing and Chunan is getting longer and longer.

Before long, this evolution swept into the place of the blood capital. At that time, Xiao Lan was also taken into the internal space by Chu Nan. Chu Nan also felt that Xiao Lan had changed, but at this moment, Chu Nan had no time to take a closer look.

When Chu Nan was desperately swallowing the secret place of the blood prison, the blood-ced man far away was even weaker, but he was still roaring, "It's impossible. He can't annihilate all my blood."

But no matter how loudly he roared, the feeling of surging in his body, he told him clearly that everything was true!

In three breaths, the man in blood shouted, "Come on, send someone to the secret place of the blood prison to find out who did it!" RO