Wu Rebellious Universe

1985 I don't!

The consciousness of the Taibai array soul can also be said to be IQ. It can't be compared with the small array at all. If the IQ is divided into ten grades, one is poor and ten is the best, then the IQ of the Taibai array soul will be ranked in the second level, and the IQ of the small array is not the tenth, but

The difference between the two is not a little bit.

This is related to the birth factors and growth experience of the two. The small array is the soul of Chu Nan's rebellion, and it is born to communicate with Chu Nan. Since its birth, the small array can know something about Chu Nan's behavior and learn a lot. In the later growth, it has personally experienced countless fights, not to mention the merid Nirvana has been reborn several times. In addition, it also has a lot of consciousness exchanges with roulette soul, epee, etc., and deduces the array, meridians and so on with Chu Nan. Most importantly, Chu Nan gives the small array absolute freedom, and the small array has infinite room for growth!

And the Taibai array soul, I don't know how to be born, he will never have an acquired growth environment like a small array, and his master dares not completely give the absolute freedom to the Taibai array soul, because the old man knows that the array soul has self-consciousness. This is a double-edged sword, which has great benefits and It is to back on what the old man thought before. The disadvantage is, such as giving birth to a sense of betrayal, which is very dangerous.

Chu Nan did not have these worries, because he became a monk halfway, and he did not know that there was such a danger when the soul was born to consciousness. However, he took another ten thousand steps to say that even if he knew, Chu Nan, a father, would not put shackles on his daughter and control the small array.

On the contrary, for the soul of the Taibai array, no matter how the soul of the Taibai array grows, it is controlled by the hooked old man. This control, more or less, will have some impact. Moreover, some hooked old men think that it should not be known to the Taibai array soul, and the Taibai array soul will not be In other words, he has shallow experience, has a stupid personality, and is a little stupid.

However, even so, the soul of the Taibai array is very powerful. If he is the soul of the heart of the ancestor and the soul of the elder, then these two souls are undoubtedly killed by the soul of the Taibai array. In addition to the big difference in strength, the IQ of the soul of the two ancestors is not as good as that of the It can even be said that there is no; even for the soul of life and death, it is sure to win or lose.

However, what the soul of the Taibai array met was a small array, this soul with peerless glory.

Because of this, after hearing Xiao Zhen's words, Taibai Zhenhun asked, "What do you want me to do to believe it?"

"Well, in this way, if you can be free, get rid of other people's control of you, and do whatever you want, I will believe you." What Xiaozhen said was completely for the sake of the soul of the Taibai array. The soul of the Taibai array was dumbfounded and kept fluctuating the consciousness of "freedom".

In the meantime, the order of the old man came again. The conditioned reflex of the Taibai array soul attacked the small array, and also sacrificed a very powerful array, which cut off the connection between the small array and the arranged array.

Fortunately, Lizong, Fumen and others have endless Taoism and Jiuwu's containment, which did not have any big impact, but Xiaozhen's face has become cold and said, "It seems that you will always be a girl, a fat pig, and you will not be free."

"I'm not a fat pig, I'm not a girl, I want to be free."

The soul of Taibai suddenly roared out. The formation, which should have been continuously attacked, suddenly stagnated and interrupted. At this moment, the old man's back exuded a cold murderous atmosphere and said to the two elders of Da Daozong who stopped him, "Get out of here, or I will kill him."

"Is it murderous? For so many years, the most strange thing for us is murderous!"

After saying that, the two elders burst into a more fierce murderous spirit all over their bodies, crushed them, and showed a resolute look in the eyes of the old man. He must completely suppress the soul of Taibai in the fastest time. If he has more sense of resistance, it will bring him a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the old man's mouth splashed blood, and the blood array with blood. Seventy pieces of array materials flew out in an instant, trapping the two elders in it. At the moment, the old man hook back rushed to the small array at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the soul of the Taibai array is asking, "How can I be free?"

"Get rid of control, don't tell me you don't know how to get rid of it."

Xiaozhen said disapprovingly, but in the dark, he immediately sensed the trapped array in the array laid by the old man, and immediately began to break the array, and the soul body of the Taibai array, after a burst of distortion, came out consciousness, "How can I get rid of it?"

I felt that the old man was getting closer and closer to her. Xiaozhen was going to change places, but when he heard the Taibai Zhenhun asking this, his soul turned and said, "In this way, do you want to kill me?"

The soul of the Taibai array looked at the small array, and the soul body fluctuated. If Chu Nan saw this scene, he could come up with the word "intoxicated". The soul of the Taibai array still waved it vigorously and replied, "I don't want to."

"What would you do if your master insisted that you kill me?"


The soul consciousness of the Taibai array fluctuated repeatedly for a long time before spitting out the following words, "I won't agree."

"Yes, that's right. It seems that you have made great progress. As long as you do what you just said, you can be free. I believe you are not a girl." As soon as Xiaozhen's voice fell, the old man with a hook back dodged and appeared in front of Xiaozhen.

As soon as the hook-backed old man appeared, he immediately said to Taibai Zhenhun, "Taibai, kill this little girl."

"I don't!"

The Taibai soul responded reflexively. The murderous intention flashed in the old man's eyes. He looked at the Taibai soul with very strange eyes and asked coldly, "Are you not going to kill her?"


Before the old man could react, Xiaozhen encouraged him and said, "Good job, keep up the good work. I believe you can be completely free."

"Little girl, it's all you!"

Hook the old man turned around, stared at Xiao Zhen coldly, and gritted his teeth and said, "What a smart soul. It's good to instigate Taibai like this. If Taibai doesn't kill you, the old man will kill you!"

Then, he turned around and shouted at Taibai Zhenhun, "When I clean up this little girl, I will teach you what to do." Naturally, the old man will not easily destroy the too white soul that has been painstakingly made.

However, to the surprise of the hook-backed old man, as soon as he stepped out, there was a heavy array in front of him, which stopped him, and then a voice sounded in his mind, "I don't allow you to kill her!"

"Have you forgotten who created you?"

The old man shouted harshly. While his hands were swinging, he broke the array under the soul of the Taibai array and glared at the soul of the Taibai array. "All your arrays are all given to you by my filial piety. You still want to stop me! It's too white. It seems that I won't teach you a lesson. You don't remember that I'm your master at all.

With that, the old man's mind moved, and the soul of the Taibai array immediately trembled, and there was an extremely painful wave of consciousness. The old man's back snorted coldly, raised his hand to play the array, and bombarded to the small array. The small array did not avoid counterattack, and more arrays Live with him, and you can find a way to set you free.

"The little girl is looking for death!"

The old man not only used the array, but also launched a physical attack. The power of order came out vastly and said coldly, "The array can't help you for a while. Can you take this move?"

At that time, the small array gushed out more arrays, separated and weakened this energy. The old man said, "It's useless. If you want to protect Taibai, I will kill you and melt you into Taibai's soul."

The voice fell, the attack hit, and the small formation suddenly stimulated a dazzling light...RT