Wu Rebellious Universe

2006 encountering "tiger", creaking

The pioneer of the second "disaster" was originally a fierce fight between knives and swords and fire against water, but it made Chu Nan so change and become confusing and strange.

So now, Chu Nan, who has turned into a black bead, doesn't know what the next step will be and where he will go!

The process of flying to a certain place is like ten thousand years, and it seems to be a moment. Chu Nan knows that this is not only a change in space, but also a change in time, which makes people completely unpredictable.

"Time and space are changing. What the hell is this? Isn't it the disaster that gave me a gentle trap?

When Chu Nan's thoughts were flowing, those people in the dark had completely lost the trace of Chu Nan. The Chu family, who opposed Chu Nan, had completely believed that Chu Nan was dead and turned into a part of the dark matter.

The person who supported Chu Nan to join the Chu family, although he felt that the clan was reasonable, he still had a little hope that there would be a miracle; the two people belonging to other forces also had their own thoughts.

When Chu Nandu was destroyed for the first time, the internal space had not been formed. The powerful material in the Dantian field was only two wisps, and the place of the disaster was under the thick curtain of Tianwu Continent, so few people knew it.

But this second disaster is different. Although it was in the Da Daozong, there is no unique thick curtain above the head, and the momentum is so great that it has already attracted the attention of many people, including the Xiao family.

If you are close, come with all your strength; if you are very far away and have no special means, you can find someone to calculate it. But the answers given by these divination people, without exception, can't be calculated. If you want to be forcibly calculated, you will be counterattacked. During this time, the power is weak, and the Punish.

In the endless void, a man was singing, stepping into the air, and suddenly looking at Chu Nan's place. His eyes flashed with a flash of light and a frame to rush over. But in an instant, the light in this person's eyes dissipated, and it was replaced by casual and scattered. The man said, "I have wine What does this destruction of the sky have to do with me? It's better to drink two more pots of wine. The days are running out, and you should have more fun..."

Then, the song sounded again.

Chu Nan didn't know these; no, he still felt the fluctuation of life force. He read the word "life force". Before he thought about it deeply, he felt that he had rotated countless times in an instant, as if he had arrived in a new place, but Chu Nan was not sure.

Then, Chu Nan "saw" something appeared in front of him. This thing was hazy and he didn't know what it was.

Chu Nan can't stretch out his mind to investigate, and Chu Nan has an intuition that even if he goes to investigate, there will be no result. Chu Nan thought, "Is this the 'tiger' in the mountain?"

At this moment, Chu Nan saw black beads about the same size as him in all directions. He flew forward faster than him. "Where did these black beads come from? Is it the same as my formation process, after countless swallowing up?

While still reading, Chu Nan saw that the hazy thing seemed to move, and the black beads quickly drilled in. When he entered again, Chu Nan came to the sound of "cqueaking". The sound almost made his "changing" collapse directly, and the space in his body, which had stabilized, rose again. Burst, the body and soul are all damaged...

"It's really a trap for me to be so seriously injured by sound alone?"

Chu Nan was shocked. This disaster made him come into contact with a lot of incomprehensible but very powerful things. Although his voice was fierce, Chu Nan felt that these voices still had a sense of familiarity.

"How can you be familiar with it?"

When Chu Nan was puzzled and hesitated to resist immediately, he also got in like other black beads. The voice surrounded Chu Nan. Chu Nan felt that he was about to collapse, but at the same time, an idea rose in Chu Nan's heart. These sounds seemed to come from when people or fierce beasts bit things with their teeth. The sound.

This idea shocked Chu Nan. It's really terrible to have such power just by eating, especially the beads formed by the changes of dark matter are just the food of some creature, which is really incredible.

Chu Nan was not sure whether the idea was true or false, but he was ready to resist, because after the black beads in front were bitten, they had disappeared. Chu Nan didn't want to disappear, let alone disappear.

So, just as Chu Nan also flew forward and was about to turn into a "squeak", Chu Nan showed his current greatest powerful move. The space in his body was running and bumped into it. At that time, Chu Nan felt that he had hit a hard object and made a loud sound of "collapse".

This collision did not break anything. Instead, Chu Nan was bounced back. The body directly cracked, and the running internal space was also static in an instant, so it cracked and cracks appeared one by one.

However, the cracking of the inner space soon stopped and stopped in thirteen places.

At the same time, the hazy thing also stopped all of a sudden. The other black beads got in, and there was no longer a "squeak" sound. Obviously, he was stunned by Chu Nan's black bead.

Just as Chu Nan looked at the thirteen places and was eager to get out of it, he vaguely moved again, and Chu Nan immediately felt a suction and was swallowed into the thing just now.

Chu Nan was even more shocked, but now he seems to have reached the end of the mountain. Although the cracked body space is slowly rotating, the breath of the powerful material is getting stronger and stronger, but Chu Nan thinks that he is not the opponent of the thing in front of him.

As soon as he touched it with all his strength, he touched himself like this. The strange thing just moved, and he couldn't help it. How could he escape from such a situation? "This disaster is really different! The five elements of the robbery is controlled by someone. What about the destruction of the robbery? It's also controlled by people, or something else..."

"Is life really over like this and come to an end?"

Chu Nan's body and mind are cold. He really doesn't want to end like this. He still has to guard his parents, Meng'er and others, and there are so many promises. However, even if he is unwilling and reluctant, at this moment, he seems to be powerless.

"Even if it is destroyed, I won't fall silently like this. No matter what you are, take my last move!"

Chu Nan recovered his real body and shouted loudly. His last move was to blow himself up. Chu Nan was ready, and his body, soul, body space and so on all moved. "Explost up, everything will explode together, by the way, and there is life!"

At the moment, Chu Nan condensed the incomparable life force together. At this time, the hazy thing suddenly shook, and then stopped. Chu Nan felt that the thing he had hit before had been bitten on his body, and if it fell a little bit, it would cause Chu Nan's last explosion.

Suddenly feeling such an abnormality, Chu Nan quickly stopped the action of self-exploding. At the same time, his mind turned a thousand times, and he recalled all the things that could cause such a change. Suddenly, his attention fell on the breath of life and powerful material.

"It's life, Su Lao said that my life trajectory does not exist under this sky; and this powerful substance..."

Immediately, Chu Nan stimulated the two with all his strength. Chu Nan immediately heard a scream in his ear, an indescribable scream, which made Chu Nan have a feeling of destruction. Fortunately, Chu Nan could struggle to hold on...

In the scream, Chu Nan felt that he had been spit out, and his speed was countless tens of thousands of times faster than when he came. With his strength, he couldn't see what scene was going on around him, but he just felt very familiar, as if it was the previous way to come in!

After another shock, the scream disappeared, and what appeared in front of Chu Nan was a piece of dark matter running around...