Wu Rebellious Universe

2068 lock!

Chu Nan didn't want to pick up the crutch, but Master Lingyun had a kindness. If he refused again, it would be a little inappropriate. Therefore, Chu Nan took the crutch in his hand...

Grabbing the crutch, Chu Nan mobilized his life force, but found that it was unpredictable, and many people couldn't even feel it. The life force that they couldn't even think of could exist in the crutches.

"What a good thing." Chu Nan said, thinking, "I don't know how crutches are refined. If the epee can also carry life, it would be great."

Thinking about it, the movement of Chu Nan's hand was not slow. Hao Hao's life gathered in the crutch. The crutch emitted a strange light and hit the dragon. The spiritual master below and the weirdo above were shocked in unison.

"I didn't expect that this boy still has such a strong life force."

The weirdo's heart was moved and he stared closely. Chu Nan did not use martial arts, but just smashed it down fiercely. This smash directly killed the dragon's head to one side, and the dragon spit out something unknown.

Qian Lei shouted loudly, and Master Lingyun was indeed a little surprised, but her face was not relaxed at all. The moment she shouted the dragon, she already understood why the things that Dao Jinglong had said before.

Those inconspicuous arrangements cost the life of this continent. People have life, and the continent has life, but life is different, and the enemy's arrangement is to condense everything on the continent into a life dragon.

Master Lingyun can't do such a means. Without that strength, she has only heard of it. Moreover, even if she can do it, she dares not do it. If she changes the trajectory of other people's lives and other things at will, she will be devoured, and there will be a great disaster in the dark.

It will be the same to change the fate trajectory of human beings, not to mention the whole continent and the fate trajectory of all creatures on the continent. Such counterattack is by no means what the divination master can bear.

But Master Lingyun thought again that the guardian array of the Da Dao Sect is not invincible. Not much. The seven strong people in the wilderness can definitely be defeated, but there is such a strange divination master. Moreover, it is not difficult to send seven strong men in the wilderness by such a means. Analysis, it is very likely that the divination master has a way to deal with counterattack and disaster!

The enemy has such a way. That means is not only this. No matter how powerful Chu Nan's life is, I'm afraid...

Master Lingyun hasn't finished it yet, and a word came to the sky again, "Lock!"

At this moment, Master Lingyun thought of the first two words and connected them in his mind, but it was the dragon lock!

As soon as Master Lingyun asked, she had an answer. She felt that her life force was locked and could not be moved. Master Lingyun looked back again, and the faces of Lingyun and Dao Wuya were all at a loss.

In an instant, his heart was bright. The life dragon not only locked the fortune teller's life trajectory, but also the life trajectory of ordinary people was locked. Although Daojinglong's energy was still running the same, their lives were in the hands of others.

At this time, Master Lingyun saw Xiaohei with an indifferent look, and a trace of surprise flashed in his heart, but he did not delve into it. He continued to urge the trajectory of life desperately and resisted the power of the "life dragon lock".

Chu Nan was the first to bear the brunt and was the most affected. The speed of Chu Nan waved his crutch immediately slowed down. The weirdo was confident that everything was under his control. "No matter how strong your life is, as long as you are locked, you can only be captured. The opponent of the emperor Really?"

Although Chu Nan was stagious, it was absolutely impossible for him to be captured. "My life trajectory does not belong to this sky. How can you lock me?" At that time, Chu Nan operated his life force in the form of a black hole and rolled it towards the dragon.

Sure enough, as soon as the life black hole rotated, the blocking force was greatly weakened. Then, he hit the crutch like a raindrop on the life dragon. Every time he hit, there was a large hole. However, compared with the whole life dragon, what Chu Nan destroyed was only a dime.

The strange man's face turned gloomy, and Chu Nan's powerful action made his expectation. Not only was he not locked, but he was more brave. Suddenly, the strange man calculated for Chu Nan's divination, but Chu Nan was in front of him, but the strange man's calculation was fruitless. He forced to divination,

In this situation, the weirdo was not depressed, but smiled, "Is it possible that this person is also a rebellious person? If so, you are qualified to be the opponent of the emperor..."

The strange man was admiring, but there was a pause under his feet. He immediately grabbed his strange bird towards Chu Nan and disappeared as soon as he moved. Suddenly, he grabbed Chu Nan with a claw. Chu Nan threw out the epee, and the epee was cut, but it was empty.

Chu Nan was also surprised. After seeing the claws grasping his head again, he understood that this strange bird attacked through space. If it is virtual, it is true, but if it is true, it is empty. Understanding this, Chu Nan let go of the world in his body and swallowed hundreds of millions of space. At the same time, he said, " Avoid yin and yang, and divide yin and yang!"

After reading the four words, Chu Nan also knocked on the four sticks, which really hurt the dragon. The dragon's body rolled violently. Chu Nan's life power then boiled, and his face turned sharply pale. On the other hand, because Chu Nan swallowed the space, the strange bird shuttled through the space was no longer so satisfactory. When Chu Nan' The bird's intuition was not good. He quickly blocked it with space, but he couldn't stop it at all, and the attack was like a shadow.

When the weirdo saw it, his face was a little gloomy, as if it was going to rain.

"What I felt before was this life dragon. Where did this life dragon come from?" Chu Nan thought about it and quickly asked Master Ling Yun, "Senior, how was this life dragon formed?"

With only two words, Master Lingyun could no longer spit it out, and her hair became extremely pale in an instant. Lingyun quickly held her up and called, "Master..."

Im. At that time, Lingyun was busy and wanted to help the master heal. Master Lingyun shook his head.

When Chu Nan heard (5) the word "continent", he didn't feel anything at first, but suddenly remembered his guess. He guessed whether Tianwu mainland would have a fate trajectory, whether it could be enough to calculate, and then combined the present, Chu Nan understood a little.

Chu Nan said, staring at the tangible and unreal dragon mouth of the life dragon, and an idea surged in his heart. At this time, the strange man sneered and said, "What's worse is still behind. If you don't stop, I will let your beloved woman, everyone here, slowly die in front of you one by one

Chu Nan said with a smile, and the strange man snorted coldly, "It seems that you won't cry if you don't go into the coffin." The words fell, holding the master's Lingyun, and there was a strange feeling in his body, but at this moment, Xiaohei stood up and shouted at the strange man.

Immediately, the strange body trembled, and the strange feelings in Lingyun's body all disappeared, and the strange man was shocked, "Isn't this rabbit locked? No, its life force is not a rabbit, that is... it is..."

The blood splashed, and the weirdo didn't dare to divination again, but roared at the Xiao family: "Why don't you do it quickly! Kill him, and the rabbit!"

The bitter guards were still immersed in this strange fight. They were awakened by the strange man, and their bodies disappeared in a daze. They immediately became energetic and murderous. They were divided into two batches, one to kill Chu Nan, and the other to kill rabbits.

The weirdo is also busy. This time, he is no longer busy with the dragon, but in the sky.

The bitter guard who cut to Chu Nan was about to approach, but he was dumbfounded. Chu Nan's figure shook and actually stepped into the mouth of the dragon!