Wu Rebellious Universe

2113 Lost in the Void

These are the two sentences left by Chu Nan before he left. These two sentences resounded throughout the Tianwu Continent, like thunder roaring, straight into the hearts of the people, and the echoes shook the sky for three days. The words left by the Lord of God, the people on the Tianwu Continent were deeply remembered in their hearts, one by one The forward lighthouse is regarded as the guideline of their lifelong behavior.

In fact, these two sentences were obtained by Chu Nan in the waste page of a book read by Qiankunzong, and there are also notes. The first sentence "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improvement" is the Qiangua; the second sentence is "The terrain is the universe, the gentleman carries things with virtue" is the Kungua!

Chu Nan, who left naturally, did not know how he left these two words of heaven and earth, which had brought to Tianwu Continent. When everyone took this as the principle, he made a grand wish, but for some reason, these great wishes resonated with the life dragon left in Chu Nan's eyes.

While resonating, those life dragons seem to be alive, lifelike, and have a stronger ability to swallow the outside life force. Even those spaces near the Tianwu continent are swallowed up by these life dragons.

However, the speed of swallowing is still very slow and very little, so small that compared with those huge life forces, it is simply negligible. However, these dragons are still growing. As long as there are no accidents, they will continue to grow.

When he grows up, the life dragon is still fluctuating energy out. Such energy, that Chu Nan, who created the life dragon, stands in front of him, will also frown urgently and be reborn with doubts, but at the same time, he will feel familiar.

No one knows what impact these strange energies will have on Tianwu Continent.

At the same time, in a star under the sky, Tiankui frowned tightly, because the feeling of uneasiness floated in his heart again, which was stronger than the last time. It turned out that he thought it was the uneasiness caused by the five continents, but at this moment, he felt that Tiankui knew that he was wrong.

"What's the problem? Are there more continents to be destroyed?

Tiankui thought, waiting and divination, but he broke his head and did not figure out where the uneasiness came from. After waiting for a while, Tiankui did not feel that the mainland had been destroyed. Therefore, Tiankui determined that there was no problem with the mainland.

When Tiankui read this sentence, he thought about Chu Nan's words that he wanted to find him and trample him to the ground. He smiled coldly. His thoughts flashed and thought about other things. In the fruitless thought, Tiankui gritted his teeth and said heavily, "Don't force me to start in advance."

Yes, Tiankui did not launch in advance immediately, because in advance, the biggest loss was himself first.

Chu Nan can't know all this. Even if he goes to divination, he won't get any results for the time being. He is still in the shuttle channel and wants to return to the Qiankun Sect. According to the experience, as long as he can withstand the pressure coming from all sides, there will be no problem. He only needs to wait At that time, he will look for some remote continents and so on.

Unfortunately, the plan can never keep up with the changes. On the way to Chunan, the last time he came to the safe and sound passage, suddenly had no warning, a shock for no reason. Fortunately, Chu Nan's intuition was sensitive, and at that moment, he sent the natural nature refined in the channel into the inner world.

As soon as the nature was sent in, the channel was destroyed. Chu Nan was lost in the chaotic void. At that time, the pressure in all directions came like the tide, making Chu Nan breathless. Although Chu Nan was very embarrassed, Chu Nan was not cut into pieces by those energies. It's just that the scars on the body are not shallow.

After a long time, Chu Nan adapted to this void, looked around, and then began to analyze. The channel from Qiankunzong to Tianwu Continent was definitely not the transmission channel he had experienced at the beginning. In terms of security and stability, it was much higher than the transmission channel.

"Who broke it? Natural disaster? **? Or is there something wrong with Qiankunzong?

Chu Nan thought for a long time and thought about many possibilities, but he did not think of the "Tianwu Array" he made himself. You know, although this channel can be connected to the Tianwu Continent, after all, it belongs to something outside the Tianwu Continent and also belongs to the scope of being swallowed.

After thinking in vain, Chu Nan began to think about what to do next. The dangers in the void are endless. Although he is very strong now, who knows whether he will encounter a stronger existence than him, or a harsh environment that he can't stand at all.

This is a worry on the one hand, or on the other hand, the road. He doesn't know the way back at all. Compared with those possible dangers, losing is the most terrible thing. Although Chu Nan left the door in Qiankun Sect, at this moment, Chu Nan can't feel it.

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes, and the situation was worse than he thought. He looked around and said, "Since there are no suitable conditions, I will create conditions, and I can take this opportunity to hone in the void."

After reading a word, Chu Nan remembered the sentence he heard in the transmission channel at that time, "A sword, a pot of wine, the sky is free to be free." Chu Nan smiled, chose a direction, walked firmly towards the east, and swallowed all the energy where he passed into his body.

In the vast void, it was really dangerous. In three days, Chu Nan encountered 32 virtual beasts, all of which Chu Nan had never seen before. Chu Nan was very strong and had fought with the virtual beasts. He didn't think how strong the virtual beasts were compared with those warcrafts. But when he fought in the void, Chu Nan It's for nothing. In the void, the strength of the virtual beast has increased by dozens of times. If Chu Nan hadn't had the inner world and been much less restricted by the void, these virtual beasts could really make Chu Nan unable to eat.

For these virtual beasts, Chu Nan did not die. After exhausting all his energy, spitting blood and injuring the virtual beast, Chu Nan threw the virtual beast into the inner world.

The danger comes not only from the virtual beast, but also from the void wind (5) storm. When the storm raged, Chu Nan could not calm down and was directly thrown aside. In the face of the void storm, Chu Nan was also resisting. However, with his current strength, he could not stop it. Some fierce storms can not only hurt Chu Chunan has a threat to life.

When encountering these, ordinary people have been scared to escape for a long time, but Chu Nan can't stop laughing. What he wants is the refinement of this life-and-death realm. No matter what kind of storm comes, Chu Nan will rush to fight, and try his best to swallow some storm energy into the inner world...

In this way, three months passed in a blink of an eye, Chu Nan is still lost in the void. At this moment, he is extremely embarrassed, but his strength has reached a level. In terms of understanding of "time", he has no deepening, but his understanding of space, Chu Nan has more I have a lot of feelings.

Chu Nan feels that the space mastered by Hongzhijing is not a real space. At best, it is just using the space or following the space, which is equivalent to taking advantage of the situation to build momentum, not his own real momentum.

This question made Chu Nan persistent. Of course, he did not let go of the "time". He also wanted to enter the realm of the universe. He thought that dozens of days of void life had passed. On this day, Chu Nan chased a virtual beast, but found a continent!