Wu Rebellious Universe

2115 small play to cheer up?

"What kind of era is the era when the strong are like a forest? Are these continents, this world, the transformation of those strong people?

Chu Nan didn't know about this question, but he swallowed it faster and more fiercely next. While swallowing it, he was still conceiving the era of the strong man in his mind. He exhausted his thoughts.

was used by him as the virtual beast of the old horse. After hearing Chu Nan's words a few days ago, he was a hundred times more energetic for a while. He wanted to find ways to take Chu Nan to a continent that could satisfy him. However, looking at one continent after another strangely disappearing in front of his eyes, the spirit of the virtual beast What is the mainland that Chunan is satisfied with? It is a dangerous and powerful continent.

However, seeing Chu Nan's movements, the poor virtual beast did not know what other continent Chu Nan could not swallow, but the virtual beast could not stop, so he could only take Chu Nan to the next continent.

The mainland that Chu Nan has visited has communicated with the portal. Without exception, it is useless. Chu Nan guessed that it was because it was too far away. Moreover, there are too many puzzles to solve in this void.

While Chu Nan refined himself in the void and made the "heaven and earth" more and more powerful, the distant heaven and earth in the mountains were finally found. A group of unknown people directly used brute force to blow up the heaven and earth in the mountains. However, in the face of the mainland made by Chu Nan with pure one-color star source stone Their attack was blocked, and in addition to the Fadan left by Chu Nan, it was indeed enough. While this group of people could not advance, they were also bombarded.

Mr. Geng had already calculated that on this day, and he also calculated where these people came from, and even knew which force they belonged to. However, Mr. Geng did not figure out their purpose for doing so. If he couldn't figure it out, he simply gave up. Mr. Geng began to predict a way back and the way to escape.

Although the heaven and earth in the mountain are temporarily safe, the heaven and earth in the mountain will eventually be destroyed. No matter how much the magic elixir is, there will be a day when it will be exhausted. Even if Pei Siyu and Ruyan have been able to roughly refine some elixir, the refining can't keep up with the consumption. The Dazzling, the "beauty killing move" is invincible.

No matter who you are, what moves you attack, or what magic weapon you use, as long as Zheng Weizan can turn these things into beauty, the ending is doomed. However, Zheng Weizan's injury is also quite serious; no one can tell why Zheng Weizan works so hard. It seems that he is not so bad for Pei Siyu. What's the matter?

Geng Lao's prediction was not wrong. A few days later, the enemy's reinforcements arrived again. Not many, only one person, but this entangled Geng Lao. What came was the strange man who had fought with Chu Nan and fought with the weirdo. Geng Lao finally understood why he couldn't calculate. The strength of this strange man The outer array was broken by strange people in some unknown way. Seeing that the life force of everyone was about to be mastered, Geng Lao roared and turned into a dragon.

If Chu Nan hadn't been a key figure, Geng Lao would never have worked hard to this point. Geng Lao, who was in the state of the dragon body, gave the strange man a big counterattack and forced the strange man to retreat, so he took Chu Tianfeng and his wife, Die Yi and others to tear up the space and fled to the road

When the strange man saw this, he smiled and chased him in no hurry. The strange man's pursuit was not only in the back, but also appeared in front of Geng Lao from time to time. Geng Lao had to change his way many times. His previous retreat also became completely different.

At the same time, in several large-scale wars, the anti-sky gang, which has become quite strong, much stronger than the original Tianyan Cave, received a message that someone came to the door and robbed a piece of territory they had just arrived.

The anti-sky gang has strength. Of course, he will not put up with this matter. Ten thousand arrays of ancestors immediately took people to kill him. Among the people he brought, there are the emperor who came back long ago. In addition, there are some masters whose strength is quite good, all of which are ancient times.

Geng Lao, who was hunted down, had been chased and killed in the direction of Wan Zhen Laozu. Soon, Wan Zhen Laozu arrived at his destination and destroyed the small sect that had just occupied him with absolute strength. Just as Wan Zhen Lao Zu scolded those people for being beyond their ability, Geng Lao and others came.

Wanzhen Laozu didn't want to do more business, but he saw the group of people on the dragon, Xiaojing and other Yutu people, and Zheng Wei praised the crowd, especially the face that looked like his master. Wanzhen Laozu was shocked. The next moment, he was extremely surprised and thought to himself, "God's pity, it turned out Well, with what I know about that boy, as long as I save them and his relatives, he will definitely give me back my freedom, for sure!"

With a firm mind, Wan Zhen Laozu took people up to kill and laid out the old Geng. Among them, the most outstanding performance was the son of heaven. With the group of Wan Zhen Laozu, the pursuit turned into an anti-chasing. Those people fled invincible, but even if they fled, the emperor left one arm of the strange man

The next thing naturally became logical. The ancestor of Wanzhen showed his identity and said frankly that he was a servant of Chu Nan. In addition, Zheng Weizan and others also knew each other. Chu Tianfeng and others went to the anti-sky gang, which also expressed their gratitude to the emperor, and the ancestor of thousands of thousands of ancestors sent people to find out Needless to say, he recovered the human form of Geng Lao, and specially asked the son of heaven for the arm of a strange man. Of course, the emperor did not refuse. He readily gave it to Mr. Geng, and he was still saying in his heart, "Bu divination, the clearer the calculation, the better."

Looking at Chu Tianfeng and others walking towards the anti-sky gang, the emperor showed nothing abnormal on the surface, and he faintly thought in his heart: "Although the means are a little old-fashioned, it is better to use and easy to use. After completing this small step, we will proceed to the next step, but I don't know where Chu Inside."

When the emperor was thinking, Xiaojing's eyes swept over him. The emperor smiled brightly. Xiaojing turned her head and turned her head. Of course, she didn't know that this person was that person, and the emperor thought in his heart, "Let's play to cheer you up?"

However, this time, the emperor's eyes are not only Xiaojing, but also Pei Siyu!

In the Qiankun Sect, there is still a scene of desperately (5) cultivation and desperately improving strength. Jiuwu, Changming songs, etc. are creating their own universe. In this, Lingyun has not relaxed. On the contrary, she also used Qiankun Sect to let the "luck" she practice greatly increase.

Tiankui in the sky is increasingly uneasy, especially because of Chu Nan's lack of information, which made him inexplicably panic. After thinking for a while, Tiankui said, "Even if the real plan can't be started, the Qiankun Sect should touch it, but before touching it, the most So find another person."

Chu Nan didn't know what happened here. He was still touring among the unknown continents, swallowing so many mainlands in the void. The heaven and earth have strengthened so much, and the world in his body is even more powerful and extraordinary. Chu Nan has faintly felt the coming of the third disaster.

"The third disaster is coming, and we still need an opportunity."

Chu Nan read it and immediately understood his opportunity, that is, the understanding of "time". Maybe it does not need to fully understand "time", just enough to lead to the third disaster. "The last time was false, and this time should be true."

Realizing the third disaster, Chu Nan's cultivation is even more crazy. He can't fully fight against time, so he has to have the power to break free from time!