Wu Rebellious Universe

2118 Strongman Era

Starting again, Chu Nan was not sitting in a virtual beast, but a strange thing. After talking with the strange thing, Chu Nan initially let the strange thing understand that he did not mean to it, and then Chu Nan let the strange thing go around the world in his body.

Chu Nan's original intention was to let strange things that have lived for many years to take a look at the world in his body and help him figure out what was going on in the world in his body, but after the strange things came out, the fear on his face became stronger.

After that, Chu Nan asked the strange thing to take him to find all kinds of energy. The strange thing also roared and agreed, but there was another condition. After this matter was completed and Chu Nan was sent back to his original place, Chu Nan would let him leave.

Chu Nan agreed that such a powerful guy, Chu Nan's current strength can't give in. It is only because of his life power that he can make strange things do this. If the strange things are forced, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Along the way, Chu Nan was also studying strange things, and the strange things did not stop it. Because of this, Chu Nan easily knew a lot of things. For example, he found that there was also space in the body of strange things, and it was much larger than his space. He also found that the strange things in his stomach was simply another sky. There is everything...

After learning this, Chu Nan asked, "Can you eat the real stars?" The strange thing shouted happily a few times, meaning that of course he could. Chu Nan was not too surprised, and then asked, "Your strength is greater than that of the whole sky and stars?"

Then, Chu Nan described the situation of his punching the stars a few days ago. The strange thing shouted, and Chu Nan frowned. Chu Nan could roughly know the meaning of the previous shouts, but the cry made him a little confused.

After shouting strange things for a long time, Chu Nan didn't figure it out. Finally, Chu Nan was cruel and released his consciousness, communicated with strange things with consciousness, and entered the sea of consciousness of strange things. Chu Nan directly had a sense of fainting. The sea of consciousness of strange things was really the sea. Chu Nan's consciousness was in it The boat thrown around may be swallowed up at any time.

Chu Nan's behavior was very risky. Fortunately, the strange thing really did not harm Chu Nan's heart, and his consciousness fluctuated slowly. Five days later, Chu Nan roughly understood something. It turned out that the strange thing swallowed the stars did not want to swallow that one, but swallowed those stars that were out of orbit or weak.

Then, Chu Nan retreated and digested what he got from strange things. In the middle, strange things carried Chu Nan to one continent after another. In addition to the mainland, there were other existences, such as a stone, a vine and so on...

Chu Nan swallowed them all. These things looked ordinary, but strange things took him there. It must be unusual. After March, the world area in Chu Nan's body had exceeded ten days, and the things inside slowly became traceable.

For Chu Nan's question, the strange thing is a little confused, as if it doesn't know what time is at all. Seeing this, Chu Nan changed the question, "They all say that those continents are made of very powerful things. You are so powerful, why haven't you turned into energy?"

"So you have lived for so long, do you know the era of a strong man like a forest?"

The strange thing looked up and ponder for a while and nodded. Chu Nan quickly slipped his consciousness into the sea of strange things' consciousness. Then, Chu Nan saw some intermittent pictures.

He saw a man about a hundred feet tall carrying a mountain the size of a totem continent on his shoulder and throwing it out!

For the era of the strong like a forest, he has thought about it countless times that there are strong people in the realm of the universe, and even a higher existence than the strong in the realm of the universe is very common. This is already the limit of his imagination, but he did not expect that the strong man is so strong and horrible.

Break the stars with one punch and shoot down the sun with one arrow. What kind of existence is this?

Chu Nan was deeply shocked. This shock shocked him for three days and three nights, and then he recovered. After recovering, Chu Nan clenched his fists, his eyes were extremely bright, and he said, "This is the strong man, this is the real strong man!"

In the heart, the meaning of the strong is deeply rooted; in the body, the blood is boiling, and the will to fight!

After calming down, Chu Nan was confused, "Why is such a strong existence destroyed? Who can destroy them? How can this era of strong people disappear?

There is no answer, only the silence of Chu Nan and the sigh of strange things!

Hearing the sigh of a strange thing, Chu Nan suddenly asked, "Did you survive from that era?"

Chu Nan didn't get an answer, and the strange thing was silent; however, Chu Nan felt that his guess was likely to be true, and his thoughts spread out in an instant, "If the strange thing was in that era, why was he afraid of my life force, and the scream still smelled horrible? Is it true that my life force and that What does it have to do with the destruction of the times?

In this regard, Chu Nan only speculated. Chu Nan did not know what the truth was. In the following days, in addition to swallowing one powerful "life" and energy after another, Chu Nan began to think about the "era of the strong".

"If these things are swallowed by those strong people, then I will practice the era of the strong."

Chu Nan knew that to cultivate the era of the strong, he not only needed energy, but also needed things about that era. Therefore, Chu Nan entered the sea of consciousness of strange things again and again, looked at the real earth-shaking picture, and understood the true meaning of the strong feelings.

Every time he gets something, Chu Nan enters the time array to digest. Anyway, there are extremely strong strange things. Such as virtual beasts, space and so on are not strange things. Those powerful virtual beasts in the eyes of martial artists are an ant in front of strange things. It's too late to escape. How dare you provoke strange things? As for Some dangerous space, strange things are directly mouthful and swallowed.

The strange thing arrived at (5) a destination, and if Chu Nan did not wake up, the strange thing was waiting. However, after talking with Chu Nan that day, the strange thing's eyes changed a little, and it seemed to be a little sad.

In this way, a whole year and a half has passed in the real time. To count Chu Nan's time in the time array, it has been four or five hundred years. There are countless "life" swallowed by Chu Nan. The world in the body has soared to the size of the continent in seven or ten days. The tree inside goes straight into Nanchuanzhou!

In addition, Chunan's "era of the strong" has also come up with a prototype. Although it is a prototype, it is really powerful!

Although there are still many places that strange things know, Chu Nan has returned to his heart like an arrow. He wants to go back very much, so he temporarily gave up the void refining and let the strange things send him back.

Strange things are very fast. Half a month later, Chu Nan arrived at a continent where he could communicate with the portal. Although this continent was also relatively desolate, there was human life on it, and Chu Nan did not swallow the life of this continent.

Chu Nan said goodbye to the strange thing, but the strange thing gave him the tooth that Chu Nan broke, and then roared at Chu Nan. Chu Nan clearly meant that if he was in danger, he would destroy his teeth, and it could come to Chu Nan.

When Chu Nan contacted the "door" left in Qiankunzong, Qiankunzong was fighting...