Wu Rebellious Universe

2151 Eat Duel

When Chu Nan rushed back to Tianwu Continent with Meng'er, the team of natural and often famous songs were still wandering in the strange continent. The strangeness of this continent was that the rules and rules they understood, including order, had a very small effect on those people, and those people were very immune to them.

Because of this, when they are enemies of the whole continent, their situation is not too optimistic, but on the other hand, this continent is also a great opportunity for them to temper. Whether it is the natural wind of the sky, the luck of Lingyun, the sword of Jiuwu, the death of Changming songs, Situ Yixiao's dream, etc. Strengthen it!

Slowly, naturally, they found that the aura of the continent was losing, and the strength of those people was also declining. The most obvious was order, laws and so on, which increased the degree of damage to them.

In the face of such a situation, everyone discussed for a long time, but did not come to a conclusion. However, their situation was slowly getting better, and even occupied a good territory. After finding the foothold, they naturally took out the portal and gathered everyone's efforts to study it. Everyone was worried about the current situation of Chu Nan, especially natural With Lingyun, the look of worry in his eyes has never faded.

However, the portal is very complicated. They have studied for a long time and have not gained anything. Situ Yixiao still dreamed with the portal and did not come to any conclusion. However, the natural wind of the sky can also cause a little reaction of the portal.

However, such a situation did not take up for a long time. As Tiankui came to this continent, the situation took a 180-degree turn. The first stop of Tiankui's plan was just not good, that is, the continent they arrived inadvertently. As soon as Tiankui came, he immediately found that the mainland was abnormal and What he thought is so far away that it is far from meeting his expectations, especially the idea of staying in this continent, which is even more unbearable. Even if he swallows it back, he can't be much stronger.

"I launched the plan in advance, and it's not like this. Why is that?"

When Tiankui was puzzled, the news about Tiankui and Jiuwu came into the hands of Tiankui. Tiankui's first reaction was panic, because he had been in contact with Jiuwu and others. He thought that Chu Nan was also on this continent, and now he was definitely not Chu Nan's opponent, so he panicked.

When Tiankui understood that there was no Chu Nan among the people, his mind came to life again, and he wanted to hold all these people in his hands to deal with Chu Nan. At the same time, Tiankui thought that the changes in the mainland were also naturally caused by them.

At present, Tiankui's order went down, and the whole continent was boiling!

Heavy attacks poured in, and naturally their territory was soon lost, followed by being chased and killed. All the people were being chased and killed almost all the time. If they hadn't worked together and had a variety of means, coupled with Tiankui's serious injury, they would have been taken down long ago.

A few days later, naturally, they were still not caught. Tiankui couldn't help but decide to take action in person when he felt that the aura was disappearing faster and faster. He believed that even if he was seriously injured, he could make them resist with time to attack.

At the same time, Chu Nan was still telling Meng'er about his experience after the separation of the two. Of course, it also included nature. When talking about nature, Chu Nan was still worried. Meng'er had threatened with her fists in the past.

After listening to the natural story, Meng'er was expressionless. Seeing this, Chu Nan was even more panicked. He was more panicked than the giants in the era of the strong man at that time. Menger said coldly, "You promised me that you didn't do it. So, I want to fight with you. If you can beat me If you can't win, hum..."

When Chu Nan, who was in a panic, heard Meng'er's words, he calmed down. Thinking of why Meng'er said so, Chu Nan's pity increased greatly. He hugged Meng'er. Meng'er tried her best to push Chu Nan out and said, "Don't touch me. We haven't duel yet!"

Chu Nan laughed and said, "There are many ways to duel. Let's change to a way of duel, such as 'eat'. This way of duel is very good!"

"Last time you ate me, this time I must eat you and beat you!"

With that, Chu Nan sacrificed out the barrier that the space storm could not break, and his lips were domineeringly printed. Meng'er still resisted at the beginning, but how could he resist? Soon, Meng'er couldn't resist, but Meng'er did not compromise and said, "Dnerd, I may not lose!"

This collision was more intense than the last eye collision. The sparks were much more intense, and the sparks evolved into raging fire!

After a long time, the duel of "eating" finally divided the winner. Meng'er is as soft as noodles and sweaty, but Chu Nan is still a hundred times more energetic. Looking at that style, it's not a problem to "eat" thousands of times!

"In front of you, I'm a complete bad guy!"

After a lot of interesting words, the two rushed on their way again. On the way, Meng'er said, "Did, let's figure out where our natural little beauty is. I'll take a look first, and I haven't seen Lingyun for a long time."

Chu Nan operated his life force. At the beginning, he still had a smile on his face, because the natural strength was also quite strong, and Chu Nan guessed that he would go all the way with Jiuwu and others. In addition to the back road of Qiankunzong, Chu Nan felt that there would be no big problem with their safety. Maybe they had arrived at On the mainland.

However, after a while, the smile on Chu Nan's face disappeared, and then it became solemn. Later, Chu Nan's eyes had already shown killing light. Immediately, Chu Nan put Meng'er into the inner world and rushed away from the nearest way according to the spatial structure!

At the same time, their situation has naturally reached a very dangerous point. Tiankui's time to attack has cost most of their attack strength, and they are surrounded by Tiankui's people in all directions and on the sky and on the ground (5). They can't escape!

Tiankui said, "You have only one way to survive. If you don't submit, then..."

Situ Yixiao said loudly, and there was no look of fear at all. Jiuwu and Chang Mingge shouted in unison, "What's the fear of death?" After drinking, the crowd took the initiative to rush up!

Natural and Lingyun did not rush to kill. Naturally, they are still using the wind of the sky to steer the portal. She hopes that the portal will react, so that she can know that most of Chu Nan is still alive. In addition, she can also find a way for these people.

But at this time, Tiankui's attack spread to nature and other people. Lingyun and nature spit out blood at the same time. Some of the blood splashed on the portal, which naturally operated his own body space, and the wind of the sky penetrated into the portal again...

Naturally, he was overjoyed to see the situation. At the same time, Chu Nan, who was still running wildly in the void, also moved the "door" in his hand. Chu Nan frowned and thought about it. He immediately took out the "portal" and transported it away.

At the same moment, Tiankui saw the portal around them. He reflexively felt something was wrong and shouted loudly, "Destroy that thing, hurry up..." With that, Tiankui took the lead and bombarded away as fast as possible!

How fast Tiankui's speed is. In an instant, Master Lingyun took action. She counterattacked regardless of her fate and launched an attack on Tiankui!