Wu Rebellious Universe

2166 First Dragon, Chaos Robbery

There was relief in this sentence. Chu Nan was full of excitement and a familiar voice. He blurted out, "Are you her?"

Chu Nan was shocked. The "she" he referred to was the "wake up" that came to his mind when he was in a coma or when his life was in danger.

"Not all the time. Do you remember the time when you dropped the blood into the chaos token?"

Chu Nan immediately thought of the nameless token, and it was the first time he got the nameless token with Xiaohei. His thoughts flashed. At that time, the token did not respond, but the voice continued to ring, "However, what I attached to it was just a trace of consciousness, and it would disappear with a little. Point, so I can't help you. In fact, most of the time, the consciousness is also in a deep sleep state. Only at your most critical moment will you wake up and call a few times. However, even if I can do a lot, I won't care about you at that time!"

"That's enough. If it hadn't been for your awakening, maybe I would have been in a coma forever, and it wouldn't have been possible now."

Chu Nan said gratefully, and at the same time, he also vaguely understood why when he heard such a sound at the beginning, he felt that there would be infinite power in his body. No matter how coma he was, he could wake up.

Chu Nan immediately understood that this "child" had a different meaning from the "child" he said to him before. Xiaohei was really her child. Although Chu Nan had guessed something for a long time, he was even more surprised when he heard the affirmative answer.

The voice smiled again and said, "Shilong's bloodline is called Xiaohei by you. I'm afraid only you can do it."

Chu Nan's smile was a little embarrassed. In terms of naming, he was really a fool, like Xiao Array, Xiao Lan and so on. He could have given a powerful and beautiful name, but it was replaced by Chu Nan's initial influence. If he got the black egg at the beginning, the color of the egg was not black, but red and white The name taken from the south must be Xiaohong and Xiaobai.

However, in embarrassment, Chu Nan keenly grasped four words, "The Bloodline of the First Dragon"!

"Although the name doesn't sound good, I'm very gratified by what you did. In addition, you are also qualified to give her this name."

"I am the first dragon, and my daughter is naturally the blood of the first dragon, the first dragon, the first dragon derived from the chaos, called the first dragon!"

Listening to the word "chaos" that penetrated into his mind again and again, Chu Nan's thoughts that he had been thinking before suddenly stopped. Chu Nan asked, "Senior, my energy is perfect to the extreme. When I practice to the extreme, is it called chaos?"

"Yes, the disaster you are having now. Specifically, it should be the disaster of chaos. If you have all gone through it, you can achieve the body of chaos!"

These two words flashed in Chu Nan's mind and immediately asked, "How many times is the chaotic disaster?"

Chu Nan blurted out reflexively that he had always been very ** to the number of ninety-nine, and it was expected that there was still a mystery in it. Unexpectedly, this mystery was so deeply involved with himself. Shi Long said, "You have only passed the fourth time now, and there are still five times. If there is enough time, it is not Now, the time is very short, which is why I will tell you this immediately after you fused the Tianwu array and touched me.

"The remaining five chaotic disasters are no longer the same as the previous four, not one after another, but have always existed. For example, now, you are in the fifth chaotic disaster, but you haven't thought of that layer yet."

Chu Nan's eyes suddenly contracted. Thinking of the picture of the stars falling, he asked, "Senior, who controls the chaos disaster?"

Shilong's voice became heavy, and Chu Nan did not interrupt. He vaguely sensed that what Senior Shilong was going to say next would touch a lot of cores and solve many of his doubts. He only heard Shilong say, "The era of the strong people you know is like a forest. It is the beginning of chaos. After experiencing the stage of The earliest creatures that appeared at that time were also stained with a trace of chaos. There is no need to practice. At the time of birth, there were great means. Breathing and blinking can break the mountain. The words can be shocking. You have also seen the pictures of breaking the star with a punch, shooting the sun with an arrow and so on. They are not afraid at In their hearts, the sun, moon and stars, like them, are just a presence in the universe of heaven and earth, that's all. All living things are equal!"

After a pause, Shilong saw that Chu Nan could still digest it and continued to say, "The world at the beginning of chaos, unlike now, there are many heavens and earth. At that time, there was only one sky, and at that time, there was only one land; at that time, the heaven and earth were the real universe! In that universe, all things are derived, evolved and born a lot of things according to instinct. However, what they are born again no longer has a chaotic breath, but a breath that is much weaker than the chaotic breath, which is called an innate breath; and the innate breath continues to evolve, the more The weaker it is, in the end, some creatures no longer have a trace of innate breath, while some creatures have some in their bodies, but they are deeply hidden and may not be able to stimulate them..."

Speaking of this, Shilong said casually, "Like the domineering spirit stimulated by you, what kind of power of faith is there? To a certain extent, it can be regarded as innate breath, but the power of your faith also breeds other things."

After Chu Nan digested it a little, Shilong said, "Later, after everyone found that this could be stimulated, they tried their best to stimulate the innate breath as much as possible. Then, there were all kinds of cultivation methods, such as martial arts practice, totem cultivation, alchemy, alchemy, rune, etc., are It's just a means to stimulate the innate breath. Of course, it has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years, and it still exists now. It is less than one of the most neglected martial artist cultivation method at that time. Now it is the most widely spread. After all things at that time did not need to polish the body and so on, and the energy of , casually, it is the body of Taiji, the body of immortality, the body of the road, the body of the star and moon treasure, etc. The so-called body of rules will be regarded as a waste body at that time..."

Hearing this, Chu Nan couldn't help taking a cold breath and exclaimed in his heart, "If you can make it casually, how strong is the energy of heaven and earth at that time?" Shi Long sensed the idea in Chu Nan's heart and said with a smile, "How can the energy in your current world be millions of times higher?"

Chu Nan felt that his imagination was not enough, but Shi Long said abruptly, "So, your task is still very heavy." Don't wait for Chu Nan to ask for any task, Shi Long asked Chu Nan, "Son, do you know why all beings have to work hard to develop ways to stimulate the innate breath, even the chaotic atmosphere?"

Closed his eyes, Chu Nan remembered, thinking about the unwillingness of those people at the time of death, thinking about the shout, and then thinking of the destruction of the strong man's era, he couldn't help saying, "In order to live!"

"It's worthy of being a person who can come to this point. Yes, just to live, in order to continue to survive!"