Wu Rebellious Universe

2177 swallowed in one gulp

Shilong took action and wanted to stop Zhuanyu for Chu Nan and lead them back safely. However, Shilong has suffered a lot of restrictions after all. In the face of Zhuanqi, which has become much stronger, Shilong can only delay a little, and Zhuanyu still follows Chu Nan and others, saying, "Shilong, now you can't Let you live alone!"

In this way, Zhuan didn't take action immediately. He also wanted to see how Chu Nan and others dealt with the stars all over the sky. He saw that he had been sleeping almost since his birth and gave Chu Nan something!

The pursuit of Zhuanyu is only one aspect of the difficult situation. On the other hand, the fifth disaster of destruction reached its peak, but the stars fell all over Chunan. At this moment, Chunan is still thinking about the dream of strange things given to him, the sacrifice of strange things, and the wishes of strange things...

Then he looked up and said to the falling stars, "I will go against the stars first!"

In this punch, it combines the power of faith, the life power of Chu Nan after dreaming, as well as the era of the strong, the chaotic universe, and the universe that has only been realized and understood before, a little chaotic energy...

Chu Nan's fist did not directly hit the stars, but in the center of the stars all over the sky. Immediately, the power against the sky fluctuated in all directions, and the falling star immediately stopped, and then rotated around the center of Chu Nan's fist. []

Seeing this, his eyes were slightly stunned for a few days. He smiled and said, "The dragonflies really gave him a lot of things and passed on his chaotic energy to this boy. The boy's understanding of chaos has also deepened a little, and his life force has also been changed. The dragonflies are also true. If these things are given to Go further, but it doesn't matter. It's the same when I get it from him; how long can he stop the stars? With such a punch, even if you fight for your life, how many punches can you make?

In fact, with such a punch, Chu Nan could only punch. Most of the stars in the sky ran on the track bombarded by Chu Nan. At this time, the world in Chu Nan's body was all let go, and his smile stagnated and said with a cold breath, "Does he want to eat them all in one bite?"

It's true. From the beginning, Chu Nan didn't want to stop the stars all over the sky, but to swallow them and swallow them all in one bite. This is a crazy move, so crazy that he is so excited for it!

Of course, Chu Nan did not swallow it randomly. Now the orbit of the stars is the space structure after the explosion of the cosmic crystal. Although Chu Nan has not really entered the realm of Yu, with the help of Chu Nan, he has been able to read the deeper space structure and can change it to a certain extent.

The stars all over the sky followed the track and entered Chu Nan's body space. As soon as he entered, Chu Nan's body trembled violently, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood. Chu Nan's inner world could not withstand the power of the stars all over the sky.

Zhuan smiled, but Chu Nan was not still speeding up the entry of the stars all over the sky. The stars all over his body were also running, sharing part of the energy. However, it still didn't work. The stars all over the sky was only half.

Under great pressure, the meridians created by Chu Nan himself burst one by one until they were destroyed and disappeared. This disappearance was very different from Chu Nan's disappearance in the disaster of water, fire and so on. At that time, the disappearance of the meridians could still be reshaped, but now, Chu Nan I clearly feel that those meridians can no longer be reshaped and will no longer appear in his body.

At this time, Chu Nan seemed to have returned to the origin of cultivation. He had no half an inch of meridians, no universe nine turns, no supreme universe, no speed, power meridians, all disappeared!

Zhuanqi just said, "The meridians are completely destroyed. This is only the beginning. Next, you will destroy the bones and destroy the world!"

It is reasonable that if he suddenly encounters such a situation, Chu Nan will be more or less flustered and a little at a loss. However, Chu Nan is still so calm and has nothing abnormal at all. He just mutters, "Yes, there should have been no meridians in the first place."

When saying this, what came to Chu Nan's mind was the tablet, the painting of heaven and earth, the pictures of the dream from existence to nothing, and the disappearance of the star caves, but they could be arbitrarily transformed at any time and anywhere. Chu Nan continued to read: "No, nothing is born out of nothing. What kind of merid What kind of meridians!"

As Chu Nan said this sentence, tens of thousands of meridians appeared in his body in an instant, large and small, long and short. It seemed to be disorderly, but in fact, they were arranged in Chu Nan's body in an orderly manner.

Zhuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's worthy of the person they chose. They still have a little ability to create something out of nothing. Do you know that there is no root, no source, no root, no meridian, what's the use?"

Chu Nan said that he still had meridians out of nothing. At the same time, after seeing those spatial structures broken, he suddenly shouted, "Small array!"

At present, the girl-like small array jumped into the space structure after the burst of the crystal of the universe in the inner world, and blended with it. It can be said that the small array has become the soul of the space structure, giving that thing life; it can also be said that the space structure has become a part of the small array, and the two !

After the small array is integrated, the broken space structure is not only restored, but also integrated into the sky by the small array, becoming more powerful and able to withstand more energy. At this time, the stars all over the sky have been running into two-thirds!

The meridians in Chu Nan's body are densely entangled. I don't know how many of them have become messy on the surface, but in fact, Chu Nan is using the meridians and acupuncture points to interpret the Tianwu mainland!

In this way, Chu Nan thought it was very simple, that is, to connect with the Tianwu mainland through the Tianwu array, and then borrow the power of the acquired era to oppose the stars all over the sky, against the sun and moon, the sky, and against the original universe...

Chu Nan's face was so pale that it was more dead than the dead. Although the blood kept flowing out of (5) Chu Nan's body, it did not splash out, but covered Chu Nan layer by layer. When the blood layer was as thick as a finger, the Tianwu Continent in the body was completely interpreted. In an instant, the blood layer In the south of the body, nourished by blood, the martial arts mainland was alive that day!

At the same time, all the stars in the sky followed the orbit and entered the world in Chunan's body. In the sky, there was no star. Only then did Chu Nan begin to refine the stars in the sky together, refine them together, refine them with the world in the world in the body, refine them with the Tianwu continent, refine them with the Practice with your strength!

The smile has passed away. "If you really eat a big fat man in one bite, won't you be afraid of being choked to death?" The question came out, and he suddenly frowned, but he felt that Shilong's strength had become much stronger.

"In the state of the first dragon, she can't become stronger at this time..." Zhuan looked at Chu Nan, "Did this boy do something else in it? If it's true, I'm more interested."

Here, Chu Nan also sneered softly, because when refining those stars, two chaotic tokens suddenly burst out. Chu Nan was stunned and was happy, "It's really a surprising thing. Ninety-eight chaotic tokens, and now, there is only one last piece left!"