Wu Rebellious Universe

2179 swallow the sun and refine the moon

If "separation of bone and flesh" is also a kind of martial art, it is the first martial art mastered by Chu Nan. However, at the beginning, this martial art was used to cut chickens, kill fish and kill dogs, but now it is used to cut open the moon!

The bones and flesh of warcrafts such as rabbits are a kind of texture, and the structure of the bright moon is also a kind of texture!

When the "separation of bone and flesh" reaches half, Chu Nan can no longer be cut. First, the texture of the back has not been fully clarified, and second, the power of the bright moon is really not easy to cut. Moreover, there is a scorching sun that echoes. The scorching sun has already shines directly on But not only flesh and blood, but also Chunan's energy, the inner world, including Chunan's spirit, everything is burning. []

Although it was only half separated, it was enough for Chu Nan to liberate that hand. The moment he removed the epee, Chu Nan's right hand was directly grasped by half of the separated bright moon in the palm of his hand, instantly turned into the inner world, and refined!

The bright moon was lacking, and the scorching sun was affected and was about to fall, but the speed of rushing towards Chu Nan was faster. Chu Nan had become a fireman. At this time, the little black roared of the dragon, and the ten claws hit half of the bright moon. There were more cracks. The dragon claws had

However, Xiaohei has been fighting since he woke up from a critical crisis. He has paid a huge price and has already been seriously injured. Therefore, it is quite difficult to swallow this half of the bright moon.

Chu Nan's refining was not going too smoothly, because the power of the scorching sun was too strong, which made him refine too slowly. Chu Nan frowned and ruthlessly swallowed all the scorching sun flames on his body into the world of his body. At the same time, he rotated the stars, sun and moon that had been The power of faith is integrated into it, and the power of those flames is slightly restrained and the refining is accelerated.

Half of the bright moon that was refined made Chu Nan melt into the moon he created. Looking at the scorching sun that was about to cover him and Xiaohei, Chu Nan shouted again: "Steal the sky for the sun!"

This time, it was the "sun" for the "sun". Chu Nan changed the sun in the world in his body to the scorching sun. At the beginning, Chu Nan heard a "cle" sound all over his body, but Chu Nan did not give up and was still changing. The scorching sun slowly approached Chu Nan!

In an instant, the sun created by Chu Nan crashed into the scorching sun. The scorching sun shook violently, and part of the power was divided into burning the sun. Taking this opportunity, Xiaohei swallowed more than half of the moon fiercely, and the scorching sun was about to fall into the place of lone soldiers.

Then, Chu Nan stepped towards the scorching sun. Zhuan was surprised again, a trace of hesitation, and remembered the picture of Chu Nan and Xiao Hei killing the bright moon. Zhuan no longer waited and wanted to step up, but he found that he seemed to be in a quagmire!

Zhuan shouted: "Silong, it's useless, you can't stop me! Moreover, why do you have to stop me? Aren't you going to reborn chaos and reopen the universe? I made this wish come true for you!"

There is no echo, but only a more fierce attack. The senior Shilong on the Tianwu mainland is also working hard. She must stop the dragonfth to prevent the dragonfthfth from destroying Chunan at this time. For this reason, the thick canopy on the Tianwu mainland has also become weak and cracked.

"Do you dare to use the canopy of Tianwu Continent? Aren't you afraid that the sky will be destroyed and disaster will come? When the era dies, Shilong, you are not far from death!" Zhuan roared, but it was still useless. He took a look at Chu Nan and thought to himself, "I hope the scorching sun can hold Chu Nan for a period of time. This trouble can't stop me for much time."

On Chunan's side, after three steps, he crossed the burned void, walked into the scorching sun, and shouted, "Come in!" When the words fell, Chu Nan loaded the scorching sun into the fire with a moth, and there was no Chu Nan's figure in the shabby void, and some were still just the flames of the scorching sun.

Before Xiaohei has fully digested the half-round bright moon, he has carried Chu Nan on it regardless and desperately went to the Tianwu mainland. He is very anxious to see it, but he can't break the trouble of the first dragon immediately, unless he pays a certain price, but at the present, he doesn't want to pay too much price, and Zhou.

Therefore, Zhuanqi can only look at Xiaohei and Chunan getting farther and farther away. After another look, Zhuanqi calmed down and said, "What can you do if you run far?" I took this opportunity to seriously injure Shilong, so it would be much easier to do things later.

Xiaohei carried the scorching sun, and countless small worlds also completely fell into the darkness with Xiaohei's departure. Therefore, despair spread in this dark place, and they all thought that the doomsday era was coming!

The scorching sun is not so easy to carry. The little black dragon scales fell off one by one, burned the flesh and blood, and burned to the keel, but Xiaohei was still running desperately. Chu Nan was fighting fiercely with the scorching sun. The attack containing immortal faith began to disappear under the burning of the scorching sun

When Chu Nan saw it, he guessed that firstly, because the scorching sun was too strong, even the power of faith could be burned. Second, the power of faith was also weaker. "It's mostly because something happened in the Tianwu mainland."

Something did happen on the mainland of Tianwu, but it was caused by the thick sky curtain. Many martial artists vomited blood and fell into a coma. In addition, the first dragon was injured, and the Tianwu mainland was also greatly affected. Therefore, the power of faith obtained by Chu Nan was less, the power of faith was weak, and the whole

Chu Nan's eyes burst out and hit his mind on the creatures bred in the inner world. Immediately, a figure floated in heaven and earth, and all the creatures in the inner world could be seen. Chu Nan said, "I know that you have derived consciousness. You should know that if I perish, you will also be destroyed. So, I need your help, your strength, and your faith!"

In fact, Chu Nan doesn't need to say such words. He naturally has control over these things he created. With an order, those creatures will naturally follow the order. However, Chu Nan did not do so, which is not what he wants.

The sound (5) spreads into the heart of every creature. The dragon roars out the roar of the nine heavens, the phoenix dances like the phoenix singing of the galaxy, the beasts, birds, mountains, water and other things with life, including the first continent to be born, the continent that has been transformed into spirits, all believe

For a while, the strong and pure power of faith surrounded Chu Nan, the attack was no longer extinguished, and the refining was forever endless. The power of the scorching sun slowly weakened, while the sun created by Chu Nan gradually prevailed and wanted to replace the scorching sun.

However, this replacement process did not happen overnight. Chu Nan's injury became more and more serious; the epee has been cut off, and the virtual fire rune bell has evolved into the universe belonging to Chu Nan. At the same time, it crashed into the scorching sun without any obstruction, and merged with the sun created Get up.

When the sun hung above the sky, Chu Nan suddenly found that there was a person in his inner world, not the people he threw in, but the people born in the inner world. This person was born from nothingness, grew in the wind, and in a blink of an eye, from a baby to an adult...

The situation has improved, and the danger of the scorching sun has been solved. At this moment, Zhuanyu broke through the obstruction of Shilong and chased him. Zhuanyu said, "What a powerful boy, he actually swallowed up the scorching sun. It's not bad to stay today!"

Just as Chu Nan was about to launch an attack brazenly, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him. He was stunned and his face suddenly changed, "You..."