Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 1 People Who Don't Exist

Chapter 1 People Who Don't Exist

At ten o'clock in the morning, the bright sun shines in H City, located in southern China, turning the whole city into a dazzling white. If possible, everyone can't wait to stay indoors and not to go out.

"Ringling - get up! Bell bell - get up!!" A harsh sound sounded in the room, and a humanoid creature stretched out a hand from the air conditioner to grab the alarm clock, but the only running alarm clock was rolling all over the room at this moment. If someone doesn't get up, it can't catch it at all.

After struggling for a while, someone finally gave up the idea of pressing the alarm clock and stretched out a nest-like head from the pillow and begged, "Brother Win, help me. I didn't go to bed until five o'clock in the morning!!"

"You deserve it!! Who told you to always rush the manuscript on the last day? A voice sounded from the ground. Although he said he was gloating, in a second, the alarm finally calmed down as someone wanted. ** The humanoid creature was able to continue to meet with the Zhou Convention, and the room returned to a dead silence.

Five minutes later, the mobile phone at the head of the bed shouted reluctantly: "My little baby, we are a couple!" My little baby, we are a couple, my little baby, we are a couple, my little baby, we are a couple, my little baby, my little baby, we are a couple, baby, baby... Bei, we are a couple, me..." Don't wait for the bell After the sound, it has been pressed by someone...

** When the man turned over and wanted to continue to sleep, the landline by the bed rang again: "Woo-woo - the car in front of me is on the side! The car in front is on the side! There is a convoy behind!! Whoo-taxi pulls aside..."

"Ah!!!!" Someone finally couldn't stand it and shouted and sat up from **: "Don't let people live?!!" After saying that, she reached out and picked up the phone: "Wu Linger is dead! Burn paper if you have something to do!!"

"There is no problem for her death, as long as she gives me the manuscript before she dies!!" There was a cold voice at the other end of the phone. After hearing this sound, someone's sleepiness finally disappeared completely: "Honey, it's you!!" As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Linger quickly took the phone far away. As expected, the editor on the other end of the phone was already roaring: "Who is your dear?!! If you don't hand in this month's manuscript, I will deduct your three-month manuscript fee. Do you believe it or not?

Wu Linger smiled carefully while turning on the computer: "Honey, I'm going to send you the manuscript. Don't be angry. It's easy to get wrinkles when you're angry! Don't worry, I am the most..."

said a lot of good words to appease the violent editor. After Wu Linger sent the manuscript of this month, she fell tiredly in **: "Wow~~ Finally handed in safely!"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. Today is your aunt Xuan's birthday. If you don't call her again, you will be unlucky for another week!!" The slightly evil voice on the ground is used to remind Ling Chen lying on **. But I didn't expect this sentence to scare Wu Linger to jump up from **: "Why didn't you say it earlier!!" After saying that, she had hurriedly dialed the long-distance call. Even if she offends the editor, Wu Linger does not dare to offend her aunt Xuan. Although she said that her aunt's magic power has disappeared because of marriage, she can find some small props to make a bad luck curse that Ling Chen can't stand it.

After talking on the phone with her aunt for half an hour, Wu Linger seemed to have exhausted her last trace of strength. She fell weakly **: "Let me die, I will never wake up again!"

Before the words fell, the doorbell rang: "Is anyone there? Miss Wu, your express!!"

A howl sounded, and Wu Linger got up helplessly and opened the door...

After entering the room with the package, Wu Linger stood up as if there were no bones: "Brother Win, help me unplug the phone line, turn off my hand, and the doorbell is closed. If there is any more noise to disturb me to sleep, I will chop you into a football team!!"

After hearing Wu Linger's threat, the interesting voice on the ground did not appear again, and the room finally became really quiet.

In the room opposite Wu Linger's apartment, a man pulled off his headphones and turned around crazily and said to his companion, "Brother Dong, who is that winning brother? I think our surveillance is close enough, but I have never seen the shadow of the winning brother in Wu Linger's mouth, but his voice shows that he really exists!!"

Another man monitored every move in Wu Linger's room with a high-power telescope: "If it's a simple job, it's not our turn to take action. Xiaoxia, stay at ease, you will always catch him!!"

Hearing his companion's words, the man had no choice but to put on his headphones again, but only heard the sound of Wu Linger's dream. What was not surprising was that every dream: "oil fried crayfish... braised meat... steamed bass..." The feelings were still the same as usual. The girl fell asleep without eating, so she was busy in her dream. Filling her stomach, she is not afraid of being full!

——————————————The dividing line of beautiful food in a beautiful dream——————————

I slept until it was dark. By the time Wu Linger woke up, the whole city had fallen into silence. Dongge, a man who has been observing Wu Linger with high-power binoculars, automatically ignored her sleeping when she kicked Bo under the bed and pulled ** five or six pillows to the end of the bed, while Xiaoxia, who was responsible for monitoring, recorded countless food names, as well as Wu Linger's curses and giggle...

Seeing Wu Linger sit up like a sleepwalking, Xiao Xia Qiang cheered up and raised the monitoring voice, but heard Wu Linger say in a vague voice, "Brother Win, help me order takeaway!!"

"KFC's take-out family bucket?" The sound that made Xiaoxia crazy sounded, but Brother Dong gestured to him to calm down.

Obviously, Wu Linger didn't know that someone was watching her dozens of meters away outside the window. She scratched her hair like a bird's nest with her hand and said, "Eat these will make you fat!" I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs and steamed fish..."

Wu Linger was talking when she was suddenly hit in the head by a pen: "Bribs? Fish? You don't see what time it is and still eat. Why don't you become a pig? You ¥&#%......*......*”

After listening to this voice, Wu Linger's sleepiness finally woke up completely. She raised her eyebrows and hit a pillow on the ground: "I'm not angry. You think I'm a HELLOKITTY, aren't you? On the contrary, you? Don't think that if I call you a winning brother, you can be the boss in front of me, I'll tell you! Old%&#......*&¥&”

Listening to this repeated dialogue every night, Xiaoxia's mouth was a little bitter: "Brother Dong, if it weren't for this voice of Brother Win, I would have really thought that Wu Linger was a split personality!"

"Look, don't talk too much!" Although he taught Xiaoxia a lesson like this, Brother Dong's eyebrows were also locked. From the telescope, he really couldn't see anyone else in Wu Linger's room. After a while, when he saw that Wu Linger finally stopped throwing things around, Brother Dong said to Xiaoxia, "Let the next group of successors bring the hot phase instrument!" It seems that after this night, he finally gave up.

Xiaoxia didn't say much, but just called her companion. Dongge watched Wu Linger enter the bathroom, but found that she didn't make a phone call, or even the mobile phone left on the ground. She didn't bend down to pick it up.

When Wu Linger came out of the bathroom, the doorbell had been rang: "Hello, the KFC you want to take out the family bucket!!"

Wu Linger ran to open the door with a pajamas and a wallet. After a while, she walked into the room with a bag in her arms. It seemed that she had never thought of a girl. It was very dangerous to open the door casually at night.

Sitting **, Wu Linger skillfully turned on the computer, hugged the big bucket of family bucket and ate happily, and threw one or two kinds of food on the floor from time to time.

Seeing Wu Linger's action every night, the person known as Brother Dong was stunned: "Xiaoxia, why did Wu Linger throw what she didn't eat on the ground?"

"Maybe you don't like it?"

"Then why have we never seen her sweep and mop the floor? I didn't even hire an hourly worker to clean up??!" Thinking of this city, Brother Dong punched the wall fiercely: "There is someone on the floor!!"

How is it possible? Can't you see anyone on the ground from this angle? And can that person lie on the floor all the time and never get up and never go to the toilet? Brother Dong, you are too nervous. Let's wait until they send the thermal imager!!"

Being reminded by Xiaoxia, Brother Dong remembered that his speculation just now was full of loopholes, but apart from this, there seems to be no way to explain where the "win brother" stayed.

Wu Linger, who chatted with her friends while eating in the room, didn't know that she had such a headache for others, so she naturally ignored the package sent this morning.

Just as Wu Linger was having a good time, a mobile phone rang in the room suddenly. Wu Linger did not react for a moment: "Brother Win, help me answer the phone!"

"Your mobile phone is not ringing!"

After hearing this sentence, Wu Linger's face turned pale, and then she realized that the ringtone was not her mobile phone ringtone. She turned her head with difficulty, swallowed a mouthful of water and asked, "Is it a ghost call?"

Brother Win's voice is not sure at this moment: "It doesn't seem to be! That... The sound seems to come from the package sent today. Can you open it and have a look?"

Wu Linger screamed and jumped from the chair to **, holding a pillow and shrank to the corner of the bed: "Brother Win, don't scare me!!"

"Cut, just like you, give it to others and others will disdain it!!" After Brother Win finished speaking, he heard a strange sound in the room. Suddenly, a mobile phone flew up from the ground and fell to Wu Linger's feet: "There is no caller ID. Answer it. I can't die with me!!"