Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 8 Unknown Journey

Chapter 8 Unknown Journey

Looking at the height of the mirror and the ground, Brother Ying began to hate why the hotel didn't completely lean the dressing mirror against the wall and had to leave such a big gap. If he is unstable, he is very likely to fall directly to the ground from a meter high. Although he will not die, it will be very painful: "Hold me down!!"

Wu Linger came over with a smile: "Didn't you hit me very well just now? Fight again! Hit me again!!"

At this moment, Brother Win really wants to smoke Wu Linger twice. The problem is that its body has begun to slide down the smooth mirror: "I'm wrong. Can't I be wrong? Hug me down!!" This is probably the legendary hero who doesn't suffer losses in front of him, right?

Seeing that Brother Ying admitted his mistake, Wu Linger no longer cared about him. After throwing him on the table with one hand, she also sat down in front of the dresser: "You mean that Qin Xiaojing is a gangster?"

It's not easy to get out of danger. Brother Win didn't dare to take risks again and just said, "Almost, but I don't think he is as simple as an ordinary underworld."

On this point, there is no need to say that Wu Linger also knows that Qin Xiaojing can participate in this medical seminar, and the professional medical journals he read on the plane knows that Qin Xiaojing is really good at medical skills. How can such a powerful person be an ordinary underworld: "Brother Win, do you think he will be a legendary killer?"

When it comes to killers, Wu Linger's eyes immediately began to shine. She has also written some novels about killers. In addition, how handsome and powerful she is in TV and movies. No wonder she is full of fantasies about killers. What's more, Qin Xiaojing is still such a handsome man...

Seeing that Wu Linger began to be crazy again, Brother Win sighed and didn't know what to say about her. Wu Linger is good at everything, but the two points of nymphomaniac and association are too rich, which are headaches. If it's usual, it doesn't matter, but in this situation, it's too dangerous for her to be like this.

Just as Brother Win hesitated to say something, Wu Linger's phone suddenly rang. She picked up her mobile phone and saw that it was Li Tianzuo's. She pressed the power button without thinking about it. Wu Linger cursed headlessly. At this time, Brother Win knew that Wu Linger was a nymphomaniac and still knew the priorities of things in her heart. .

After Wu Linger scolded enough, she asked, "Say, what's the matter with you throwing me to a killer? Are you still counting on me to help you kill people? Let me tell you, there is no door!"

Li Tianzuo on the other end of the phone also didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You don't need to do this kind of thing. I'm just worried that the witches won't let you go, so I asked Qin Xiaojing to protect you. He is the best killer in China. With him by your side, ordinary people should not be able to hurt you. As for the witches, they will not deal with you with witchcraft when they are not sure that you have saint blood.

After listening to Li Tianzuo's words, Wu Linger couldn't help rolling his eyes: "When I'm an idiot, let the killer be a bodyguard?! And he is quite dissatisfied with me now. Maybe one day he will make him unhappy, and he will solve me at once. Although he was not happy to be used as a gunman by Li Tianzuo, it seemed that the witch would not embarrass her too much for the time being. Wu Linger's heart was finally half relieved: "Since the witch will not embarrass me, how can anyone fight with me? Also, Qin Xiaojing is at least a killer. Won't it be dangerous for me to be with him?

"It is because you don't know whether you have the potential to practice witchcraft, so the witch people will keep sending ordinary people to test you. You should be glad that last time you drove away those two people with a crossbow instead of witchcraft, otherwise you would be in danger now. As for Qin Xiaojing, don't worry, he will take care of it. Just remember that you should follow him wherever he goes. This is for your safety and God's blessing.

When Wu Linger was wondering why Li Tianzuo said so, Li Tianzuo had already opened his mouth and explained: "I recently found a master, and he told me that the key to this matter lies with you and Qin Xiaojing, so recently, you two should stay together as much as possible anyway! Believe me, Ling Er, I won't hurt you!"

Believe that you are a ghost! While Wu Linger muttered in her heart, she answered another answer: "What about the cost of staying in a hotel and staying in Hong Kong? I'm just a poor person, but I can't afford the rent of this kind of hotel. The truth is that Wu Linger said the opposite. Although she is just a code word, her aunt left a lot of money for her before going abroad. Not to mention eating, living and playing in Hong Kong for a month, even if she plans to travel around the world for ten years, it is not a problem. The reason why Wu Linger said this was that she was helping Li Tianzuo now, so it was natural for Li Tianzuo to pay.

Sure enough, Li Tianzuo smiled and said, "There should be a white envelope on the bedside table, which contains a credit card with a limit of $500,000. I think it should be enough for you for a period of time. If it is not enough, call me and tell me, and I will remember to transfer money into it!"

After listening to this, Wu Linger motioned Brother Win to look at the envelope and found a credit card in it. I wanted to blackmail the other party, but I didn't expect that others had been obediently leading the neck, causing Wu Linger to lose the mood to play: "Well, there is nothing else for the time being. I just got off the plane and I want to take a break! I'll contact you if I need anything!" After saying that, she hung up the phone rudely.

After taking a shower, Wu Linger lay down boredly**: "Brother Win, what should I do now? Do you really want to follow Qin Xiaojing step by step?

Brother Win is also a little bored arching around the edge of the quilt: "Anyway, you are Yan Kong, Qin is also good-looking, and you won't suffer losses if you follow him."

"Don't you understand yet?" Wu Linger turned over and looked at Brother Win, but she didn't notice that most of the bath towel on her body was scattered. Suddenly, the room was full of spring: "Qin Xiaojing is so careful of Ye Tian. I think his coming to Hong Kong is not only for a meeting, but also I have paid attention to his bag, which is a little heavy! Of course, we can also understand that a killer must have these things to feel safe. But isn't it easy to get guns in Hong Kong? Why did you have to risk the security check and bring a gun?

Brother Win had discovered these things for a long time, but he felt that Wu Linger was under enough pressure now, so he didn't want to tell her, but he didn't expect that she had discovered it long ago. Seeing that she usually doesn't care about anything, she didn't expect that her mind could be so delicate.

Thinking of this, Brother Win sighed, rarely no longer poisonous, and quietly lay next to Wu Linger's head: "Your uncle trained you well!" It's just that Brother Win prefers Wu Linger to be the usual careless otaku woman, so she is simpler and happier, right?

"At least my uncle is also the first war witch of the witch clan. If it weren't for me, he would probably become the youngest elder of the witch clan. As his disciple, of course I won't be bad!" Wu Linger just finished farting, but sighed gently: "In order to protect me, Aunt Xuan can't have children in her life. Do you think she will be sad if she knows what I'm doing now?"

Although he has only been with Wu Linger for more than five years, Brother Win knows something about Wu Linger and her background. At the beginning, in order to help Wu Xiaoxian, who was about to give birth, her sister Wu Xiaoxuan and her husband Wu Ningfeng escaped from the witch clan. At the last moment when they took care of Wu Xiaoxian, the price they paid was that Wu Xiaoxuan was injured when she escaped and was unable to have children in her life.

It is also because of this that Wu Xiaoxuan hates Li Tianyou very much. In her heart, she believes that if Li Tianyou hadn't abandoned her sister, she would not have been in a hurry to escape from the witch to save her sister with her husband, and she would not have been injured. If she knows now that Wu Linger is with the killer to wake up Li Tianxu, she may jump up angrily and go back to China to teach Wu Linger a lesson.

Seeing that Wu Linger was very depressed, Brother Win still couldn't bear to comfort her and comforted her: "Well, think so much. You just want to know why your father did that in the first place. Otherwise, ten Li Tianzuo can't call you!"

"But I hate this. Obviously, I don't have any intersection with that person, but when I heard that he is my father, I feel like I have a connection. Is the power of blood really so terrible? Or do I really control my face so that there is no medicine, and I become a nymphomaniac when I see a handsome man?

Wu Linger's previous words were serious. Brother Win just wanted to comfort Wu Linger's broken heart, but he didn't expect that her words would become these things. Sure enough, this is a guy who can't sympathize: "You are a face control. One day something happens to you must be because of handsome men and beautiful women! There is no medicine at all!!"

Although he scolded Wu Linger, Brother Win also knew what Wu Linger was thinking. No wonder Wu Linger thinks so much. A week ago, she was just an online writer who was worried about handing in full manuscripts every month. What she did every day was to chat with a group of people on the computer and cheat with the editor. She had to hand in the manuscript until the end of the month before she desperately tried her life.

Who would have thought that she would be monitored and kidnapped in a week (Li Tianzuo: I protest, that's not a kidnapping, it's just an invitation!!) That's all right. Some people suddenly jumped out and pointed to a vegetable and said that it was her father, and even asked her to stay with a handsome killer, which is called protecting her. ?! Such a huge gap, that is, Wu Linger's big nerves can bear it. If it were someone else, he might be scared.

Brother Win wants to think back, but he is very disdainful: "You think too much. Isn't it just coming to Hong Kong for a vacation? I don't know who is clamoring to go to Disney all day long? There is such a good opportunity this time, and someone will pay for you. You have to laugh secretly! Why do you pretend to be melancholy like a little kid?! This is not your style!"

"According to the laws of general novels, if you are too happy and beautiful, you will be unlucky. Just like I was so comfortable in F City before, and then unfortunately met Li Tianzuo and the witch people. This time when I come to Hong Kong, I'm a handsome man and someone pays the bill. I'm sure I'll encounter something bad luck!" Feeling depressed, Wu Linger didn't want to talk anymore, and she didn't even have the mood to fight with Brother Win. She went straight into the quilt and said, "Don't care, sleep! There are also tall people when the sky falls!" As for the shrimp dumplings, fish balls, wonton noodles, car noodles, MaBelle, JustGold, fairytale, Stella McCartney, etc. that she said in her mouth after falling asleep, they were automatically ignored by Brother Win.