Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 26 Sports Gymnastics

Chapter 26 Sports Gymnastics

It was not until two o'clock in the morning that the two returned to the hotel. As soon as they entered the room, Wu Linger lay on ** and patted her belly: "Wow, I'm too full! I can't stand it anymore! My stomach is going to explode!"

Qin Xiaojing had no choice but to pull Wu Linger up: "Who told you to eat so much?"

"How can I not eat it? There are so many delicious food. My life is two major pursuits, food and beauty. Today, both are the same. How can I not eat it quickly? After Wu Linger said vibly, she immediately hugged her stomach and became painful: "But it's really full!!"

Looking at Wu Linger's appearance, Qin Xiaojing opened the small refrigerator helplessly, took out a bottle of hawthorn juice and handed it to Wu Linger: "Drink to eliminate food!"

After taking a sip of the sweet hawthorn juice, she suddenly felt that her stomach was not so uncomfortable. Wu Linger withdrew back to the sofa with a smile: "Well, if you eat like this today, you don't have to sleep all night. The sofa and table have been occupied by me. Brother Qin is wronged that you can only sleep in bed."

Qin Xiaojing slowly raised the corners of his mouth and understood Wu Linger's thoughts. He reached out and patted Wu Linger's head: "It doesn't matter if I don't sleep for a few days!" You, go to bed!"

"I just ate so much. If you lie down like this, you will grow at least five pounds of meat tomorrow. Do you want to murder a beautiful woman?" Wu Linger protested with hawthorn juice. But I heard Brother Win muttering: "Beauty? I think you are the dinosaur under the beautiful woman, right?

"Dinosaurs are also stronger than your ground dragon!!" Wu Linger stared at Brother Win fiercely, then stood up and began to do the operation that must be done every night. This is actually a very simple exercise. She has been doing it every night under the supervision of her uncle since she was a child. Although she felt annoyed at first, she later found that her body's coordination has become very good, and the most important thing is One thing is that because of this set of (river crab) movements, no matter how much Wu Linger eats, she doesn't need to lose weight. The only drawback is that this gymnastics has to be done for more than half an hour, which is too long.

Looking at Wu Linger's movements, Qin Xiaojing was stunned. This set of (river crab) movements seems to be like sports gymnastics, but there are hidden mysteries everywhere. If it is separated, any action will become a fatal attack, and this set of (river crab) movements can also strengthen the coordination ability of the body. No wonder Wu Linger could easily avoid Ye Tian at the airport that day. It seems that there are many surprising places for Wu Linger!

After receiving the action, Wu Linger turned around and saw Qin Xiaojing's expression in a daze, which was strange: "What's wrong?"

"Your fuck... is very special, very good!" Isn't this set of exercises only used to describe special and good? Qin Xiaojing can imagine that if he had done this exercise five years earlier, no, or even three years earlier, his strength could have reached another level.

Wu Linger pulled out the handkerchief in her bag and wiped the sweat on her forehead and said, "Is it so special? The reason why I practice it every day is that it can keep my figure from becoming a pig. That said, in terms of Wu Linger's life habit of coming out day and night in recent years and having three meals at irregular times, it is really rare to have such a figure now, which is probably one of the reasons why Wu Linger can persist.

As for another reason, that is, if her uncle Wu Ningfeng knows that she has no obedient practice, she will definitely receive a hundred times more cruel hellish training than this, without any reason or affection. Although my uncle usually loves Wu Linger, he doesn't recognize him when training. For the above reasons, no matter how tired she is, Wu Linger will definitely do this set of gymnastics seriously before going to bed, which is definitely more serious than she used to do radio gymnastics when she was reading.

When Qin Xiaojing heard that Wu Linger only used this set of gymnastics as a weight loss, he suddenly felt a black line on his head: "You..."

"Does Brother Qin want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you!" Wu Linger didn't seem to know the preciousness of this set of gymnastics. Seeing that Qin Xiaojing was interested, she said, "However, this set of gymnastics requires very good resilience. I think I was only three years old when I first practiced, and the tendons made me cry for several days!" After saying that, she looked at Qin Xiaojing and waited for his answer.

When he just saw Wu Linger doing this strange gymnastics, Qin Xiaojing had found that it was difficult. If he could barely do it a few years ago, he could only forget this gymnastics now. Now if he forcibly learns this gymnastics, it is not only not good for his body, but also may hurt his body: "No!" After a pause, Qin Xiaojing reminded again, "Practice more in this gymnastics! It's better for you!"

Wu Linger was stunned and immediately understood what Qin Xiaojing meant. It seemed that he was also worried about the witch clan: "Don't worry. My uncle said that the witch clan is not short of war witches, and war witches are all men. No matter how high my kung fu is, they will not take me back. As long as they know that I don't know witchcraft, Without the potential to be a son of a saint, I will be fine!"

Qin Xiaojing sighed in his heart when he looked at Wu Linger's optimistic appearance. Nothing may be true. The premise is that under many temptations, the witch clan is sure that the bloodline of Wu Linger's witch clan is too thin to become a witch saint or even a witch witch. In this way, they may let Wu Linger go. Just in these temptations, can Wu Linger really get through it safely?

For no reason, Qin Xiaojing suddenly felt that it was good to be Wu Linger's bodyguard. At least to some extent, he could help Wu Linger solve a lot of troubles.

"Hey, don't let that big man interfere in the witch's affairs! There are some things he can't get involved in! When this is over, let him leave quickly! In case you don't know how to die!" Brother Ying's voice sounded lazily from Wu Linger's mind. Although he didn't look at Qin Xiaojing's expression, Brother Ying guessed what he wanted to do: "If it's really good for him, stay away from him! Now you are more dangerous than being a killer!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment, but immediately understood what Brother Win's words meant. According to the character of the witch people, if Qin Xiaojing really stayed by her side, maybe the witch people would clean it up with him. Of course, this situation is what Wu Linger does not want to see.

Although she does not disdain the set fate and other plots mentioned in the novel, Wu Linger is also helpless in the face of the identity of being born with the blood of a witch saint. If this status can bring her wealth and supreme power, so that she can act capriciously, she can reluctantly accept it. But now, there is no supreme power in the family, and there is only annoying harassment, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

If it is really as everyone thinks, as long as the witch family thinks that the witch bloodline on Wu Linger is not enough and gives up her, the most frightening thing is to kill her directly once it is determined that she is not a witch. If the witches really make such a decision, Wu Linger can't think of a better way but to escape from China.

Leave? Wu Linger has never thought of this idea. After living in this land for 20 years, she can't imagine what she will become. Even if she went to visit her uncle and aunt, she couldn't stay there for a long time. She wanted to stay for a week at most and wanted to come back. I don't know why she always felt that something was holding her in this land, which made her unable to leave for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Wu Linger's expression was not right, Qin Xiaojing asked. Only then did Wu Linger wake up from her own thoughts. After seeing Qin Xiaojing's worried eyes, she quickly shook her head: "It's okay!"

Brother Win is right. This matter can't be solved by ordinary people like Qin Xiaojing at all. No matter how good he is, he has no chance of winning in the face of the witch people: "Okay, you take a rest first. I'll code for a while. I'll call you when I'm sleepy!"

Qin Xiaojing took a look at Wu Linger and didn't say much. She fell directly on ** and fell asleep in less than a minute. He has checked the room and there is no problem. Now that he knows Wu Linger's real identity, Qin Xiaojing believes that Wu Linger's strength is enough to find the situation around him. After understanding this, he can naturally have a good sleep.

After confirming that Qin Xiaojing fell asleep, Brother Ying climbed to Wu Linger's computer: "Why didn't you tell him my real identity? Why do you say I'm your magic weapon and don't say I'm your witch pet?!"

Wu Linger was stunned and shook her head: "I don't know, but I just think that the fewer people know about your identity, the better!! At least, it's safer for you!!"

"It's safe, you are my summoner. If something happens to you, I can't live! Did you listen to this when your aunt Xuan told you this? Are you listening?" Hearing that Wu Linger was planning like this, Brother Ying was so angry that he shook his tail and pulled it in her hand: "Please, can you have some common sense?"

He was slapped by Brother Win, and Wu Linger was also very unhappy: "Is this also called common sense? Do you know what common sense is? Common sense is to read the traffic lights when crossing the road, and read the genuine version when reading novels on the Internet, which is called common sense!!" After saying that, she warned Brother Ying fiercely: "Remember, in the future, you will only be my magic weapon in front of others. If others find your true identity, you will die. I will definitely make you soup!!"

After warning Brother Win, Wu Linger opened the netbook and found that there were still many friends chatting on QQ. Without opening the document, she rushed directly into the group and went crazy with everyone. Originally, a major responsibility as an Internet writer is to chat with readers, isn't it?

When posting the scenery and food taken in Hong Kong to the group, Wu Linger aroused everyone's jealousy and envy. If it had been usual, Wu Linger would have laughed proudly, but today, she didn't feel like laughing and sighed. She sent a message to some friends, telling them that while sending gifts tomorrow, she would go to G Province to do something and stay there for a few days.

Sure enough, this group of heartless guys immediately began to ask for gifts from G Province again, and Wu Linger shouted in the group: " Pay the money!! I bought you a gift for this month's contribution fee, and I still want it. If you take the money, you will have a gift, otherwise you can wait to see the good things I bought!" These guys also don't fight for three days and go to the house to lift the tiles. Sure enough, they can't be too good to them!!

After making trouble for a while, someone in the group suddenly asked, "Ling Er, have you only been to Hong Kong for a few days? Why did you go to G Province so soon? Isn't something wrong? Are you all right?"