Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 31 Cat and Dog

Chapter 31 Cat and Dog

So... The journey was quickly passed through in everyone's entangled worries. Three hours later, the car had entered the customer's Beihai, but the front of the car turned to the suburbs. Half an hour later, a high-end villa area appeared in front of everyone. Qin Xiaojing gently woke up Wu Linger: "Ling Er, wake up, I We are almost there!"

Wu Linger rubbed her eyes and immediately saw the exquisite villa: "Wow!! What a beautiful house!!"

"Do you like it?" Qin Xiaojing asked sideways. Wu Linger immediately nodded: "Of course I will like it. I have dreamed of having a house with a view of the sea since I was a child, facing the sea, with spring flowers blooming! How beautiful? And then I will paint the wall of the room in a sea-like blue color and paint white corals, jellyfish and so on it. Then the room must have floor-to-ceiling windows and be equipped with white curtain curtains. When the sea breeze blows the curtain in the morning, it will be very beautiful!!"

"There are idiotic dreams! Others can kill you with one shot!" Ye Tian laughed at the same time, but he didn't want to be punched in the abdomen by Qin Xiaojing, which made him successfully shut up.

Although Qin Xiaojing stopped Ye Tian from suppressing Wu Linger, there was no way to stop another voice from suppressing Wu Linger: "The sea breeze in the morning? Sister, have you ever got up in the morning? If I remember correctly, it was usually your sleep time, right? Even if she didn't rush the manuscript, Wu Linger didn't get up before nine o'clock in the morning, let alone five or six o'clock in the morning: "If you really have such a house, it's a waste!!"

Listening to Brother Ying's ridicule, Wu Linger's face was indifferent: "It doesn't matter. I can't get up in the morning, but there are also manuscripts in the early morning. What's the big deal? How about I going to sleep after the morning? Unconvinced? Bite me! But I suspect you have bitten me!! You boneless link animal!!"

"Hey, don't talk about racial discrimination. What's wrong with the huan jie animals? Did the huan jie animal provoke you? Let me tell you, earthworms are as dignified!! Humph, he also said that he paid the manuscript fee to buy me a bow tie. Now you have almost spent all the manuscript fee, and I didn't see any of my bow tie hair!!"

Reminded by Brother Win, Wu Linger remembered what she promised to win in Hong Kong, but so many things happened later, which made people feel overwhelmed that Wu Linger forgot the matter of sending Win Brother's bow tie to the sky, but the courage to admit that mistakes have always been Wu Linger's greatest advantages. Click: "Well, I really forgot it. I'll go to Taobao to shoot it for you after surfing the Internet!! Really, it's obviously the same black bow tie. What do you want so much? It's a waste!"

"I work as a nanny and housekeeper for you every day. I don't have a salary. Occasionally, you can't bear to ask for a few bow ties. Will you be too much? Believe it or not, I will sue you in the Labor Protection Association? Brother Win seemed to forget one thing while protesting, that is, as an earthworm, it could not complain about Wu Linger. And his life oppressed by Wu Linger will continue. Who told him to be summoned by Wu Linger when he met someone?

The car finally stopped in front of a villa. After getting out of the car, Wu Linger couldn't help sighing excitedly: "Ah... Jealous! The jealousy of eating fruit, such a luxurious house, there is such a big lawn, garden and swimming pool. It's too much, too sad, so exciting!! What a death for people!!"

Qin Xiaojing took a look at Wu Linger and finally chose to ignore it directly. At this time, two people who looked exactly the same ran out of the room: "Miss Ji, you have finally arrived. Who are these?"

Ji Yanran pointed to Qin Xiaojing and said, "Wenlong Wenbao, this is also a world famous doctor, Mr. Qin Xiaojing, who happened to be in N City, so he was invited by me to come over. I plan to consult together, maybe it can completely improve Xiaowei's body."

After hearing Ji Yanran's introduction, the defensive color on their faces slightly reduced, and they gave way: "Please!"

Following Qin Xiaojing, Wu Linger muttered in a low voice, "What a big shelf. Look at this style. If Brother Qin is not a doctor, we can't even enter this door!"

A man walking in front of him suddenly turned around and grinned at Wu Linger: "Wrong, if you hadn't followed Miss Ji, you wouldn't even be able to enter the gate of this villa!" However, he stopped for a moment and pointed to Qin Xiaojing and said, "Except for you, if you want to sneak into this villa, there is still a chance!" It seems that this man has a good vision. He can see through Qin Xiaojing's martial arts foundation, but he doesn't know that such a villa is also a small CASS for Wu Linger.

Wu Linger flattened her mouth and said to Ji Yanran, "Sister Yanran, no wonder you say that your patient has a bad temper. What kind of servant there is, what kind of master there is!"

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Ji Yanran smiled at her apologetically: "Ling Er, I'm sorry, Xiaowei's identity is a little special. Wenlong and Wenbao is only for his safety, so he is a little nervous."

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "It doesn't matter. It's not that I'm protected like a bird in a cage. They can toss around as much as they like. After solving the problem, we can continue our vacation! I don't care about anything else."

While talking, everyone had entered the room and came to the second floor. The maid opened the door of a room. Everyone saw a doctor turning around by a bed in a hurry. As soon as he saw Ji Yanran coming, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Miss Ji, young master..."

Ji Yanran raised her hand to stop the doctor from speaking and strode to the bedside, while Qin Xiaojing also followed, but Ye Tian and Wu Linger easily decorated the house.

It's not that Wu Linger doesn't want to see what ** Xiao Zhengtai looks like, but that she is not interested in a Zhengtai whose whole body is full of tubes. There are sleeping beauty. If the sleeping beauty wears an oxygen mask on her face and then inserts a few tubes on her body, whether the prince will kiss her is another thing to say.

Thinking of this, Wu Linger suddenly thought badly that if Li Tianyou, who was lying in ** that day, was also full of pipes, would she not pay attention to Li Tianzuo's request and continue to stay in F City as a housewife?

"For you, this answer is yes!" Brother Win hit her viciously after discovering Wu Linger's idea: "If Li Tianyou is not beautiful, you won't care whether he is your father or not, even if Li Tianzuo says it!"

"Hey, I only have the hobby of face control. Why do you say so disdainful? You should know that pursuing beauty is a major goal in life." In the face of Brother Win's accusation, Wu Linger is also very dissatisfied: "Everyone loves beauty. I just like beautiful things more than ordinary people. What's wrong with this? An aesthetically worm like you is not qualified to talk about me! Now shut up, I don't want anyone to find out!"

After quarreling with Brother Win, Wu Linger looked at the room and felt strange, but she couldn't say why, just made her feel uncomfortable. He turned his head and looked at Ye Tian, but found that he also had a strange expression.

After taking a look at Ji Yanran's Qin Xiaojing, who was busy checking for Fang Wei, Wu Linger gently walked out of the room. Anyway, it was not helpful to stay there. It's better to go out and walk.

After coming to the garden and sitting down on the swing, Wu Linger was still talking to herself, "What's the blame?" This is probably an occupational disease. If you find something wrong, you will always find out, so that these strange things will not appear in the novel, or it can be dug as a pit.

"Idiot, ten-year-old child, no matter how sick he is, the room is full of books. Of course, it will be strange if there is no toy!" Brother Win's voice suddenly sounded, and Wu Linger, who was sitting on the swing, almost fell down. Fortunately, a pair of hands suddenly appeared beside her and held her: "What's the matter? Can you fall on a swing?!"

Wu Linger turned around and made a grimace at Ye Tian: "Someone can still fall when walking, and earn a princess hug!" Under the public, when did the mandarin ducks hug each other? So that we can only watch the fun.

Ye Tian glanced at Wu Linger, but finally did not explain why he fell at that time. He just sat next to Wu Linger: "Linger, who the hell are you? Why are there so many people following you and making trouble for you?

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment: "Brother Qin didn't tell you?" After seeing Ye Tian's unexpected expression, Wu Linger began to swing slowly: "What should be said, I told Brother Qin. If he doesn't tell you, there must be his reason. After saying that, she made a face to Ye Tian: "Now my protector is Brother Qin, not you, so I don't need to tell you. If you want to know, ask Brother Qin yourself! Anyway, you have such a good relationship, don't you?" Speaking of this, Wu Linger blinked at Ye Tian, with a narrow look in her eyes, and even Ye Tian's thick face was a little awkward.

However, when Ye Tian looked at Wu Linger's proud expression, he was still extremely depressed. Although he did not receive the task of protecting Wu Linger, he had a lot of trouble because of Wu Linger. How dare the little girl dared to say that there was no need to tell him? It seems that she doesn't know how powerful it is to repair her.

Just as Ye Tian was about to take action, Wu Linger jumped down from the swing and ran to the house: "Do you want to bully me? There is no door! I told Brother Qin to go and say that you bullied me! Let him deal with you!!"

As soon as she ran to the door of the room, Wu Linger accidentally bumped into a man, a young man who was extremely flat.

This 27- or 28-year-old looks handsome, but a pair of eyes are flickering, and the light is too sinister and erratic. If Ye Tian's eyes give people a sense of evil, then this person's eyes are exactly like the most heinous thing in the dark. Subconsciously, Wu Linger retreated.

The man seemed to be very unhappy after being hit. He frowned and looked at Wu Linger and suddenly snorted coldly: "Wen Long, Wen Bao! How did you do it? Now any kitten and puppy can run into here. Can you bear it if something happens to the young master?!"