Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 36 Who do you think you are talking to

Chapter 36 Who do you think you are talking to

This is not Wu Linger's intention to comfort Fang Wei. Compared with Li Tianzuo, Fang Jietian's crying voice is just more beautiful, and it is far from reaching the level of Li Tianzuo's shocking and crying ghosts.

Fang Wei's smiling face came out from under the pillow. Under the soft sunshine in the morning, it seemed to be shining, coupled with the pure angel-like smile, which made Wu Linger almost drunk: "Zheng Tai, Zheng Tai!! Am I going to become a positive control in the future? How can you be so beautiful?!!"

Seeing that Wu Linger began to be crazy again, Qin Xiaojing picked her up and said, "Go back to your room to rest!" It's daytime, so you don't have to be afraid of someone breaking in. Last night, Wu Linger shrank in the sofa and slept, and she must have slept uncomfortably. But most importantly, he really doesn't want to see Wu Linger continue to be crazy in front of Fang Wei.

When Qin Xiaojing returned to his room, he happened to see Fang Wei surfing the Internet with his notebook in his arms. His heart sank and suddenly realized that something bad was going to happen. Sure enough, Fang Wei saw Qin Xiaojing come in, and his little face was slightly raised. He stared at Qin Xiaojing with beautiful eyes and said slowly, "Brother Qin, does Sister Ling Er mean this?!!" After saying that, he turned the computer to Qin Xiaojing.

It is shown on Baidu Encyclopedia on the web page: "ショタコン refers to people who have a strong love for teenagers and have a feeling of "cute", and also refers to those who have a strong preference for minor boys around 3 to 16 years old, teenagers themselves, and painting teenagers, comics, animations and novels for the two. (Cute) people who target girls are called Lori. At the beginning, it was mostly used in occasions where adult women had this preference, and in recent years, this preference of adult men has also increased. Sometimes it is also used as a woman who likes to fall in love or marry a man younger than her. Sometimes it is also used as a synonym for "juvenile love."

After seeing this paragraph, Qin Xiaojing only felt that his head was full of black lines, but this was not over. Fang Wei turned the computer and called up another page: "And this, is this the meaning of the Appearance Association referred to by Sister Ling'er? It is said that the Appearance Association generally refers to those who judge people by their appearance. They are very demanding about the appearance of the other half, and they care about whether they have taste or not. They are only interested in people who are very handsome or beautiful. Serious people don't need to observe a person's heart. They only need to look good to make friends and fall in love easily. People from the Appearance Association attach great importance to a person's appearance. Those who are more powerful are called the president of the Appearance Association. Generally, they are mainly girls and love handsome boys. They believe that they only love the skin but not the soul. They are lustless and innocent, and they are crazy and reasonable.

When Fang Wei thought came here, Qin Xiaojing had an impulse to go back to his room to strangle Wu Linger, because she was full of nonsense, which caused another impure child in the world.

However, Fang Wei shook his head after reading that paragraph: "But I don't feel much like it. Sister Ling'er seems to just like beautiful things, and she is definitely not the kind of person who judge people by their appearance." Speaking of this, he looked up and smiled at Qin Xiaojing, with bright eyes that seemed to shine brightly: "Dr. Qin, do you think I'm right?"

Qin Xiaojing nodded weakly: "That's right! Take a rest first and don't look at these!!"

This time, Fang Wei was very obedient. He obediently turned off the computer and lay down again. Soon, he made a uniform breathing sound. It seems that he didn't sleep well last night, so he fell asleep so quickly. Qin Xiaojing shook his head helplessly. Now the situation seems to have become much more complicated. What should he do next?

Looking at the sleeping Fang Wei, Qin Xiaojing thought that it would be better to help them find Ji Yanran together, and then kill Fang Jietian directly.

The latter is relatively straightforward, like Qin Xiaojing's previous style. If he was alone, he would definitely do so; although the former took more time, it should not be found even if he killed Fang Jietian later. In this way, it would be safer to leave with Wu Linger.

For the first time in his life, Qin Xiaojing began to hesitate how to complete the task.

"What are you thinking about?" Suddenly, Qin Xiaojing heard Fang Wei's voice. He suddenly looked up and saw Fang Wei looking at him with bright eyes: "You seem to be very troubled, is it because of Sister Ji or Sister Linger?"

Qin Xiaojing frowned at Fang Wei's beautiful crystal-like face: "Do you know Ling Er well?" Unexpectedly, Ling'er's sister Ling's sister called, and he didn't see him call Ji Yanran, who has been taking care of him, as sister Yanran?

Fang Wei turned his head and thought for a moment, then raised his beautiful little face and stared straight at Qin Xiaojing: "Although we met for the first time last night, I would like Sister Ling Er very much and want to get close to her! Does Brother Qin think the same way?

As asked by Fang Wei, Qin Xiaojing's deep eyes like night suddenly lost his indifference and was a little embarrassed: "I was just asked by her elders to take good care of her!"

Fang Wei closed his eyes with a faint smile: "I know!" After saying that, he fell into a deep sleep again, as if he hadn't woken up just now. But his last smile made Qin Xiaojing's heart ripple.

Qin Xiaojing has always regarded himself as a protector and carefully guarded Wu Linger. In his eyes, Wu Linger is a little girl with strange skills, a little mysterious, but more confused, nymphomaniac, compassionate and nymphomaniac. Yes, that's right. In Qin Xiaojing's eyes, Wu Linger is like a little girl who has not grown up. Although she is 20 years old and her figure is perfectly developed, Qin Xiaojing can't treat her as an adult because of her personality. She always unconsciously wants to protect her and take care of her.

After thinking about this, Qin Xiaojing sighed. Perhaps after finishing his recent affairs, he would talk to the boss and send someone else to protect Wu Linger. The killer's most taboo is to have feelings. Once he has emotional ties, whether it is family, friendship or love, as long as he has any kind of emotional ties, he can't complete the task perfectly, just like he can't make the best judgment on the task now.

Qin Xiaojing also knows that for him now, it is best to call the boss immediately and ask him to send someone to take Wu Linger away. However, in Qin Xiaojing's record, he has never given up any task. At least, Qin Xiaojing also has to finish the task of Fang Jietian before sending Wu Linger away.

Just when Qin Xiaojing was in a daze, the newly repaired door: "Bang!" With a sound, he was kicked away again, and Meng Jian's anxious and murderous face appeared at the door. He rushed in eagerly ignoring everything in the room: "Xiao Wei, I heard that you have been attacked?"

Fang Wei was obviously woken up by the sound of kicking the door. He ignored Meng Jian's concern and sighed behind the moaning door: "Brother Meng, how many times have I said that you should use your hands, not your feet when entering the door!! I have changed five doors this month, please..."

"It's okay. I'll pay for the change of the door!!" Meng Jian didn't hear the point of Fang Wei's words at all, and it was rare to see Fang Wei also had a cold sweat.

Wu Linger, who was woken up by the sound, also walked to the door of the room half asleep: "What's going on? Is it a feature of your family to open the door with your feet? Or is it popular in the whole G province? The little boy is a patient. Aren't you afraid to scare him by doing this?

"Little boy? Who do you think you are talking to? Wu Linger's words immediately made Meng Jian jump up. If Qin Xiaojing hadn't stopped him, he would have wanted to tear Wu Linger up.

Qin Xiaojing stretched out his hand to stop Meng Jian and looked at him coldly: "Who do you think you are talking to?"

To be honest, Meng Jian is also a person who has seen the world. He has participated in many battles, large and small, and he can't touch the blood of many people. It can be said that his courage is really horizontal, but he didn't expect that in Qin Xiaojing's cold question, his whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave. At this time, he remembered the article. Long said, "Brother Meng, that Qin Xiaojing is not simple. You'd better provoke him less!"

The murderous spirit emanating from Qin Xiaojing made Meng Jian unable to advance or retreat, but Qin Xiaojing still had a cold expression. After seeing Meng Jian's fierceness converging, Qin Xiaojing relaxed and said lightly, "Be careful next time! At least we are also guests! Don't lose your identity!"

It was also that Meng Jian came for Wu Linger. Qin Xiaojing would say so much nonsense. If it had been usual, he would have done it directly. How could he be so polite?

Without waiting for Meng Jian to speak, Fang Wei had stopped him: "Brother Meng, Sister Ji has been arrested! Go and help my father find her back!!"

"That dead woman, it's best to die, I'm too lazy..." Meng Jian saw Fang Wei's face sinking and quickly changed his words: "Okay, okay, I know! Really! Trouble!!" After saying that, he took a look at Qin Xiaojing and seemed to be a little defensive against him. Qin Xiaojing shrugged his shoulders indifferentally: "What do you want?"

Without waiting for Meng Jian to say anything, Fang Wei had begun to be a little unhappy: "Brother Meng!!" Hearing this, Meng Jian ran out of the room like a mouse's tail and shouted, "I'll go right away. Don't scream!" I know!!"

Seeing Meng Jian's appearance, Wu Linger couldn't help grin and looked particularly pleasant in the slightly quiet room: "This guy is so funny. I thought he was a big bad guy before!"

"Idiot, do you think it must be a bad person who looks like a bad person? Li Tianzuo, which of them looks like bad people? This is the real bad guy!" Brother Win seemed to be very dissatisfied with being ignored and twisted around in Wu Linger's pocket, but didn't want to be patted by Wu Linger: "Shut up, Li Tianzuo is not a gangster. Don't confuse him with Fang Jietian."

"Cut, the two are essentially similar, but the environment of their birth is different. If Li Tianzuo is in the position of Fang Jietian, he may be worse than him!" Brother Win suddenly entangled Wu Linger's wrist: "You won't be biased because he is your uncle, will you?"

"You big-headed ghost, let go! Otherwise, I will chop you into a baseball team!!" The cold feeling from her wrist made Wu Linger's goose bumps all over her body, and she almost didn't scream out.

Finding that Wu Linger's mood was wrong, Qin Xiaojing shouted in a low voice, "Ling'er!!"