Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 44 Handsome man taking a bath

Chapter 44 Handsome man taking a bath

"If Wu Linger makes a request to you, don't refuse! At least you can't refuse in G time-saving!!" It seems that Tuo is still very angry about Ye Tian and others taking Wu Linger to G Province.

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment and subconsciously asked, "Tuo, what is the relationship between you and Wu Linger?"

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he continued to say, "Don't worry about this. As long as you agree to this request, I will buy something for you!"

Ye Tian scratched his head fiercely: "I know, I know!! Really, I don't know what's going on with you!! If her request does not violate the rules set by the old man, I will agree. Is that okay?

Obviously, Tuo was still a little dissatisfied with this promise, but he also knew that the rules set by the old man were absolutely inviolable. After a while, he reluctantly agreed, "Okay, just do as you said! Don't try to lie to me, no matter what happens, you can't hide it from me!!"

"What am I doing to lie to you?" Ye Tian complained and hung up the phone. He didn't know what was wrong with the old man. He recruited this little hair. Although he completed the task perfectly every time, the child was just a child!

However, no matter what, he can now give Qin Xiaojing an conceivable. Thinking of this, Ye Tian suddenly felt relieved, but when he thought of the task given by the old man, he suddenly felt a headache again: "Dead old man, why did you give me such a difficult task? Later, Xiaojing found that I was still in the North Sea and would definitely repair me!"

Putting aside the depressed Ye Tian, Wu Linger was pulled into the room by Ji Yanran and looked at her confusedly: "Sister Yanran, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter with the three of you?" Ji Yanran looked at Wu Linger strangely: "What a strange relationship!!"

Wu Linger touched Brother Win on her wrist and thought, "You haven't heard of a more strange relationship!" However, she only dared to think about this in her heart, but did not dare to say it.

Seeing Ji Yanran's excited appearance because of gossip, Wu Linger only felt very tired: "Sister Yanran, I almost died to save you, and I was injured. Can I ask your gossip after I sleep?" I...really sleepy..." After saying that, she had fallen asleep.

Ji Yanran looked at Wu Linger who fell asleep and sighed, "Really, I asked you very seriously. I fell asleep without answering. Isn't it too rude?" After saying that, Ji Yanran looked at Wu Linger's tired sleeping face and still helped her into bed. After covering her with a thin blanket, she left the room.

Clos the door, Ji Yanran happened to meet Qin Xiaojing: "Brother Qin, Ling Er seems to be very tired. I'll let her sleep for a while first!"

Although Qin Xiaojing wanted to tell Wu Linger something, he heard Ji Yanran say that she was asleep and didn't say much. He nodded to Ji Yanran and wanted to go back to the room directly, but unexpectedly Ji Yanran suddenly stopped him: "Brother Qin!"

Qin Xiaojing looked back at Ji Yanran. In front of her, Ji Yanran was also very strange to Qin Xiaojing. As Fang Wei's attending doctor, she was now rescued. She was not afraid. Instead, she was in a hurry to see her patients, but pulled Wu Linger into the room first.

Ji Yanran looked at Qin Xiaojing and smiled shyly: "Is my disappearance worried you? Ling Er's eyes were full of blood, as if she hadn't slept since last night. Just now, she fell asleep halfway through talking to me. It's really embarrassing to run to save me in such a situation!"

"Are you... so tired?" When he went there before, Qin Xiaojing still felt that Wu Linger was in good spirits, but he didn't expect that she was completely stubborn. It seemed that he still didn't know her! This is always confused, but likes to call Brother Qin around him, chattering, and likes to be a strong little girl...

Ji Yanran saw Qin Xiaojing's self-reproached expression and suddenly burned the soul of gossip, and began to guess the ambiguous relationship between Qin Xiaojing and Wu Linger...

Irrespected Qin Xiaojing and the burning soul of gossip Ji Yanran. In Wu Linger's room, colorful lights surrounded Wu Linger's wrist. After a while, the winning brother wrapped around Wu Linger's wrist suddenly disappeared, and the handsome man in white suddenly appeared in the room.

Turning around and holding it, Wu Linger had kicked the thin quilt under the bed. The handsome man in white sighed and bent down to pick up the quilt and carefully covered it for her. It's just a simple action, but he seems to have done it hundreds of times.

After covering the quilt for Wu Linger, the handsome man in white glanced at the hot sunshine outside the window: "Damn weather!" Although the place where he used to live was also very hot, he doesn't have to run out all the time like now. Seriously, he really hates the sunshine!! But...

The handsome man slowly stretched out his hand into the sun and felt the temperature left by the sun on his skin: "Is this the feeling of human beings? It's been a long time!" Speaking of this, he looked back at the sleeping Wu Linger and raised a charming smile on the corners of his mouth: "Thank you so much!"

"Brother! Brother Win, I want to eat steamed bass! If you don't give me food, I will cut you into a men's gymnastics team!!" Wu Linger, who was sleeping soundly, squeaked her mouth and dated delicious food in her dream, but she didn't seem to forget to bully people in her dream.

Looking at Wu Linger in his sleep, the handsome man in white frowned and sighed: "Will you only remember me when you eat? I won't do it!"

"#¥...&&wan neng Butler @%&In (...*" In a vague dream, the handsome man heard Wu Linger's evaluation of himself: "Universal Butler? My pleasure!"

Although I have been looking at this sleeping face for more than five years, I still feel that I can't see enough. Although I sleep very poorly, I always read all kinds of delicious food in my mouth, and I often bully people in my dreams, get crazy and drool...

The more I think about it, the more the handsome man in white feels that this guy in front of him has no advantage in his body. Even if he is put among human beings, this guy is definitely at an unbearable level...


Is it a trick from God? Bullying people in this dream can only be nymphomaniac, and the drooling person will actually be his master! Brother Win feels sad and angry. But after seeing Wu Linger kick off the last quilt on her body, Brother Ying still walked over and helped Wu Linger cover the quilt with a helpless face.

Brother Ying sighed and looked back at himself in his glasses. He had white and delicate skin, exquisite facial features, slightly long black hair, and a strong but never exaggerated body. Such a figure would never be liked by his original self, right? A man should look like a man, like now... with a little sissy. If it were in the past, he would definitely not want to be beaten to death, would he?

(Wu Linger: What kind of sissy? This is in line with the aesthetics of Orientals, okay? Isn't it terrible for a muscular man like Schwarzenegger standing beside me? In that case, how can a handsome man dare to appear in front of me?)

However... This face, as Wu Linger said, is indeed handsome, and the skin is so fair that even ordinary women will be jealous. Looking down, Brother Ying unbuttoned the only button on his clothes, the thick chest muscles, and the six-pack abs clearly visible in the abdomen... With the blessing of this muscle, at least it won't be too sissy!

Although he is not very satisfied with the image of this body, Brother Ying has to admit that he is indeed... handsome when he looks in the mirror. As Wu Linger said, he is really handsome!

Satisfiedly fastened the button of his clothes, Brother Ying turned his head, but saw that sleeping in ** Wu Linger had put on a strange sleeping position again, twisting his body, holding the pillow, and there was a trace of bright silver at the corners of his mouth. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be saliva...

God, why is my fate so tragic?!!

After sighing a little, Brother Win took a look at the time. Wu Linger has been sleeping for more than three hours. After a while, Qin Xiaojing will come and ask her to have dinner, right? While Wu Linger didn't wake up, Brother Win walked into the bathroom. In such a hot weather, even if he stayed in an air-conditioned room, he would still feel uncomfortable. Thinking of this, Brother Win looked at the air conditioner resentfully. The air conditioner blew his bright and white skin dryly. Will it hurt his skin if it goes on like this? If you take a shower, it should be much more comfortable, right?

Just as Brother Win entered the bathroom, Wu Linger also stretched out and slowly sat up: "It's so hot!" After saying that, she closed her eyes and walked to the bathroom sleepwalkingly. As soon as she got to the bathroom, she heard the sound of water in the bathroom: "Huh? Isn't this my room? Why is there someone in there? Is it Sister Yanran?!"

The door of the bathroom was not closed. Wu Linger looked through the crack of the door. When she saw the scene in the bathroom, she suddenly felt that the blood all over her body was pouring up, and her nosebleed almost came out!! Fortunately, she covered her mouth with her hands in time, otherwise she would not guarantee that she would scream!

A picture of a beautiful man's wet body!!! The drops of water spilled from Lian Peng's head splashed on the handsome man's face, and then splashed out, changing into a rainbow-like color in the light. The handsome man seemed to enjoy this feeling. The slender fingers were pulling the hair flowing down to the back of his head, and the water flowed down his forehead through his slightly raised eyebrows, thick Dense eyelashes, high nose bridge, slightly thinner upper lip and slightly thicker lower lip, smooth chin, slender neck...

At this time, Wu Linger began to hate why the glass of the bathroom was frosted below the neck, so that she could only appreciate the parts above the handsome man's neck, and the rest... were all in the hazy. However, even so, it can be seen that the handsome man's body is really good, and how perfect it is with that one. Second kill the faces of all female creatures...

Wow, I can't stand it!!! Wu Linger quietly retreated, looked at her wrist, and then rushed to **: "Brother Win!!"

At this time, the sound of water in the bathroom had stopped. It seemed that the handsome man had finished washing, and Wu Linger was even more anxious to lift the quilt: "Brother Win! Come out!!"

"What are you doing? You can't sleep peacefully. Do you know that you are annoying? At the other end of the bed, Brother Win arched his head out of the quilt: "What happened to make you so excited? My eyes are green!"


Is there no nosebleed?

I didn't write about the handsome man's exposure point~~ Should it be okay?


Do you want to see more?

Wait slowly~~

Good health is in the back!!