Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 49 Edit Call

Chapter 49 Editing Call

"Hmm!!" After saying that, Wu Linger turned around and wanted to go to sleep, but at this time, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She reached out to take the mobile phone thrown by Brother Ying. Wu Linger looked at the mobile phone with fear and did not dare to answer it: "Brother Ying, it seems that it is not yet the manuscript day. Why did Shasha call? I remember that she seemed to be satisfied with last month's manuscript, and it should not be rejected!!"

"You will know when you pick it up. If you don't answer, she will come here to find you! You know, she can definitely do it!" For Wu Linger, the editor, Brother Win is also quite speechless.

Do you want to say that the editor is gentle? Every month, the urging is more fierce than any editor, which is almost a nightmare for Wu Linger. If she is fierce, she cares about Wu Linger more than anyone else. Wu Linger is sick, or in a bad mood or something. She is more anxious than anyone else, and even sends medicine to Wu Linger through several provinces. The express fee is more than the cost of medicine...

But now that I think about it, only this kind of embarrassing person can get along with Wu Linger, right? Both of them are extremely smart to some extent, but in some places, they are equally lack of one muscle!

Wu Linger knocked hard on Brother Win: "Don't think you're thinking in your heart, I don't know what you're thinking!!" After saying that, she pressed the answer button: "Hey, honey, why are you still awake so late? Pay more attention to your health!!"

"I really want to sleep, but someone just won't let me live! What can I do?" The voice on the other end of the phone was so gloomy that Wu Linger suddenly felt that the air conditioner in the room was too cold. In her impression, her editor had never been so angry. Even if she died in the last book, she had never been so angry: "Honey, you..."

"Kiss you big-headed!! You guys pretend to be me and won't tell me anything!! Why did you get robbed for drinking coffee in the cafe?!! Where do you go to drink coffee? Go to the global medical seminar to drink coffee. Even if the protagonist you wrote recently is a doctor, you don't have to do this, do you? He also told me that it was just a robbery, isn't it? You bastard, don't you think you have a long life? You..."

Hearing the sound of about to storm on the other end of the phone, Wu Linger finally understood what was going on. In the past few days, she deliberately didn't go online and didn't want to see the news about that day, but she didn't expect her editor to see it.

After sighing, Wu Linger sat up from **: "Honey, what else should I say? Tell you that I was pointed at by a terrorist and almost shot in the head? Did you see someone killed in front of me? Since I'm fine, there's no need to say these things, so that everyone won't worry about me, right? Besides... This exciting experience can't be encountered by everyone. It can just become a great material for my writing, I..."

"Will you die if you don't hold on? There are so many people all over the world, and there are tall people holding on when the sky falls. Why are you holding on? Will you die if you cry occasionally and talk to someone about your suffering? Hearing that Wu Linger was still full of trains, the person on the other end of the phone had begun to storm away. Wu Linger could even hear her husband's comfort voice on the phone: "Okay, don't be angry, Linger doesn't want you to worry either!"

"Shut up, it's nothing to you, and cool down!!" After the editor shouted angrily and drove away her husband, he continued to roar at the phone, "Wu Linger, talk!! Everything is good, crying, scolding, complaining! Anyway, don't pretend to be cheerful for me anymore!!"

"That... is what you want me to say! Honey, I've been really poor recently. Can my contribution fee increase a little bit?!" As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Linger immediately took the phone far away from her ears. Sure enough, in less than a second, there was an editorial roar on the phone...

Wu Linger looked at Brother Win pitifully: "Look? Obviously, she asked me to complain, but I said, and she ran away again! Alas... Only women and villains are difficult to raise! The ancients really didn't bully me!!"

Brother Ying looked at Wu Linger's lifeless thoughts and couldn't wait to sew her mouth with a needle: "Woman, if you don't think of a way, your editor will definitely come here to cut you into a football team!!"

Reminded by Brother Win, Wu Linger realized that it was not the time for her to complain. Hearing the editor on the other end of the phone continue to run away, she suddenly panicked: "Brother Win, what should I do? Help me figure it out, or I'll die!!"

"Idiot, pretend to be sick!!" With Brother Ying's understanding of Wu Linger's editor, pretending to be sick is the most useful.

Wu Linger suddenly realized: "Ah!" There was a scream. This scream immediately stopped the violent sound on the other end of the phone: "Ling Er, what's wrong with you?"

"My heart hurts!!" Although it is to divert the editor's attention, since tonight, Wu Linger has really felt stuffy and very uncomfortable: "I want to vomit!!"

"Did you eat something bad? Is there any medicine in your room? Sure enough, the editor's attention was immediately diverted: "By the way, it seems that you were also uncomfortable at this time last year, and so was the year before last. You guys, I have asked you to have a check-up for a long time ago. Have you been to the hospital?"

Wu Linger deliberately put out a painful voice from her throat: "I have seen it, and the doctor didn't... find out! Just prescribed some painkillers for me and said I would take them when I was in pain! Honey, wait a minute, I'll find the medicine first!" Jumping out of bed in a hurry, Wu Linger accidentally kicked her foot again: "Ah! Pain!!"

"Ling Er, are you all right? How are you? Do you want to call 120?!!"

"It's okay. I'm in a hurry to find medicine. I kicked my foot. Honey, I hung up the phone first. It's not good to take medicine with the phone!" Finally, she found an excuse to hang up the phone, and Wu Linger was relieved.

The editor was also worried about Wu Linger. After hearing her say this, he quickly said, "Okay, send me a text message when you are better after taking the medicine. If it doesn't work, go to the hospital immediately. Remember to let me know if you have any situation!!"

"Okay, I know. Goodbye!!" After pressing the hang-up button, Wu Linger finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Go through safely!! Great!" After saying that, she gently patted her chest, as if she wanted to pat the breath in her chest, but the more she patted, the more uncomfortable she seemed to be...

"Hey, woman, are you all right?" Even Brother Win found that Wu Linger was not right. Wu Linger didn't say anything, shook her hand, ran quickly to the bathroom, and closed the door.

Listening to the sound of vomiting in the bathroom, Brother Ying struggled for a moment, jumped on his mobile phone and dialed a phone call: "Hello?!"

Small win? What's wrong?" Aunt Xuan's voice came from the phone: "Is there something wrong with Linger?"

"Well, she seems to react a lot. Are you sure you want to continue? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I'll hurt her body!"

After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he said, "Let's do this for the time being!" Now the witches are watching closely. If I don't do this, I'm afraid that Ling'er will..."

Brother Win heard that there seemed to be no sound in the bathroom and quickly said, "I know, I will look at her!" Then I hung up the phone.

As soon as the phone hung up, the door of the bathroom opened. Wu Linger appeared in the room with a pale face: "Brother Win, whose phone is it?"

"Who else will I answer besides your Aunt Xuan?" Brother Win closed the phone angrily: "You just want to be happy. I will lie for you. If she finds out later, she will definitely clean it up with me!!"

"Hey, who are we with? If I'm unlucky, there's no reason why you can be safe and undamaged, right?" Barely walking to the bedside, Wu Linger suddenly fell down**: "Brother Win, help me turn off the computer!!"

Brother Ying was more worried when he saw Wu Linger's weak appearance. While turning off the computer, he asked Wu Linger, "Do you want to ask Qin Xiaojing to come and help you have a look? You can't go on like this!"

Wu Linger waved her hand weakly: "Forget it, Brother Qin hasn't had a good rest these days. It's rare that he is free tonight. Let him have a good rest!" After saying that, she kicked off her shoes, squirmed like Brother Win, and barely climbed to the pillow: "Don't talk to me, let me sleep for a while!!"

"Sleep! I turned off my mobile phone!" Brother Win carefully covered Wu Linger's quilt. When he touched Wu Linger's skin, he found how high Wu Linger's body temperature was. With a curse, Brother Win immediately wrapped his whole body around Wu Linger's neck.

The cold touch from the neck expelled the uncomfortable heat a lot. Wu Linger let out a comfortable moan: "Brother Win, it turns out that you can still be an ice bag!" Great!" After saying that, he fell asleep.

Brother Win endured the pain of slowly getting hot and cursed, "Dead woman, I still want to bully people at this time! I really don't know what I was crazy about at that time and promised to sign a contract with you!!"

Although the hot body makes Brother Win, who likes cold, uncomfortable, the witch power released from Wu Linger's body at this moment is his best time to practice. And... if you don't absorb these witch power and let the witch people find out, Wu Linger will be miserable.

Under the pressure of the regret in his heart, Brother Win also entered a state of practice. At this time, his white body has shown a transparent white that is almost luminous. Looking closely, in the white, there is even more five colors of light...

In the middle of the night, Brother Ying woke up from the practice state, but he was shocked. Wu Linger's power had been absorbed by him, but the impact caused by her two physical forces kept Wu Linger's body temperature rising.

I don't care whether my identity will be exposed or not, I win and turn into a human shape. I picked up Wu Linger and went straight to the bathroom...

Now Wu Linger's body temperature is frighteningly high, and her whole body is showing a strange red color. If she doesn't think about it, she will definitely ignite spontaneously because of her high body temperature: "Dat!!"

After throwing Wu Linger into the bathtub, Brother Ying immediately turned on the cold faucet to the maximum, and then rushed to the room to bring his mobile phone. After dialing Qin Xiaojing's phone, he returned to the shape of an earthworm and wrapped around Wu Linger's elbow, trying to cool her with his cold body.

In less than half a minute, Qin Xiaojing suddenly broke into the door. When he found that there was no Wu Linger in the room, he was shocked. However, the sound of water from the bathroom quickly attracted his attention and didn't care much. He kicked the wooden door of the bathroom and found that Wu Linger was soaked in the bathtub, but his face It's abnormal red: "Linger?!!"