Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 55 Uniform Temptation

Chapter 55 Uniform**

"I think the last sentence that hasn't been said is the point for you, right?" Brother Win was dissatisfied and exposed Wu Linger's true thoughts, but Wu Linger didn't care: "So what? As a senior beauty lover, it's a sin to see a handsome man demoted like this without waking him up!!"

Knowing that it's just a waste of saliva to struggle with Wu Linger again, Brother Win is too lazy to pay attention to her. Wenbao was scolded by Wu Linger, and his whole body was quite sober: "Someone called and said that the young master was in their hands and asked the eldest brother to pick up the young master there in person."

"Did you say you wanted him to go alone?" Before Qin Xiaojing asked, Wu Linger had already asked. If it is an ordinary person, it should only require one person to go there, but it is a fact that Fang Wei is not in good health. If Fang Jietian is only allowed to go alone at this time, it is equivalent to directly asking him to die and the kind of death method that absolutely cannot save Fang Wei. I believe that the other party will not be so stupid.

Sure enough, Wen Bao nodded: "It is said that you can take a doctor and a nurse there, but it can't be Miss Ji!!"

When Wu Linger put her index finger on her eyebrows and was about to enter the reasoning mode of writing, Qin Xiaojing slapped her on the head: "How is your health now?"

"It's great to go up the mountain to fight tigers! Go to the sea and capture the dragon!" Wu Linger did not lie about this. Although people will feel uncomfortable when they get sick, as long as they are dealt with properly, she will recover as soon as the fever subsides.

Qin Xiaojing stretched out his hand to probe her forehead before nodding: "You can pretend to be a nurse and go with me later!" After saying that, he turned his head and told Wenbao, "Doctors and nurses' clothes, and the first aid kit, the medicine your young master often take!"

"But..." Wenbao looked at Wu Linger. He saw with his own eyes how she was sick last night. Even most of the ice cubes were dragged back by him to the ice factory. Can she run to save the young master in this way? If she is not in good health, won't it be troublesome to drag everyone down?

Seeing Wenbao's expression, Wu Linger didn't think much about it. She directly grabbed the flying knife on the headboard and threw it at him. Wenbao was shocked. When she was about to dodge, Qin Xiaojing suddenly shouted, "Don't move!"

"capture" "capture" "capture!" After three sounds, the flying knife nailed to the wall fiercely, while Wen Bao was in a cold sweat. The flying knife rubbed the top of his head and neck and nailed it to the wall: "Miss Wu, I didn't offend you, did I?"

"You don't think I will drag everyone down, do you?" While Wu Linger said this, the flying knife in her hand was still throwing up and down. If Wenbao dared to say half a word, it would be difficult to say where the flying knife would shoot again.

How dare Wenbao say no when he is threatened like this? Not to mention that Wu Linger has a very good relationship with the young master, just because she is Ji Yanran's good friend, Wenbao dares not offend her. If she really wants to do it, Wenbao has no choice but to escape.

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are handsome. Wenbao nodded and walked out: "I'll get what you want right away!! The eldest brother is already rushing this way!"

Hearing this sentence, Qin Xiaojing frowned gently: "Isn't he here?"

"Well, it was said that there was an emergency in the gang, so I went out." Although Wen Bao didn't want to pay attention to Qin Xiaojing and Wu Linger, two tough guys who were not human-like, he had to answer patiently because of Fang Wei's order.

"At this time?" If Fang Xie is naive and cares about Fang Wei as he shows, it seems that he should stay in the villa waiting for the kidnapper's phone call or wait for him to figure out a way, and then decide how to save Fang Wei? Unexpectedly, it will run out. Is it just as Wu Linger said, Fang Jietian is a mask on the surface and a mask on the back? No, if so, then Fang Jietian has at least three images in front of others!

Seeing that Qin Xiaojing didn't say anything, Wen Bao thought he was angry: "The eldest brother said something very important. He began to do what he did before the young master disappeared. The young master also ordered that no matter what happened, the eldest brother's hand must not be stopped, so after hearing that the matter had changed, the eldest brother ran out, not him. Don't hurt the young master, he..."

"It doesn't matter!" Qin Xiaojing took a look at Wu Linger and walked out of the door with Wenbao: "Go and prepare something!"

Looking at the door being closed, Ji Yanran looked at Wu Linger worriedly: "What does Brother Qin think? I have to take you with me for such a dangerous thing."

"Maybe you know that I like excitement and that I can't stay at home, so you take me with you? But then again, Sister Yanran, do you think I will look good in a nurse's uniform?

Looking at Wu Linger's excited face, Ji Yanran really couldn't connect her with last night's appearance: "You!! Do you know what the nurse wants to do? Don't wear it at that time!!"

"Yes, if the little child really gets sick, I have to take care of him! Sister Ji, what am I going to do? After the trouble, Wu Linger still knew the priority of the matter.

After telling Wu Linger some precautions, Ji Yanran still sighed: "Brother Qin should not take you there. It's better for the nurse at home to accompany him."

"But since the other party is not allowed to go, it's not good to take the nurse at home, right? In case the other party is unhappy to do something, it will be troublesome!" Wu Linger smiled and wrapped him around his wrist: "Don't worry, we will be fine. Just stay at home and wait for us to come back!"

"Linger, change your clothes and get ready to go! You don't need to bring a flying knife!" Qin Xiaojing sent the nurse's uniform in and saw Wu Linger reaching out to get the flying knife and quickly stopped her. This time, unlike last time, the other party will definitely search first, and bringing the flying knife will only cause more danger.

Wu Linger didn't care and took over the nurse's uniform with a smile: "Okay!!"

—————————————— Powerful uniform** dividing line——————————

When Wu Linger changed into a nurse's uniform and appeared at the door, not to mention Qin Xiaojing, even Wenlong Wenbao, who was not familiar with her, was shocked, especially Wenbao said exaggeratedly, "Finally understand why there is a uniform **!" Such a Wu Linger really makes people feel like they want to throw her down. On the contrary, Qin Xiaojing deliberately combed his hair into four or six points and put on a pair of gold glasses that made people feel very rustic. Now he feels like an old-fashioned doctor who has been in the hospital for seven or eight years.

Wu Linger spit out her tongue and made a grimace to Qin Xiaojing: "Let's have a uniform party next time!" I also want to see what handsome men look like in uniforms!!"

Just as Wenbao was excited to nod and agree, he was stared at by Qin Xiaojing: "Ready to go!!"

After getting on the car, Wu Linger found that Fang Jietian was sitting in the passenger seat. Strangely, he was very calm and did not cry at this time.

Quristically patted Fang Jietian on the shoulder, and Wu Linger asked, "Don't you worry about Xiaowei now?"

Fang Jietian nodded: "As long as I know that Xiaowei is alive and where he is, I will be relieved!" Since the other party has not killed him now, he must have a way to make himself live well. All I have to do is take him home!!" At this point, he suddenly turned around, his eyes were full of tears, and his expression changed to a pleading expression: "So please!! You must help me bring Xiaowei back safely!!"

"If you cry, I'll get out of the car!!" In the face of Fang Jietian's tears, not to mention Qin Xiaojing, even Wu Linger began to feel a headache, but she was cursing another person in her heart: "Bastard Li Tianzuo, you have a psychological shadow!!"

"Cut, don't blame others if your nerves are fragile!!" Brother Win despised Wu Linger very disdainfully, but he also hated Li Tianzuo in his heart. For some reason, as long as he thought of the old man, he felt uncomfortable. It was this guy who brought Wu Linger: "You cry now, you are no worse than his momentum!!"

After feeling Brother Win's discomfort, Wu Linger smiled, but the other party said, "At least you are the boss, and Xiaowei is your father. Why do you ask us? We are just a guest doctor and nurse, and you are the protagonist! Come on!"

Ah? How come?" A trace of panic immediately flashed in Fang Jietian's eyes: "Xiaowei told me that if something happens to him, you will definitely help me solve it!!"

"Yes, we are 'helping' you solve this matter, otherwise why are we here?" I don't know why, seeing Fang Jietian's panicked expression, Wu Linger felt very funny. As she said last night, Fang Jietian was actually good-looking. Although he was a middle-aged uncle and a crybaby, it was indeed a child-like confusion that made him occasionally appear under his mature face. Fun things.

Discovering that Fang Jietian was becoming more and more panicked, Qin Xiaojing patted Wu Linger on the shoulder: "Ling'er, that's enough!"

If you continue to tease, this guy will cry again. Is he really the boss of the Black Cloud Gang? Even if it's a puppet boss, this appearance can't convince the public, can it? No wonder the little boy has to help him worry so many things. Such a father... is really a headache.

Since Qin Xiaojing spoke, Wu Linger had to let Fang Jietian go: "Really, it's hard to find a fun one!"

"You!" After rubbing Wu Linger's head dotingly, Qin Xiaojing said to her, "Sleep for a while!" I don't know what will happen later. Qin Xiaojing hopes that Wu Linger will keep her spirits up now.

Wu Linger leaned her head on Qin Xiaojing's shoulder and began to close her eyes and refresh herself. After a while, she gently asked Qin Xiaojing, "Brother Qin, is the Fang family safe? Sister Yanran is still there!"

"I have told Wenlong Wenbao!" Qin Xiaojing answered Wu Linger's question softly, but he was still vaguely worried. If the other party's goal is not to directly kill Fang Jietian and Fang Wei, then Ji Yanran is their goal. Now that everyone has left, Ji Yanran, who stays in the Fang family, is the most dangerous, which is why Qin Xiaojingjian For the reason why he wants to bring Wu Linger around, he will never put Wu Linger in a place beyond his control.

"Wenlong Wenbao?" Wu Linger turned her head and thought, "Wenlong is okay. How does Wenbao make me feel unreliable?! Why are twins always opposite personalities?