Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 75 You can't rely on just one face

Chapter 75 You can't rely on just one face

"I'm sorry, it's rare for you to ask me for help, but I..."

"So, you are just a salted fish, and you have to continue to work hard! I'm waiting to see you turn over one day!!" Seeing that the salted fish was also a little depressed, Wu Linger quickly comforted him: "Well, it's just a handsome man. If I meet him again next time, I will definitely remember to take a picture with my mobile phone and send it to you!" If you watch it every day, maybe you can become more handsome!"

"Thank you, I think I'm fine now!!" Xiao Tuo made a grimace at the video and looked back at himself in the mirror.

Reminiscence, after Xiaotuo met this guy, he really changed a lot, and he never looked like a dead house again. According to this guy, there are no ugly people, only lazy people. However, because of this appearance, Xiao Tuo can complete the task more smoothly. This world, as Wu Linger said, is a world that pays attention to appearance.

Wu Linger turned off the video depressedly and began to be in a daze. It was not until her wrist was strangled that she woke up: "Brother Ying, what's wrong?"

"Is it useful to sit stupidly? Go to eat! Take care of your own injuries first!!" Brother Win twisted his body on Wu Linger's wrist angrily. Now Wu Linger's dazed appearance made him very unhappy. For this guy, he consumed a lot of witch power today. As a result, this guy finally injured herself. If he had known this, he had tried so much effort to do before: "idiot woman!"

"I'm worried about Brother Qin! He is now arrested and injured. I don't know if those people will help him heal his wounds and give him food. Although I feel very excited when the handsome man in the novel is abused, I am not happy to think that those things will be added to Brother Qin!!" Wu Linger rolled around with the quilt in her arms: "** Ah, unless it's Ye Tian who did it, I don't want it!!!"

Brother Win was so angry that he was about to curse, but Wu Linger sat up: "No, he clearly said that he wanted Brother Qin to be the attack. He must not be Ye Tian as S. He looks like M and can only accept it!! Ah ah... Isn't this like in the novel? Xiao Gong was caught by the enemy in order to save Xiaosow, then suffered a lot, and finally moved Xiaosako, so Xiao Gong and Xiaoshu lived a happy life from then on?

"Wu Linger, I want to terminate the contract with you!" This is the last thought of Brother Win, who fell into the past when he was stunned by Wu Linger.

Just as Wu Linger was excited about her imagination, the door was suddenly knocked: "Linger, are you awake?"

Ah? Sister Yanran, right? Please come in!!" Wu Linger closed the computer and put it aside.

The door opened, and Ji Yanran came in with a dinner plate: "Looking soundly, so I didn't ask you to get up for dinner. How about that? Is it better?"

Wu Linger shook her head and was a little dizzy: "I'm dizzy. I don't know what's going on. It seems that the dizziness has become more and more serious recently." After saying that, she also patted her chest hard, as if she could inhale more oxygen.

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Ji Yanran stretched out her hand on her forehead worriedly and tried the temperature: "It seems that there is no fever. Is your chest very stuffy? Do you want to vomit?"

Wu Linger shook her head: "My chest is a little stuffy, but I don't want to vomit, but I just feel breathless!"

"Brother Qin is too much. You are like this. He actually left you alone. Even if it's to find lawyer Ye, you don't have to do this, right?" Seeing Wu Linger's pale face, Ji Yanran was a little angry.

Wu Linger shook her hand: "No, no! I'm also very happy to see that Brother Qin cares so much about Ye Tian!! Sister Yanran, think about it, Brother Qin, who is always so indifferent, will also be nervous, JQ, JQ, what a JQ thing!! If he succeeds in rescuing Ye Tian, Ye Tian will willingly throw himself into his arms, and then..."

Before Wu Linger finished her words, Ji Yanran had already patted her on the head: "I'm so sick, and I'm still thinking about these things here. You really..."

"Well, I don't believe that Sister Yanran won't think so. At the beginning, you caught me gossip about Brother Qin and Ye Tian all night!!" Wu Linger pointed to the plate beside her: "Sister Yanran, if you don't feed me, I'm going to starve to death. I only ate a bowl of rice noodles this morning!"

Looking at Wu Linger's starving ghost-like appearance, Ji Yanran couldn't laugh or cry. She took a small table from the side and put it on **, and then set up tableware and food for Wu Linger: "Eat it!!"

"How gentle! Sister Yanran is so gentle! How good would it be if Sister Yanran was really my sister?" Looking at Ji Yanran carefully preparing everything for herself, Wu Linger looked at her with a happy expression: "Since I was a child, I have been alone. I have no brothers and sisters, no cousins. When I see the calls of other brothers and sisters, I always feel that it is a very happy thing."

Ji Yanran put the chopsticks in Wu Linger's hand: "Eat your meal! How can I be as good as you said?

Wu Linger nodded while eating: "It's so good! Even Meng Jian said that you are a perfect gifted woman! It's so perfect that he is embarrassed to communicate with you, so he has to always be fierce to you!"

"Real?" Ji Yanran was stunned for a moment and immediately smiled: "I'm always happy to be with Ling Er!!"

"Well, everyone calls me Pistachio. In fact, I know, because I'm nervous, so there are always no thieves in the world! Of course you will be happy if you think so!" Wu Linger smiled happily while eating. Just looking at this smile will give people a very happy feeling.

Ji Yanran smiled and said, "Little fool, haven't you been calling me Sister Yanran? Don't you think we are sisters? Or is it that I am self-introd?

Trying to swallow the food in her mouth, Wu Linger quickly shook her head: "No, I just feel like I'm dreaming. I suddenly have such a handsome brother, and then a gentle and beautiful sister. This is what I used to dream of!! It's just incredible! There is no sense of reality!"

"He also said that he was handsome and left you alone. I was angry when he said this. Is he also a doctor? How can this be? When he comes back, I have to tell him well. And remember it for me too! You can't rely on just one face!!"

Seeing that Ji Yanran became more and more angry, Wu Linger quickly interrupted her: "Well, well, I'm eating! Don't be angry when eating! This is not good for your health!! But Brother Qin left in such a hurry that he didn't bring anything. Is he really okay?

Ji Yanran pinched Wu Linger: "After so many things, you don't think Brother Qin is an ordinary doctor, do you? Don't worry, there must be no problem with his words. Maybe he will come back with lawyer Ye in his arms at night!"

"Wow, if it's a hug, it's better to hold the princess!! Last time he was hugged like Ye Tian, which made me always feel that Brother Qin has become 'shou' recently. This time he must become an 'attack'!! At the thought of here, Wu Linger was so excited that she even forgot to eat, which made Ji Yanran shake her head.

After waiting for Wu Linger to finish eating, Ji Yanran packed up her things and said, "Xiao Wei's illness has happened again. Now she is resting. If it's okay, don't quarrel with him!!"

"Little boy? What's wrong with him?" As soon as Wu Linger heard that Fang Wei was ill, she immediately lifted the quilt to see him, but after hearing Ji Yan's words, she immediately stopped: "Can I go to see him?"

Ji Yanran frowned in some embarrassment: "He is very weak now. It's better to rest. If he knows that Brother Qin is also missing, he will definitely worry again!"

"I promise I won't tell him about Brother Qin. Just say that Brother Qin has gone shopping for me and hasn't come back yet!" Wu Linger held Ji Yanran's arm and pleaded, "Good sister, just let me go to see Xiao Zhengtai!" If I don't look at him, I won't even sleep well!!"

In the face of Wu Linger's plea, Ji Yanran hesitated and finally nodded and agreed: "I can only stay for a while, and I can't make Xiaowei emotional. He needs absolute rest now!!"

"Don't worry, I'll fix him if he's not good!!" Wu Linger ran out barefoot in a nightdress. Looking at Wu Linger's back, Ji Yanran shook her head helplessly. When she was about to leave the room with the dinner plate, she saw that Wu Linger's computer was not turned off: "This careless guy, the netbook is already fragile, and he still turns it on like this. You should cry when the computer is broken later!!" She didn't forget the appearance of Wu Linger rushing to the manuscript a few days ago.

Just as Ji Yanran reached out to touch Wu Linger's computer, Wu Linger's mobile phone suddenly rang. Ji Yanran was stunned for a moment and helplessly picked up her mobile phone and walked to Fang Wei's room.

Opening the door, Ji Yanran saw Wu Linger and Fang Wei smiling happily and didn't know what they were laughing at. Ji Yanran handed over the phone and said, "Linger, is it okay if your computer is not turned off?"

"No problem, no problem, leave it there on standby, and go back later and continue to code! I went out all morning today, and I had to code for a while! I don't want to rush to the manuscript again next month. Wu Linger answered the phone as she spoke. After seeing the name displayed on the phone, Wu Linger's face changed greatly and immediately made a forbidden gesture to everyone.

After confirming that Fang Wei and Ji Yanran were quiet, Wu Linger pressed the answer button: "Aunt Xuan?!"

"Dead girl, where have you died? Didn't you say you would go to Hong Kong? Where are you now? Even if Wu Linger held the phone more than a foot away from her ear, she felt that the sound was too horrible: "You really think you are a fairy and in good health to run around, don't you?"

"Aunt Xuan, how do you know I'm not in Hong Kong?" Wu Linger was a little strange. She didn't tell Wu Xiaoxuan about her departure from Hong Kong, so how did she know?

"Are you going to stop talking if I don't ask you? You guys are so pissed off..." After saying a lot on the phone, there was no point, which made Wu Linger one head and two big: "Aunt Xuan, can you please tell me the point?"

"Key points? The point is that you, a dead girl, dared to run to G. How did I warn you before? Have you been repaired for a long time, so you want to be Pikachu's younger brother? Wu Xiaoxuan's angry voice came from the other end of the phone, which cooled Wu Linger's heart: "Brother Win, are you betraying me?"


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