Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 79 Operation to Rescue the Handsome man

Chapter 79 Operation to Rescue the Handsome man

Wu Linger was stunned by the man's smile. To be honest, the man's facial features in front of him were not strange to look at separately, but they were handsome and faintly childish. Especially his eyes are shining and full of vitality. But it doesn't seem appropriate to describe a 25-year-old man with vitality...

Seeing Wu Linger's confused look, the man smiled: "You are really as said in Xiao Tuo's information. You are in a daze at the sight of a handsome man!!"

"Handsome man is commented by others, not sealed by himself!! Moreover, the Xiaotuo you mentioned is a guy with a straight face that people want to pinch when they look at it, right? Doesn't he know that everyone has privacy? It's too much. Next time I catch a real person, I have to clean him up!" Thinking of the guy with such a cute face but such a bad personality, Wu Linger is full of fire.

Seeing Wu Linger's angry appearance like a cute Persian cat, the man couldn't help reaching out and pinching her face: "Speaking about others, your face is also very want to pinch! By the way, let me introduce myself, Shi Zhijun, a professional chef. I heard that you like delicious food very much. I'll make delicious food for you next time!"

"Hey? Really??" As soon as she heard that there was delicious food, Wu Linger immediately became very happy: "It's a settlement! A handsome man will become ugly if he eats his promise!!"

Hearing that he immediately became the handsome man in Wu Linger's mouth, Shi Zhijun couldn't help laughing and revealing two rows of white teeth: "You are really easy to be bought!!"

"That depends on who the other party is, but not everyone can buy me!" Wu Linger smiled proudly, but she couldn't hide the tiredness on her face.

Shi Zhijun handed the grass leaves that had just been folded to Wu Linger: "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Wu Linger took the grass leaf and threw it into her mouth: "No, I haven't been in good spirits recently. I'm always sleepy. I'm probably a little tired. I'll be fine if I have a good rest later. Don't worry, it won't affect your actions!"

Looking at Wu Linger's good spirit, Shi Zhijun recalled what Wu Linger had experienced in this month. It was normal for Wu Linger to feel tired. He nodded with a smile: "Take a break before leaving!!"

Wu Linger looked at the watch and said, "Well, give me another five minutes!" After saying that, she sat under the tree and began to close her eyes to refresh herself. She was completely unprepared for Shi Zhijun, who met for the first time.

In the face of such Wu Linger, Shi Zhijun doesn't know whether she is crazy or believes too much in Qin Xiaojing and Ye Tian, so even their friends will believe it. But anyway, this is also a strange guy, right?

Just five minutes later, Wu Linger put her hand on the ground and stood up energetically: "Let's go!!" After saying that, she picked up the bag beside her and walked straight forward.

Shi Zhijun looked at Wu Linger winding in front of him strangely. In a short time, they had already bypassed two villas. And Wu Linger had no intention of going into the villa to find out if Qin Xiaojing was in it, but just walked forward. She looked as if she knew where Qin Xiaojing was locked up.

However, since Wu Linger started just now, she looked very angry. It seemed that something had happened, or someone had provoked her. The momentum emanating from her even made Shi Zhijun feel a little stressed.

When he saw Wu Linger go around another villa and continued to move forward, Shi Zhijun finally couldn't help pulling her: "What's wrong with you? Don't you have to go in and check it?" Along the way, Wu Linger turned around like this, like entering a no man's land. She just walked forward and didn't even catch anyone to ask about the situation. Isn't it too strange?

"Dead woman, calm down, in your current state, even if you run over, you can't solve any problems!" Brother Win reminded Wu Linger loudly in his bag: "Ye Tian has mixed in, and I also found that another person is strange and should also be their person. Now, calm down!! Otherwise, Shi Zhijun will think that you are an internal response. How can you rush all the way to the inside if you don't know anything?! Are you an idiot?"

Thanks to Brother Win's shouting, Wu Linger finally woke up a little. She looked up and saw Shi Zhijun's doubtful expression and smiled shyly: "I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you that I am born with a sense of spirituality, and people I know will have an intuition. If I keep thinking about him, I can feel where he is within a certain range. Brother Qin..." Wu Linger pointed to the last villa: "It should be there!"

To be honest, if he hadn't had no confidence in Xiao Tuo, Shi Zhijun would have never believed Wu Linger's words, but directly cured her, but now, he really didn't know whether he should believe him when Wu Linger said this.

Seeing Shi Zhijun's puzzled expression, Wu Linger is also a little entangled. Now the most perfect arrogant attack on Qin Xiaojing in her heart is in the innermost villa, and the situation seems to be very bad, and the queen attack Xiao Yezi is still fighting in the second villa. If it goes on like this, I don't know how long it will take for the perfect "lovers" to touch Noodles.

Besides, even if she puts aside the embrace of the BL god, Wu Linger is also a senior member of the Appearance Association. She is absolutely not allowed to hurt handsome men in this way: "I know you don't believe it, but what I want to say is that Ye Tian has only entered the second villa now. If it goes on like this, Brother Qin doesn't know how much he will suffer in it. Young crime, if you doubt me, you can meet Ye Tian now. It's no problem for me to save Brother Qin!!" After saying that, Wu Linger broke away from Shi Zhijun's hand and continued to walk forward.

Shi Zhijun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Wu Linger could not only find out Qin Xiaojing's position, but also Ye Tian's position. If what she said is true, then her so-called spiritual sense is too strong, right? With this kind of person following, the certainty of rescuing Qin Xiaojing is much greater. Thinking of this, Shi Zhijun quickly followed Wu Linger. When he caught up, he found that Wu Linger's speed was really fast, which could not be done by ordinary people: "You?!"

"Isn't that Xiao Tuo very powerful? If he doesn't even find this, remember to ask him for the intelligence fee next time!!" Wu Linger was also very happy to see Shi Zhijun following. After all, it is a happy thing to be trusted, especially that she is a handsome man.

"Flower girl, I think the latter point is the key point!" Brother Ying was very dissatisfied when he stayed in Wu Linger's pocket. Along the way, he kept pointing out how to avoid all the bright and dark whistles and watching her quarrel with others. It can be said that he was quite unhappy.

Obviously, Wu Linger is in a better mood now and doesn't care about Brother Win's poisonous tongue at all. As she ran, she said to Brother Win, "After this incident, I will go back and order the last blockbuster silk bow tie for you!"


"Really! I promise!!" Because the matter was about to be solved, Wu Linger's mood also became better, and naturally she agreed.

Because of Brother Win's special body shape, its bow tie has to be specially customized by Wu Linger or made by herself. She usually relies on such a troublesome matter, but this time, for the sake of Brother Win so hard to help her save the handsome man, even if it is troublesome, she will satisfy Brother Win's wish.

After bypassing two more villas, Wu Linger suddenly found a place to stop. Shi Zhijun, who had been following her, looked at her strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Take a break!" At this time, Wu Linger's eyes were almost unable to open, and a burst of strong sleepiness made her almost unable to stand still. Because of the strong pressure of sleepiness, Wu Linger was so uncomfortable that she was about to vomit. Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Shi Zhijun felt something was wrong: "You are not sick, are you?"

Wu Linger gasped and sat on the ground: "Give me half an hour, wake me up in half an hour! I..." Before he finished speaking, Wu Linger had fallen asleep.

Looking at Wu Linger's calm sleeping face, Shi Zhijun also gasped and sat on the ground: "Wow, it turns out that you are also a human? I thought you wouldn't be tired!! Really! You haven't stopped running all the way, and it's not that you're so tired to fall asleep now. I really thought you came from Mars!" Just now, I didn't want to admit defeat in front of girls, so I pretended to be nothing, but in fact, Shi Zhijun was also very tired.

Half an hour later, Shi Zhijun reached out to wake up Wu Linger. Just as his hand was about to touch Wu Linger, Wu Linger grabbed his hand and suddenly opened her eyes. After she saw Shi Zhijun clearly, she let go of her hand shyly: "I'm sorry, don't approach me casually when I sleep!"

Without waiting for Shi Zhijun to speak, Wu Linger sat up and stretched out: "After sleeping, I feel much better. Let's go!! The rescue of the handsome man is now officially starting!!"

Shi Zhijun followed Wu Linger. Just as he was about to start, Wu Linger suddenly pulled him down and squatted down: "It's strange that Ye Tian is much faster and has rushed this way from the fourth villa. Isn't he afraid of being found by others?"

In the face of Wu Linger's problem, Shi Zhijun feels normal: "Now Ye Tian has come here to find someone from the first villa, and now, it has been an hour or two. No matter how secret he is, he will be detected by his opponents. If he doesn't speed up, his opponent will either turn Xiaojing away or threaten him.

"Is that so?!" Wu Linger touched her chin and thought about it, "Then let Ye Tian go first!" Anyway, the opponent doesn't know our existence. Looking at Ye Tian's current situation, it is difficult not to be found by others. If he attracts most of the attention of the other party, it will be much easier for us to save Brother Qin, right? As long as there are no hostages that can be threatened in the other party's hands, Ye Tian and you should be able to let go, right?

"What about you?" Shi Zhijun looked at Wu Linger strangely and listened to her tone, as if he wanted to stay out of the matter.