Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 58 Black yourself

Chapter 58 Black yourself

How is it possible? This is related to my handsome level!!" When Shi Zhijun joked, the servant had already brought Wu Linger's breakfast: "You have breakfast first. I'll prepare it!!"

"Handsome man, in order to avoid relegation, come on!!" Wu Linger shouted jokingly at Shi Zhijun's back. But I don't want to make Shi Zhijun run away quickly.

At noon, Wu Linger's mobile phone rang. Wu Linger boredly threw away the notebook and picked up the mobile phone, clicked her mouth, and pressed the hang-up button: "boring!"

Brother Ying poked his head out from under the pillow: "If you are bored, type it!" Although you don't have to submit your manuscript this month, you can't escape next month! If you don't want to die, just code it quickly!! Idiot woman!!"

After being reminded by Brother Win, Wu Linger remembered that she really hadn't typed for several days. She quickly brought the book over: "It's over, where did you write last time? I'm not impressed at all!! Sure enough, I can't interrupt my typing, or I will die!!"

"Anyway, you didn't die once! If you die a few more times, you will get used to it!!" Brother Win looked at Wu Linger strangely: "You are really an idiot woman!!"

"Hey, that's enough. Don't think you can go to heaven if you scold him in the morning!" Wu Linger was dissatisfied and played Brother Win: "Pay attention to your attitude!! Why am I perverted?"

Brother Win took a look at Ji Zai: "This guy originally needed a week to control the witch power in his body. You should be very weak this week, and may even cause headaches and coma because of the excessive absorption of witch power. There is no other way to relieve it than to rest, but what have you done this week?

After hearing Brother Ying's words, Wu Linger began to break her hands and count: "I was shot seven times and quarreled with people countless times. I walked for three hours, went shopping for an afternoon, and ran for half an hour. I don't know if hip-hop is physical work? It shouldn't count, right? As for me, I don't feel tired!! Wow! Brother Win, I didn't know I was so strong!!"

"Today is the seventh day. After today, your spirit will be better than these days! At that time, you can bully whoever you want!!" After saying that, Brother Win immediately withdrew his head back into the pillow and successfully dodged another attack by Wu Linger.

Wu Linger couldn't hit it, but she didn't continue to embarrass her brother. In fact, she also found that she was much better after getting up today. Although he was angry with James' behavior, his head was not uncomfortable, unlike the time when he was angry with Daniel before.

Just as Wu Linger opened the document concept article, the maid gently knocked on the door: "Miss Li, your phone!"

"If it's Master Houston's, just say it's not convenient for me to answer the phone now!" Wu Linger didn't even bother to open the door and refused to answer the phone directly through the door.

After saying that, Wu Linger did not hear the sound of leaving. The maid standing outside the door seemed to not know what to do. Normally, she should listen to the guests and directly refuse James, but she didn't do it now, which felt too strange.

"Woman, answer the phone and don't embarrass unrelated people!!" Brother Win poked his head out from under the pillow to remind Wu Linger. Wu Linger was a little depressed and threw the book aside and jumped out of bed: "If you don't let others embarrass you, why do others keep making things difficult for me?"

"Because you are the protagonist, you are destined to be abused by the author all the time!!" Brother Win blocked her with Wu Linger's usual words to deal with readers' protests.

After Wu Linger opened the door, she saw the maid standing at the door in embarrassment: "What's wrong?"

"The young master asked Miss Li to... answer this phone! Say... You don't have to worry about anything. He and the young lady absolutely believe in you!" The maid was embarrassed and held the phone and didn't know whether to leave or stay.

Wu Linger took the phone and waved to the maid: "It's okay. Go and do your work first!" The maid hurriedly saluted and left, as if Wu Linger would change her mind for another second.

Wu Linger looked at the maid's back and said depressedly, "Am I that horrible?" Unexpectedly scared away!! Really!!" After saying that, Wu Linger said to the phone, "I'm very busy. I don't have time to listen to nonsense. If you have something to say, say it quickly!"

"Ling Er, can I ask you to attend the charity auction with me tonight?" James on the other end of the phone didn't seem to hear Wu Linger's unhappiness, but asked gently.

Wu Linger turned around impatiently and sat down**: "I'm not free!!"

"Are you busy?"

"Yes! I've had a few days off, and it's time to start writing!" Wu Linger knocked on the computer with one hand to reply to the readers' questions and said, "Is there anything else? If it's okay, I'll hang up!!"

"Ling Er? What's wrong?" James finally felt that Wu Linger was a little strange: "Is there something wrong?"

Wu Linger is a straightforward person. Since James asked, she said rudely, "I saw TV and I don't like your comments very much!! I'm troublesome enough now! Please let me go!!"

James on the other end of the phone was stunned before he understood what Wu Linger meant: "Linger, I think you misunderstood. I just think your frank personality is very enviable. If I and Vivian had been more frank before, maybe we wouldn't have come to where we are today. If my words cause trouble to you, I apologize to you, that's not what I think. For me, Linger, you are my good friend. I cherish our friendship and will never hurt this precious relationship!!"

"Anyway... your way of speaking bothers me! Sorry, I don't want to talk to you again today! Maybe I'll call you tomorrow when I get angry!" After saying that, Wu Linger had hung up the phone.

To some extent, Wu Linger is a very soft-hearted person, especially if the other party is a handsome man, she is more likely to be soft-hearted. According to Brother Win, she is a type of simple-minded and easy to deceive. She has no concept of right and wrong at all. She basically belongs to what others say.

Wu Linger also knew this, so she directly chose to hang up the phone. For her, if James said a little more, maybe she would forgive James and believe that what he said on TV was actually just unintentional...

"Women! Code words!!" When Brother Ying saw Wu Linger holding the phone in a daze, he rudely urged her: "You also know that Miss Li will not be long. If you don't write more words, you will starve to death!!"

Wu Linger threw the phone to the end of the bed and picked up the computer, but found that the chat window was kicked out: "Linger, are you all right?"

"Dead salted fish, how many times have I warned you? Don't kick me with video, do you need a beat?" Originally, he was in a bad mood, but now an unlucky man hit the muzzle of the gun. Naturally, Wu Linger will not let him go.

Xiao Tuo was rejected while watching the video at the other end of the computer. A line of bright red characters jumped out and immediately knew that Wu Linger was in a bad mood now: "I saw on the Internet that you were loved by a big man again. I was worried that something would happen to you, so I deliberately squatted down to watch you!! It's really a good heart!!"

"Thank you!! Anyway, you are a night owl. It's just a by the way to say squat, right? Do you want to rob the manuscript? Exchange the photos of the handsome man and give you the manuscript when I'm happy, or you can wait for the update slowly!!"

"Ah........................ Boss, you won't, will you? You have stopped the update for ten days, and Her Royal Highness has revealed internal information to me that you have not been in good health recently, so you have to have a good rest this month. Can't you leave me in the pit for so long? At least I'm your little brother!!"

Looking at the salted fish in the computer expressing his pain in words, Wu Linger was in a much better mood: "Well, go and help me find a person named Xiao Tuo, hack his computer, or write the word fool on his computer!" Then I'll give you the manuscript!!"

Xiao Tuo suddenly sprayed out a mouthful of tea on the other side of the computer. Fortunately, his keyboard was waterproof: " boss, did he provoke you?"

"I didn't mess with you, but I'm in a bad mood now, so I have to make a mess! Either you hacked his computer, or you wait for the update!!" Wu Linger imagined Xiao Tuo's wonderful expression when he saw his computer being hacked and couldn't help laughing proudly: "Let him know that I am not easy to bully!!"

Xiao Tuo never thought that there would be a day when he would be forced to hack his computer. With a black line, he asked tentatively, "Can you... change to someone else?"