Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 60 Is this vase very expensive?

Chapter 60 Is this vase expensive?

Wu Linger held this code for a while and then began to be in a daze: "Brother Win!"

"What are you doing?"

"Do you smell something burning?" Wu Linger looked at the pillow, and Brother Win looked out from under the pillow and looked at the table: "Dead bird! Can't you control your strength when you are bald? Is your body bare and your head bare? Why don't you burn yourself to death?!!"

After hearing Brother Win's scolding, Wu Linger turned her eyes to the dressing table. When she saw the fire on the dressing table, she suddenly screamed and jumped down from **. She picked up the vase by the window sill and pulled out the flowers in the vase and prepared to pour them on the dressing table. Fortunately, Brother Win stopped her in time: "Stop, he is Advanced, you will fail him in this way!!"

Fortunately, Brother Win stopped Wu Linger in time. She stood there holding a vase full of water and watched Ji Zi grow up slowly in the firelight... a little!

The firelight has not disappeared yet, and only "bang!" At once, Ji Zai fell from the table to the floor. Because of the advanced high temperature, it burned the dressing table. Fortunately, it has been upgraded successfully, so after falling to the floor, the carpet on the ground did not burn.

"You can call people!!" Brother Win saw Ji Zai's advancement and directly shrank under the pillow, and Ji Zai hid in Wu Linger's wardrobe as soon as he heard that Wu Linger was going to call someone, and he didn't have time to look in the mirror.

When Wu Linger saw that the two witch pets hid carelessly and threw all the rest to her, she also complained in her heart: "What kind of witch pet am I calling?"

"Women, just be content! Fortunately, it's in the United States this time. If it's in your room, you have to change the table again!!" Brother Win hid in the pillow and reminded Wu Linger: "Remember to pretend to be scared!! Otherwise, others will doubt you again!!"

Wu Linger walked out with a vase: "Do you want me to say it? I already knew!!"

Walking to the door, Wu Linger took a deep breath and her face became full of fear: "Come on!! Come on!!"

The first one to rush in was not Shi Zhijun as Wu Linger thought. On the contrary, it was Daniel: "Honey, what's wrong?"

Wu Linger resisted the impulse to smash the vase on Daniel's head and pointed to the room and shouted in a panic: "My bag suddenly caught fire and burned through the dresser!!"

As soon as Wu Linger finished saying this, Shi Zhijun had rushed in. Obviously, he also heard Wu Linger's words outside just now. He took the vase in Wu Linger's hand: "You stay outside, I'll go in and have a look!!"

Daniel also came over to help Wu Linger sit down on the sofa, but after seeing Wu Linger's warning eyes, he still stood aside obediently and did not do anything.

After a while, Shi Zhijun came out of the room: "Ling Er, what the hell is going on?"

Wu Linger shook her head with a very nervous and completely frightened expression and said, "I don't know. I was sitting in ** and suddenly smelled something burnt. As soon as I looked up, I saw my bag burning. I wanted to find something to put out the fire, but I couldn't find it. Later, I found the vase and went to get it. As a result, after I got the vase, I found that the fire was extinguished!!

After listening to Wu Linger's words, Shi Zhijun only felt an impulse to beat people: "Isn't the common sense of fire leaving the fire first? You are still looking for something in the room, and you have been looking for it for a long time?!!"

"Well... Because the fire doesn't look very big, I originally wanted to put out the fire with a blanket or clothes, but the blanket and my clothes looked very expensive, so I didn't dare to think of this vase in the end!" Wu Linger looked carefully at Shi Zhijun: "Isn't this vase also very expensive? I didn't break it!!"

Shi Zhijun felt that he was about to leave: "Isn't this the point, okay?!! Can you please bring the topic to something that doesn't matter every time?!!"

Daniel suddenly patted Shi Zhijun on the shoulder: "For God's sake, calm down! You scared Linger!!" After saying that, Daniel turned to Wu Linger and said, "Linger, nothing in this family is important to you! If this happens next time, remember that your safety is the most important thing. Blankets, clothes and vases are fine, but it doesn't matter!! You know, you are..."

"I don't want to have another time!! It's horrible!!" Knowing what Daniel was going to say later, Wu Linger rudely interrupted him and turned her head to Shi Zhijun: "Is everything all right in the room? Can I still live in this room?"

Shi Zhijun took a look at Daniel and sighed after seeing Daniel nodded: "You... let's change another room!! You'd better not live in this room until you find the cause of the fire!!"

Although Wu Linger said that it was the first fire in her bag, even the dressing table could be burned at such a high temperature, and the comb less than 20 centimeters from the burned hole was not damaged, and even a few Wu Linger's hairs on the comb were not burned, which was incredible.

Wu Linger's face suddenly collapsed when she heard that she was going to change rooms: "Is that right? Do you want to change rooms again? I recognize the bed!! After getting used to this bed, this room has to be changed again. A few more times like this, I don't have to be killed by others. I died directly because of lack of sleep.

Looking at Wu Linger's painful expression, Shi Zhijun stretched out his hand and flicked her head: "How can it be as exaggerated as you said? Go in and pack up! Change the room immediately!"

Wu Linger walked into the room with a bitter face. Daniel looked at Shi Zhijun: "Can't you really see the reason for the fire?"

Shi Zhijun shook his head: "It seems that the sudden high temperature quickly burned through the boards of the table and drawer. I have never seen it before. I'll take care of it!"

"That's the best. I have always avoided this kind of troublesome thing!! Thank you!!" As soon as he heard that Shi Zhijun would deal with these things, Daniel suddenly looked saved. Shi Zhijun knew Daniel's character, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him and went straight into Wu Linger's room: "Have you packed up? It's almost enough to collect your computer. Others will be cleaned up by servants!!"

"I know!" Wu Linger pulled out a bag from the wardrobe and went back to the room and threw her computer and mobile phone into the bag: "My glasses and cosmetics are all burned out. I'm depressed!!"

"I'll give you a set later! Write down everything you want, and I'll buy it!!" Shi Zhijun had a lingering heart after taking a look at the dressing table that burned a hole. Fortunately, it burned the dressing table, not Wu Linger's bed, otherwise it would be difficult to say whether Wu Linger, who stayed in **, could survive: "You guy, I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or lament that you are too unlucky!!"

"Blessings depend on misfortunes. Misfortune is the place where blessings depend! Who knows?" Wu Linger picked up her bag and walked out of the room and happened to see the housekeeper waiting at the door: "Housekeeper, I'm sorry! I'm sorry to trouble you again!!"

The housekeeper respectfully waited aside: "What, we didn't treat you well before we asked Miss Li to change your room all the time. I'm really sorry, please forgive me!"

In the face of the housekeeper who has always been so respectful and polite, Wu Linger couldn't get used to it. She reluctantly smiled: "So... which room should I change to?"

"Please follow me!!"

When the housekeeper opened the door, Wu Linger immediately ran into the room happily: "Wow, I like this room!!" The whole room is mainly tender green, accompanied by white, which looks very cool and has a spring atmosphere.

"As long as you like!" The housekeeper respectfully saluted Wu Linger: "So, I'll ask someone to move your things here?"

"Well, please!!" Seeing ** covered with grass-colored sheets, Wu Linger immediately jumped up happily and rolled a few times: "Wow! So happy!!"

Seeing that Wu Linger had completely lost her shape, Shi Zhijun coughed gently: "Ling'er, image! Image!!"

Being reminded, Wu Linger found that she was wearing a skirt and rushed to **. Fortunately, the skirt was long enough, otherwise... Wu Linger sat up from ** awkwardly: "I know! Really! What if it makes people happy!!"

When Wu Linger said this, Shi Zhijun found that she had really not been very happy since she met Wu Linger, including in the amusement park. She was not very happy: "Linger, do you want to go back to your previous life?"