Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 65 Are you a man?

Chapter 65 Are you a man?

After a few steps, he found that his skirt was too inconvenient. Wu Linger rudely tore it hard, tore the skirt to the thigh, and then tied the skirt to the side.

When Wu Linger did this, Brother Ying had already stood beside her and threw down a long roll of fire hose in his hand. Brother Ying took a look at Wu Linger's light hands, frowned, bent down, and reached out to tear off Wu Linger's skirt.

In Wu Linger's scream, her long skirt turned into a knee-length skirt. Brother Win ignored Wu Linger's screams and flashed aside while tearing off her skirt, as if he was guarding Wu Linger's flying legs.

After Brother Win accidentally found that Wu Linger did not attack him, he couldn't help looking at Wu Linger. Wu Linger looked shy after screaming: "Tear it, as long as you are handsome, I will!!"

A black line looked at Wu Linger, and Brother Win secretly cursed in his heart: "Idiot woman, go to hell!! I won't tear any of your clothes again!!!"

Daniel looked at Wu Linger with a sad and angry face: "How can you do this? I'm your fiance!!"

Wu Linger took a look at Brother Ying and then at Daniel, and her eyes were full of disdain: "When are you more handsome than him, come and talk to me again!" I don't have time to talk to you now!!"

Although he was so angry that he was about to spit blood, Brother Win's hand still did not stop. He tore the skirt into two, one was thrown to Daniel with a handkerchief to wipe his tears, and the other was once again divided into two by him and quickly wrapped his hands for Wu Linger.

When Brother Win was working for himself, Wu Linger thanked herself for the first time that she had just controlled her instinct. If she had just kicked out... This handsome man would never pay attention to her.

As soon as he wrapped his hand for Wu Linger, Brother Ying heard a hurried footsteps on the corner. He raised his head to Wu Linger and motioned her to go down first. Then he turned his head to look at Daniel. He ignored him and just ran to the corner.

Having had the experience last time, Wu Linger already knew the character of the handsome man very well. If she didn't leave, the handsome man would not leave, so as last time, she shouted to the handsome man, "Hey! Handsome man! Remember, live well!! Otherwise, I will come all over the world to bury you!!"

The handsome man ran while giving a thumbs-up to Wu Linger, indicating that he would be fine. Seeing this gesture, Wu Linger smiled and slid down with the fire hose. There were only four floors from here. Although the fire hose was not very useful, Wu Linger also slid down for safety. What she is worried about now is that Daniel, the second ancestor, can slide down from it?

After Wu Linger's feet landed, she heard it shouting: "Get out of the way!! I can't catch it!! Ah!!" With a secret scold in her heart, Wu Linger reached out and caught Daniel who fell from mid-air: "Let's go!!"

"God, my feet are soft and I can't walk!!" Daniel almost sat on the ground after Wu Linger let go. Wu Linger listened to the gunshot on the fourth floor and pulled him up: "I've never seen such a useless man like you!!"

"Gun! It's terrible!! I want to go home!!" Daniel held the wall, and his feet were soft, which made people angry.

Wu Linger picked up Daniel and walked out. Fortunately, there was a hairpin on her head. After Wu Linger quickly opened a car and threw Daniel into the co-pilot's seat, she also sat in the driver's position: "You show me the way, I don't know the way!!" After saying that, she has started the car.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders: "I never know the way!! That's what the driver should do!! I..."

Before Daniel finished his words, Wu Linger had grabbed his clothes and asked him fiercely, "You guy, what can you do? Are you still a man?!!"

"Actually, I really want to prove to you whether I am a man or not! As long as..." Daniel had no chance to speak again, because Wu Linger had punched him unconscious. Wu Linger drove and asked Brother Win, "Brother Ying, how can I go back to Brown's house?"

The car has begun to slide slowly, but Wu Linger did not hear Brother Win's voice. Looking in the mirror, there was no Brother Win on her head: "Brother Win?! Where are you?"

"Idiot woman, open the door!!" Brother Win's voice came from outside the car door. Wu Linger quickly opened the car door and found that Brother Win was staying outside the car door: "Why don't you be careful next time? This is the first time. Every time it's like this, it's like this. If you lose me and can't hear my voice, is that handsome man really that important? Excessive!!"

Wu Linger doesn't have time to listen to Brother Win's gossip now. She picked up Brother Win and threw him into the car: "Don't talk nonsense! You can fall on my head. Who can to blame? Do you remember how to get back to Brown's house?

Brother Win's head went to Daniel: "Don't that guy know?"

"What else can that guy do besides asking God to possess him? What should I do now?" Wu Linger took a look at Daniel, who was in a coma, as if she was still angry, and punched him fiercely: "A piece of shit, Bai Chang's good skin!!"

Brother Win took a look at Daniel and said, "Take the car to the street, then drive to the third street, turn left, drive there and tell you how to get there!!"

Wu Linger drove the car while paying careful attention to the situation around her. Tonight, the attacker was by her side, and she didn't even notice that this kind of thing was a little incredible. It was also the first time that such a thing happened, so Wu Linger became a little nervous and was afraid of another emergency on the road.

It seemed to feel Wu Linger's nervousness. Brother Win warned her angrily: "Idiot woman, your driving skills are not good in the first place. Don't be happy! Drive your car! If there is any situation, I will let you know in advance! That said, because of Ji Zai, your current witch power value is so low that you have a broken table, so your perception of your surroundings is much weaker. And you were still quarreling with Daniel at that time, and you wouldn't pay attention to your surroundings.

When Brother Win said this, Wu Linger remembered something. She reached out and bounced Brother Win: "I said, you should have found it at that time, right? Why didn't you warn me? Don't say that you also smoked at that time!!"

"I told you earlier that I have recently advanced and am not in good spirits! How do I know you will be so dull? Even if you don't have witch power and your spiritual consciousness is much lower, your uncle has trained you, right? Unexpectedly, those people have not found it so close to him. Who on earth wants to reflect on it? Brother Win taught Wu Linger angrily: "I think if you go on like this, sooner or later you will be taken back by your uncle for good training!!"

"Bah! You have to train! I don't want to go back there!" Wu Linger stepped on the accelerator with hatred, and the car immediately soared. Fortunately, there were no patrolmen on this road, otherwise I guess there would be a police light behind?

Brother Winn certainly knows that Wu Linger doesn't like that place, but if it can make her stop thinking about what happened just now, Brother Winn doesn't care about hitting Wu Linger.

After driving in the direction of Brother Win said for about 30 minutes, Wu Linger stepped on the brakes: "Where is this?"

"Police! Just go inside and tell them that you are looking for Janice!!" Brother Win lazily pestered Wu Linger's wrist: "I don't know how to get back to Brown's house, but it's okay to find a guide for you!!"

"Really, why didn't I expect that you are smart!!" As soon as Wu Linger heard that the problem had been solved, she didn't care about what Brother Win had just mocked about herself. She opened the door and got out of the car directly...

When Janice sent someone to call the Brown family, it had been more than half an hour. Everyone helped Daniel, who fell to his head, into the car, and then Janice breathed a sigh of relief: "Master! Didn't I tell you not to go out recently? Why do you keep running outside? It's very dangerous!!"

Wu Linger rudely knocked on Janice's head: "Do you still know that I'm your master? How dare you teach me a lesson? I warn you, practice what I taught you, and come to Brown's house next week. Master, I want to accept it! If you don't meet the requirements, you will die!!"

Janice touched the painful head and looked aggrieved: "Master, I care about you!! How can it be so fierce?"

Wu Linger wrinkled her nose dissatisfiedly: "You'd better care about your case. I said, you, deal with the matter quickly, and let your master and I can rest assured to come out and play! Don't act coquettish in front of me. You are not a first-class handsome man. No matter how coquettish I am, I won't feel sorry!!!"

"But I'm your apprentice!!" Janis looked depressed: "You don't give any kindness, Master, you are too much!!"