Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 82 Twist one for me?

Chapter 82 Twist one for me to show me?

The room suddenly quieted down, and Wu Linger was really not used to it. She barely sat up and turned on the computer from the bedside table. As soon as the computer entered the system, the video popped out: "Linger, are you all right? How's the wound?"

After Wu Linger looked at the ordinary but extremely nervous face in the window for a while, her face suddenly became cold and she didn't say anything. She typed a line directly in the window: "Who are you?"

After being stunned at the other end of the computer, Xiao Tuo immediately said, "I'm a salted fish! What's wrong with you? Can't even recognize me?"

"You big-headed ghost!!" Wu Linger finally couldn't help shouting at the computer: "Only a few people know about my injury. Don't tell me that you invaded the American police system and saw the news last night!" I know you are awesome, but to this extent, it is not something that an ordinary civilian hacker can do!! Who the hell are you?!!"

For the first time, Xiao Tuo saw Wu Linger's fire, and he didn't know what to say for a while. After a while, he smiled bitterly: "No matter who I am, I'm your good friend salted fish. Linger, can it be that if I change my identity, am I not your friend? For me, whether you are Wu Linger or Li Linger, whether you are the otaku who always threatens me or the heir of the Li consortium, you are my good friend and boss Wu Linger. What am I to you?"

"Bah! Don't play warm cards for me, I won't eat this! Who can't say something nice? Don't forget that I'm a code. If you want to say something nice, I can say that I won't repeat it for three days and three nights!! I'll give you another chance to tell me who you are!! Otherwise, I will ask my family to repair you!!!" Wu Linger was not in a good mood and didn't pay much attention to her tone.

Xiao Tuo bit his lower lip and thought about it before asking Wu Linger, "Is it because I tell you who I am? You won't be angry. You still treat me as your friend!"

"Do not negotiate with me! Even if you don't tell me, I know who you are!" Wu Linger pointed to the video and scolded hatefully, "How dare you make a fake face in front of me! He said he regarded me as a friend, but he lied to me for so many years! I don't want to forgive you!!!"

Xiao Tuo was stunned for a moment and couldn't figure out why Wu Linger knew that he was using the software to change his appearance now. In desperation, he had to turn off the software and face Wu Linger with his true face: "Are you satisfied now? That's right, I'm Xiao Tuo, Shi Tuoye! 21 years old, male, unmarried, professional hacker, and... killer!"

I thought Wu Linger would be furious, but I didn't expect Wu Linger to smile with satisfaction: "Yes, it's been like this for a long time. You don't know that I'm going to die in the face of your previous public face! This face is still more pleasing to the eyes! Boy, give me a laugh!! My sister has a reward!!"

Xiao Tuo looked at Wu Linger with a black line and said depressedly, "How can I forget that you are a face control?"

"Bah! What's wrong with Yankong? I'm a tasteful face control. If you are not a salted fish, no matter how beautiful you are, you can't get into my eyes!!!" Wu Linger looked at Xiao Tuo disdainfully: "You boy, why do you use that broken software? How do you think you can compensate for polluting my eyes for so many years?

Knowing that Wu Linger was not reasonable at all, Xiao Tuo smiled bitterly: "In fact, when we first met, I was really like that. It's not that you kept saying that I was poisoned, and then I began to clean up myself!" After saying that, Xiaotuo sent his two photos to Wu Linger: "Let's see for yourself and see if it's a person!"

Wu Linger sighed after comparing the photos: "Sure enough, three points of appearance and seven points of dressing up!! It seems that I will also pay a little attention to dressing up in the future!!"

"Bah, as long as your appearance, not dressing up affects the appearance of the city. Dressing up affects the appearance of the country!" Brother Win's voice came from the bottom of the bed. If it hadn't been for Wu Linger's injury and inconvenient to move now, Wu Ling'er would have pulled him out and beat him violently.

Xiao Tuo also asked Wu Linger, "How do you know I'm a salted fish?"

"The way you kick the video is as rude and unreasonable as when you treat Xiaowei in the North Sea! And the person who is not killed will never know that I was injured last night!!" After all, Wu Linger did not go to the hospital last night, but was sent directly back to Brown's house by a medical helicopter. Even if the salted fish goes to check the entry and exit records and all the hospital records in Chicago, it can't find out where Wu Linger is.

Hearing Wu Linger's words, Xiao Tuo lowered his head as if he was defeated: "Sure enough, as the old man said, I can't calm down!"

"Old man? That masked old man? Don't pay attention to him! How old are you now, 21? Not yet. Why do you want to be like an iceberg like Brother Qin all day long? You, you'd better be a salted fish!!" Wu Linger smiled happily and looked at Xiao Tuo in the video: "Now it seems that you are really cute!! If you don't say anything, I will never see that you are 21 years old, at most 15 or 16 years old! Boy, it's well maintained!"

"Where? Compared with your eternal grandma Tianshan, small things are far from enough!!" Xiao Tuo's fawning expression was even cuter, like a cute broken-eared cat. Wu Linger wanted to stretch out her paws and** him: "I said, can you not be so cute? Knowing that I am a face control, I have the least resistance to Zhengtai and still make such a lovely expression in front of me. I can't bully me now ** Are you?"

Threatened by Wu Linger, Xiao Tuo quickly put away his lovely smiling face: "I dare not!! But who dares not obey if you tell the little one? As long as you give an order, even if you want me to fly to Chicago immediately, I have to pack up and leave!! Otherwise, what if you hang me on the top of the world and let people draw circles and curse me?

"Bah, I don't do that kind of thing. I just wrote on the announcement in the book that it's enough for you to stop for a while!!" Wu Linger smiled badly. Recently, she hasn't updated it for almost half a month because of this and that. Fortunately, she has compiled an explanation to everyone that Wu Linger temporarily suspended the update for a month because of major things happened at home. Next month, and promised to resume the update, so everyone let Wu Linger go.

But because of the editor's explanation, Wu Linger's QQ was almost questioned by friends and readers, and the news was crowded. In the face of this situation, Wu Linger can't laugh or cry. Seeing that the end of the month has come and only written 100,000 words this month, Wu Linger can only hope that the matter can be solved as soon as possible, so that she can go home safely with a month's words, otherwise her manuscript is not enough for her to update.

is also the reason, so the threat of Wu Linger is the most ruthless. If you let everyone know that it is a salted fish that harms Wu Linger to stop updating, I guess you will not draw circles to stop salted fish, but directly find voodoo dolls to put on black magic!!

Xiao Tuo also looked at Wu Linger in a cold sweat: "So what do you want me to do now?"

Wu Linger turned her head for a moment and said, "Well... I haven't figured it out yet. I'll keep it for later!! Remember, you owe me once!! Humph!!"

Yes! Little understands! The little one must remember!!" After saying that, Xiao Tuo smiled at Wu Linger with a salivary face and said, "Well, Linger, the manuscript you gave me last time was just at a critical moment, and the back..."

Wu Linger cleared her throat: "I remember I said that if you want to see the manuscript, you can exchange it for a picture of a handsome man?"

"There is a handsome man in front of you!! How can I get into your first-level handsome list like this now? Speaking of appearance, Xiaotuo is still a little confident in himself. When he went to Japan on a mission earlier, he was accosted several times on the street, and some star scouts kept stuffing him with business cards and so on.

Who would have thought that Wu Linger just flattened her mouth: "Do you know that I'm on the list of handsome men? Just like you, it's good to be on the Zhengtai list at most!! Look at your smile, unlike the British folding ears, it's like a Chihuahua!!" Seeing that Xiao Tuo's face collapsed in the video, Wu Linger changed her speech: "But... Zhengtai is also what I like, so I allow you to use your lovely photos to save manuscripts, or you can show me a little in the video. If you make me happy, I will show you the manuscript later!!"

Xiao Tuo looked at Wu Linger with a black line: "You... flirt with me!"