Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 92 Wu Linger's most vicious curse

Chapter 92 Wu Linger's Most Vicious Curse

After being reminded by Brother Win, Wu Linger remembered: "Tools, think about it, money, passports and mobile phones are gone, so that they can find me again. Just go outside and buy a mobile phone!! Then the tools to escape from the hotel and prepare a car, but there will definitely be a lot of Brown's cars. It should be okay for me to steal a car directly at that time!!!"

While Wu Linger was muttering tools, the housekeeper had found Shi Zhijun: "Mr. Shi, what Miss Wu told me to do seems a little strange! I'm considering whether to report it to the young lady and the young master!"

Shi Zhijun shook his head: "Vian seems to be very tired recently. Don't disturb her. As for Daniel... Forget it. Tell me if you need anything, I'll deal with it!" Although Shi Zhijun's apparent identity is only an international chef, because of his very good relationship with Vivian, and because Vivian has often handed over family affairs to Shi Zhijun recently, the housekeeper dares to come to Shi Zhijun first.

The old housekeeper was relieved to hear Shi Zhijun say that he came to deal with this matter. He respectfully handed over an invitation: "This is Miss Wu's handwritten invitation. She said that such an invitation will be more sincere, but inside..."

After opening the invitation and taking a look, Shi Zhijun immediately smiled: "Ling Er, you are really a goblin! If you don't make everyone jump, you won't stop!!" After saying that, he smiled and handed the invitation to the housekeeper: "It doesn't matter, just send it out!" Time is running out! Please complete this matter as soon as possible!"

The old housekeeper saluted respectfully: "Yes!!" After saying that, he took another look at the location of Wu Linger's room: "Miss Wu... is indeed a different existence!" Since Wu Linger first appeared in the Brown family, the old housekeeper has sensed Wu Linger's uniqueness with his intuition for many years. Although the Brown family has been restless recently, from today's incident, Wu Linger is indeed an unloved girl.

"Yes, don't talk about this with Vivian and Daniel!" This is the important thing for Wu Linger to do this, right? This guy! Do you have to fix people even if you want to do good things? Shi Zhijun shook his head with a smile and turned to Wu Linger's room on the second floor.

After seeing the smile of Shi Zhijun standing at the door, Wu Linger quickly reached out to stop him from talking: "It's good to know, don't say a word!!"

"You are so bold! Aren't you afraid that they will find out if you do this blatantly like this? Shi Zhijun sat next to Wu Linger with a smile: "The housekeeper almost went to tell Daniel. Fortunately, I stopped him first!"

"Don't insult my wisdom! Now the Brown family is in a mess, and this is the case again. The housekeeper will definitely come to you first!" Wu Linger wrinkled her nose dissatisfiedly: "Okay, I still have something to do! Go out if you have nothing to do!!"

"Are you busy packing up the things to run away?" Shi Zhijun smiled and said, "It's no wonder you didn't run away! I warn you that you are not allowed to run alone this time! If anything happens, I will really be killed!! Even if it's for my food, please take me with you!! At least staying outside won't wrong your stomach! You know, in the United States, except for hamburgers, pizza or steak! Aren't you afraid to vomit?"

When Shi Zhijun said this, Wu Linger immediately thought of the dinner she had with everyone when she ran away. At that time, she didn't feel anything, but now in retrospect, she really feels too oily and disgusting: "Well, for the sake of delicious food, I will be grateful and run away. I will pack you together and take you away!!"

"Then I really want to thank Lord Long's kindness!!" Shi Zhijun shook his head with a smile: "Sometimes I really don't know what's going on in your head! Forget it! As long as you are happy! You take a rest first. I have to prepare something!"

"Don't be too tired!!" Recently, Daniel and Shi Zhijun are busy with something, which is why Daniel has been unable to get the opportunity to get along with Wu Linger alone recently. Needless to say, Wu Linger also knows what they are doing.

The third day after Wu Linger was kidnapped back, all the illegal incidents of the powerful Houston family were suddenly exposed. After that, the Houston family's economy also suddenly collapsed. Up to now, the head of the Houston family has gone to various bureaus to drink coffee except James in the hospital. Needless to say, Wu Linger also knew that it was dried salted fish, but in the same way, salted fish also gave Shi Zhijun a list. After receiving the list, Daniel and Shi Zhijun were also obviously busy, which can be seen from the significant reduction in the number of times they broke into the room.

Shi Zhijun did not look back, but waved to Wu Linger gracefully, indicating that she didn't have to worry, and disappeared from Wu Linger's sight. Wu Linger smiled dissatisfiedly: "You can only be handsome all day long, and sooner or later I will punish you!!"

Shi Zhijun in the corridor suddenly sneezed: "Is the air conditioner in the room too big? You have to ask someone to turn the air conditioner smaller and don't let the girl catch a cold!!"

After everyone left, Wu Linger kicked out Xiao Tuo with a video: "Stinky salted fish, how's the information I want you to check?" Xiaotuo's hair on the computer looks a little messy, and his brown hair is a little long. Maybe because he is too busy to dye his hair during this period, he has seen black at the root of his hair, but it does not affect the cuteness of his face: "Big boss, how dare not do it well? The information has been checked, and it is guaranteed that there will be no omission. As far as I'm concerned, this guy is still relatively safe.

"Bah, if you can believe what you said, sows can climb trees. Who has cheated for more than three years? Humph! I should send your video screenshots to the corrupt girl group, let them YY you well, and then write you as a bitch!! Then I'll give you a scum attack!!"

Hearing Wu Linger's curse, Xiao Tuo was too scared to say anything. Sure enough... The consequences of cheating Wu Linger were very serious, and the end would be very miserable: "Big boss! For the sake of being your little brother diligently in recent years, please forgive me for my little mistake!! In the small future, you must be willing to be loyal..."

Xiao Tuo's bitter expression of begging for mercy made Wu Linger couldn't help laughing: "You dead salted fish, amuse you!! The best little Zhengtai like you won't give it to those rotten women!! You didn't see it. This afternoon, the fifth aunt alone was scared to Janice!! If he dares to do something wrong to me, I will directly send his phone number to the harems. If he can't die, he will scare him to death!!" Sure enough, this is Wu Linger's most vicious curse!!

But thinking about the powerful rotten women behind Wu Linger, Xiao Tuo is in a cold sweat: " boss, don't make such a joke next time, it will kill you!!"

"Okay, I got the message. Let's go to bed first! There are still three days left, and there will be a good show. Have you done what I want you to do?!" Wu Linger looked at the computer with satisfaction, and Xiao Tuo nodded very dogged: "It's done. You can go directly when the boss arrives. Don't worry, there will be no problem!" Is it really okay for you to be alone? Last time..."

Seeing that Xiaotuo was going to break up again, Wu Linger rudely interrupted him: "It's just an accident. Don't worry about it! Aren't those guys outside almost cleaned up? And the dead old man Li Tianzuo of the Li family is also dealing with it. It will be fine!!"

"I wonder why you are so unhappy every time you mention him! But forget it, anyway, this is your family matter, boss! I have no right to ask! Anyway, make yourself smaller!" Xiao Tuo was really busy. After saying these words quickly, he interrupted the video.

After successfully found out what he wanted, Xiao Tuo clenched his fist and made a powerful gesture: "Yeah! Finally finished on time! I'm really a genius!! Damn old man, it's such a difficult thing every time! It's so annoying!!"

"Hey, killing and checking information, I let you choose at the beginning. Who can you blame if you can't pass this level?" While the sound came, the monitor hanging in mid-air in front of Xiao Tuo suddenly lit up, and the old man appeared on the monitor with a happy clown mask: "Give me the address! From now on, you have a month's vacation! This month, it's up to you whether you want to see your boss or what you want to do! But I warn you, you'd better not go to the United States! I have dealt with this matter to Daniel, and the last time you intervened made him very angry! I don't know if he will beat someone up if you appear in front of him!"