Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 96 Will you die if you don't have a poisonous tongue?

Chapter 96 Will you die if you don't poison your tongue?

Vivian looked out of the door uneasily: "Where did Ling Er go alone? Will it be all? Daniel thought for a moment, and turned around and called Janice: "Ling'er is missing. Find her, keep an eye on her, and don't let her have an accident! Otherwise, your job will be gone!!"

Looking at Daniel completely becoming another person on the phone, everyone in the room was shocked and looked at Daniel as if they didn't know him. Daniel turned his back and saw everyone's surprised eyes and just smiled: "The housekeeper just said that he wanted me to shoulder the responsibility of a landlord. Now that I'm engaged to Vivian, I should take on everything I should bear like a man!!"

Vivian looked at Daniel worriedly: "Daniel, are you... all right?" It was fine just now. Why did it change all of a sudden? Such a Daniel... is really a little reassuring.

Daniel gently kissed the back of Vivian's hand: "You will know if I'm fine in the future!" Now, can you come up with me?"

"I..." Although I had made up my mind before wearing the dress, Weiwei still retreated in peace of mind when facing all this, but Daniel couldn't help taking Vivian's hand: "Let's go!!"

After entering the elevator, Vivian suddenly said, "Daniel, the kidnapping you had when you were a child..."

"That's a thing of the past! I don't want to mention it again! I only know one thing! Vivian is the most important person in my life, before, now and in the future!" Daniel gently kissed Vivian's face: "If I come out of the shadow of the past, can Vivian also forget the past and be happy again?" Speaking of this, Daniel remembered the words written on Wu Linger's paper: "Face your heart well, protect your lover well, and seize your happiness well!"

Daniel smiled and said, "I have faced my heart well, decided to protect my favorite person, and hold on to my happiness tightly! What about Vivian? Will it seize the happiness that belongs to you?

With tears in Vivian's eyes, she didn't say a word, but held Daniel's hand hard and conveyed her heart to him. After feeling Vivian's heart, Daniel smiled deeper: "After going up, there is still a hard battle to fight! Vivian doesn't have to do anything, just stay behind me, and I will protect you! It will also let you know that the man you have entrusted to have absolute strength to protect you!!"

When Vivian didn't understand what Daniel's words meant, the door of the elevator had been opened, and the two senior figures of the Brown family stood at the entrance of the elevator. They waved their hands angrily at Daniel: "Daniel, what does this mean? How dare you marry your sister?! Our Brown family will never allow this kind of thing to happen. It's a scandal!! You..."

"I don't think the biggest scandal is as big as your uncle who hired a murderer to kidnap your own nephew 15 years ago, right?" Daniel smiled and walked to the old man who was almost petrochemical: "Auncle, you are also old. I bought a villa for you in Europe, where the weather is very suitable for retirement. I have also arranged the plane for you. Of course, your five lovers have moved in first, and now you are the only uncle left in that villa! After watching my engagement with Vivian and blessing us, someone will send you there!! This is also my act of filial piety as a younger generation. I believe you won't refuse, will you?"

The words made the old man's face turn from red to white, white to blue, and from blue to purple. Vivian even began to worry about whether the old man would faint here with high blood pressure on the spot. However, the old man was also a person who went through the storm and waves, but after a while, he returned to normal and a kind smile appeared on his face: "It's rare for Daniel to be so considerate of his uncle, and his uncle is less respectful than his life!! Ha ha, it's a rare opportunity. You should have a good drink with your uncle later!"

"Of course!" Daniel turned his head to another elder who had not been silent: "Uncle, I don't know what you think of my engagement with Vivian?"

After a glance at Daniel, the slightly thin old man had a trace of relief in his eyes: "Vienne is a good girl. Daniel, you should cherish her!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Daniel gently took Vivian's hand as he spoke: "For me, Vivian is my most precious treasure in the world. I will definitely cherish her!! It's almost time. Let's enter together!!"

Far away, Wu Linger, who saw Daniel holding Vivian's hand and walk into the venue and changed into the hotel waiter's clothes, smiled: "The task is complete, and now I'm ready to run away!!"

Brother Winning twisted Wu Linger's wrist impatiently: "Woman, if you want to leave, hurry up! Don't want to leave when someone finds out!!"

Wu Linger sat down on the elevator and went down to the lower floor with a smile. After successfully finding her in the utility room of a bathroom and asking Shi Zhijun to put her clothes there, change her clothes, put down her hair, put on a pair of wide sunglasses and a lady's sun hat, Wu Linger glanced at the mirror in front of the washstand and praised her. He said, "This time, even acquaintances can't recognize me!! It's a pity that people like me don't become actors! What does it look like!!"

"Woman, don't learn from Jizai! Let's go!!" Unable to stand Wu Linger's narcissism, Brother Win kept urging Wu Linger. This woman doesn't look at what's going on. She is still in the mood here. Is she really a little?

Wu Linger flicked Brother Win's head disdainfully: "What do you know? Now everyone must think that I have run away, and the faster and farther the better. Who would have thought that I would still stay in this hotel? Actually, I'm thinking about whether to come here for a cup of coffee before leaving! Anyway, the ticket booked by Salted Fish for me is in the afternoon! I have a noon time to pass!!"

"Bah, it's better to find a park to sit here. During this period, I've been staying in the air-conditioned room, and I'm about to get air conditioning disease!!" Brother Win rubbed his bulleted head: "Your computer is still in Shi Zhijun's car, and your manuscript submission time is coming soon! If you don't contact your editor, I guess she..."

Before Brother Ying finished his words, Wu Linger had left the bathroom with a big bag and rushed to the elevator. Brother Win didn't say it's okay. Wu Linger didn't remember the submission of the manuscript until he said it. The blessing of being shot and the manuscript written last month is just more than 200,000 words, which is enough to hand it over to the editor.

After finding the car, Wu Linger's first thing to do was to open the trunk, take out the things in the trunk, and then throw the big bag in her hand into the trunk. After getting into the car, Wu Linger was not in a hurry to drive: "Brother Win, where are we going now?"

"I'm not a GPS map. Who do you ask me? I asked you to match me with a GPS for a long time, but you won't!" Brother Win angrily turned over the map of Chicago in the co-driver's seat: "Shi Zhijun is quite careful, but for you, a map idiot, it's easier to get lost with a map! Let's drive! Let's get out of here first! There seems to be a park five kilometers to the east. Let's go there!"

After hearing this, Wu Linger immediately started the car and drove the car to the place mentioned by Brother Win. While driving, she still had time to turn on her computer: "Brother Win, help me board QQ and see if my editor is there. If so, help me send the manuscript!"

"Just save some manuscripts and send her 160,000 yuan! Who knows if you will go out next month and whether you will encounter something like this month? In case you don't have time to drive the manuscript out, you will die!" Brother Win said that she re-spitched the document for Wu Linger and rebuilt a document with 160,000 words. In this way, Wu Linger will have 60,000 manuscripts next month. If anything really happens, she can only write 40,000 manuscripts in a month to pass safely!

Wu Linger praised Brother Win while driving the car: "You're still smart!"

"That's because you're so stupid!!" You know, in that world, Brother Win is famous for using only muscles without brains.

"What? Will you die if you don't poison your tongue occasionally?" Wu Linger seemed to be in a very good mood because of the success of her plan, and did not care about Brother Win's ridicule of her.