Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 105 Pikachu's younger brother

Chapter 105 Pikachu's Brother

Seeing Daniel go upstairs, Wu Linger asked Janice, "Did you drag him out of the hotel like this? Were you towed away in the middle of his engagement ceremony?

Janice smiled and said, "He's lucky!" As soon as the engagement ceremony was over, I gestured to him and he knew that something was wrong, so I immediately pretended to be dizzy and was helped to the lounge by the housekeeper! Now that he has been out for more than an hour, it's time for him to 'wake up'! It's just that if your identity as the heir of the Li family remains unchanged, I think there will be a lot of trouble. You can't go back to China to live your original life.

Wu Linger took a look at the old housekeeper who came and smiled: "Don't worry, I think there will be good news!!"

The old housekeeper walked to the front of the car with a worried face. Wu Linger opened the door and got out of the car: "Old housekeeper, thank you for helping me. Without you, this matter would not have been so easy!" With the awkward personalities of Vivian and Daniel, they don't know how long it will take to get together. Really, they love each other so much, but one dares not say, the other dares not face it, and is useless like a child.

The old housekeeper saluted Wu Linger respectfully: "Miss Wu, thank you for everything you have done for Miss and the young master, and I'm really sorry for this!"

"Reletion?" Wu Linger looked at the old housekeeper curiously: "No, I'm not involved at all. Daniel is good, but he is not my type, so I..."

"Mr. Li, your uncle, has just made a statement on it, saying that your behavior and remarks are not suitable to be the leader of the consortium, so you need to withdraw your identity as your heir. Although you are still Mr. Li's relative, you can no longer inherit all his property. The old housekeeper looked at Wu Linger with some regret. He always thought that if Wu Linger could inherit the Li consortium, she would definitely do something.

After hearing the old housekeeper's words, Wu Linger was stunned for a moment, and then immediately jumped up happily: "Yeah! That's great!! I'm free!!!" Let the damn consortium go to hell!! Wu Linger doesn't care about those. As long as she submits her manuscript every month, it's OK to spend the money she earns herself.

Seeing Wu Linger's happy expression, the old housekeeper suddenly smiled: "You... are really exactly the same as the young master guessed. Well, this is the gift that the young master asked me to give you! I hope you will like it!" After saying that, the old housekeeper took out a blue velvet box-packed jewelry box from his arms. Wu Linger did not refuse as usual, but reached out to take the small box: "Thank you for your young master! After this storm subsides, I will come back to the United States to play and ask him to take good care of himself and don't faint easily! I can count on him to accompany me to Yellowstone and Hollywood. He also said he would help me ask for Xiao Ao's autograph!!"

"Yes, I will definitely tell the young master all the words of Miss Wu!!" The old housekeeper smiled and said, "I heard that you are a three o'clock plane, so I won't leave you!" We will pack your luggage and send it back to China! Welcome to visit Brown's house at any time!"

Wu Linger hugged the old housekeeper with a smile: "I will come again to play! Please don't be so serious next time. I will be afraid!! Hee!" Despite the stunned old housekeeper, Wu Linger jumped into the car with a smile and said to Janice, "Airport!!"

Janice's handsome salute: "Received!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's car leave, the old housekeeper smiled faintly and turned back to the hotel. And Wu Linger kicked Xiao Tuo with a video: "Are you Pikachu's younger brother?"

Xiao Tuo at the other end of the computer was at a loss: "Ah?"

"You are not afraid that someone installed a tracker in my computer and helped Daniel and Janice hide it from me! Wait and see how I deal with you when I get back to China!! My third aunt is in your city, right?

When Wu Linger finished her last sentence, Xiao Tuo's face turned green. Are you kidding? Wu Linger's group of rotten aunts, not even Wu Linger dares to provoke him: " boss, that tracker has been destroyed by me, and your computer is completely fine! And my work is coming to an end soon. I booked a ticket to Yunnan a week ago!! Otherwise... I will also order one for you. When you come back, you can go straight to Yunnan. We will meet in Lijiang. I'll pay for the ticket!!"

Although it was very cool to invite someone to Yunnan to play, Wu Linger shook her head after thinking about it: "No! I have to go home first. I have to hand in the property management, and I don't know if the cleaning lady has taken good care of me. It's summer now. If I don't take good care of it, I'm afraid something will happen to it. I have to go back and have a look first. As for you boy! Come back from Yunnan, come to my place! Don't think I'll let you go like this!!"

Knowing that it was not beheading, but asking after autumn, Xiao Tuo was finally relieved. At that time, even a gift attack could make Wu Linger throw away his helmet and armor to spare his life. Speaking of gifts, Xiaotuo remembered another thing: "by the way, have you received those chinchilla surroundings?"

When it comes to the chinchilla, Wu Linger is depressed: "No, I just received a call from the property management on the third day when I arrived in the United States, saying that there was a package from Japan. I asked them to collect it for me. It should be around the chinchilla! But how do you know this? It's not Ye Tian..."

"What, Ye Tian was still in the North Sea at that time! At that time, I was in Japan, but this guy suddenly called me to help him buy the chinchilla surrounding area. I immediately guessed that he was blackmailed by you! So I bought a copy of all the surroundings of the Totoro in the store. While packing and sending it out, I also sent a bill to Ye Tian. When he saw the bill, he was so angry on the other end of the phone!! Thinking of Ye Tian's call that day, Xiao Tuo couldn't help laughing: "Three whole packages, millions of yen! But can you put it in your house?"

If Xiaotuo remembers correctly, there is also a chinchilla doll that is almost one meter high, which feels super good, but if Wu Linger piles them all up at home... her home will really become a chinchilla nest.

Wu Linger doesn't care: "It doesn't matter. My aunt's house is still empty there. If I can't put it down, I'll pile it up there first and change some every once in a while!!" At the thought of the dragon cat Wu Linger, I feel very good: "Xiao Tuo, thank you in advance!!"

"You're welcome!! Li Tianzuo has canceled your identity as the heir! I will keep an eye on them for you! Don't worry!" For the safety of Wu Linger, this is what Xiao Tuo is most worried about now.

Wu Linger smiled and said, "I won't be afraid of those guys when I go back to China!" One, I'll beat one!!" In foreign countries, there is always a feeling of being tied. Although she can use guns in the United States, she doesn't know anything about the law of Wu Linger in the United States. If she goes to China, hey... With Ye Tian, a lawyer, she is not afraid!!

"Okay, I'll go to bed after finishing my work. I have to catch a plane to Yunnan tomorrow. I'll kick me by video when you come back!" While chatting with Wu Linger, Xiao Tuo was still busy with Ningzhang's computer security wall, but it was not Xiao Tuo's opponent. Before completing the old man's requirements, Xiao Tuo also wanted to find some useful information, such as their investigation of Wu Linger and the investigation of the man in white. .

Wu Linger also nodded: "Oi, I'll contact you when I get back!" After saying that, she turned off the computer: "Jannis, you are a policeman. Why do you want to be a killer?"

"In life, there are always some people who are absolutely unforgivable, and there are always things that must be done! If the law can't punish them, let me do it!" Speaking of this, Janice turned around and smiled at Wu Linger: "You may not understand this, right?"

Looking at Janice's smiling face, Wu Linger suddenly reached out and knocked him on the head: "Conte on driving, I don't want to die in the hands of my former apprentice!" Moreover, at least I wrote novels. Although I haven't met these things you mentioned, you underestimate me if I say I can't understand, right?

Janis touched his head depressedly and continued to drive seriously, but Wu Linger lay on the back of his chair: "Although it's a little irresponsible to say so! But if you are sure of the way you want to go, please keep going! Also, those past events may be your motivation to move forward, but don't take it as a burden, be happy and strong to go your own way, you know?

Janis was stunned for a moment and suddenly smiled: "I didn't expect you to have such an emotional side, Master? I always thought you would only laugh at others heartlessly!"