Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 109 The man brought back by his son must also be his daughter-in-law

Chapter 90 The man brought back by his son must also be his daughter-in-law

Wu Linger took a look at Xiaohua and found that his eyes were shining, like a puppy cheering his owner, super cute! In the face of this lovely creature, Wu Linger has never had any resistance. She nodded without thinking: "Yes! As long as you want to learn!" When I knocked Xiaohua down just now, I found that his body was extremely soft. There is no problem for such a body to learn that set of gymnastics, and it takes some time to practice strength for flying knives and fighting.

"Woman, do you want to make Xiao Zhengtai a muscular man?" Brother Win climbed up the table impatiently. Because of Xiaohua, he also spoke a little politely to Wu Linger, at least without adding the word idiot as usual.

Wu Linger took a look at Xiaohua and thought about it, and finally nodded firmly: "It can be seen from me that you may not become a muscular man with unique skills! I don't want my Xiaohua to become a little bottom. Even if Xiaohua is such a lovely face, I must train him to push him down fiercely!! As a mother, even if the son brings back a man, it must be his 'daughter-in-law'!!" After saying that, Wu Linger stood up and said, "Xiaohua! Come here, I'll teach you a set of gymnastics!!"

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger teaching Xiaohua to practice gymnastics with a black line. This woman... is really like what she said before. If there are children and boys, she must teach them the way of corrupt girls...

Inexplicably, Brother Win began to worry about Xiaohua's future. This pure child will not really be brought into a rotten man by Wu Linger, will he? Poor such a lovely child, will he change from demon to demon just because he stays in the wrong place when he turns into a human form?

"Brother Win, what are you in a daze? Help me find out where my flying knife is!!" Just when Brother Win was worried about Xiaohua's future, Wu Linger was also deeply shocked by Xiaohua. She thought that she had learned that gymnastics in the first three days. Unexpectedly, she had just practiced it once, and Xiaohua had completely learned it after her, and it seemed that she did better than her. Although the wound in the abdomen is not completely healed, some movements dare not be too hard, but... Xiaohua is too scary, isn't it?

Unconvinced, Wu Linger suddenly decided to try to teach Xiaohua flying knife. In less than half an hour, after seeing that the red heart on the target could no longer insert the flying knife, Wu Linger finally gave up her idea: "If you fight, you can find some videos on the Internet by yourself. I'm not well now, and I can't do too violent exercise!" In fact, it's not just a matter of injury. Wu Linger is very afraid that if she teaches Xiaohua to fight and is finally put down by Xiaohua, then her "mother" is too faceless, isn't she?

Brother Ying obviously understood Wu Linger's idea. He climbed over and opened a computer for Xiaohua, and then helped him find some fighting teaching videos: "Let's take a look first!! Your mother's body is not fully recovered. You can't do too strenuous exercise!!"

Xiaohua nodded seriously to Wu Linger: "Please don't worry, my mother. After I learn these, I will definitely protect my mother from any harm in the future!!"

Wu Linger looked at Xiaohua's serious expression and suddenly turned red: "It's so cute!! Come on, Xiaohua, Mom, I'll give you the protection in the future!!"

"Bah! Idiot woman, do you have a mother like this?" Brother Win couldn't stand Wu Linger's nymphomaniac expression and finally scolded. Xiaohua held Brother Win and put it in front of the computer: "Father, it's okay! Leave this family to me to protect it in the future, either you, your mother or Brother Ji! I will protect you well from any harm!!"

Listening to Xiaohua's words about protection, Wu Linger asked Brother Ying from the bottom of her heart, "Has Xiaohua been stimulated before, so she kept saying that she wanted to protect us? Does it matter to this child? Do you want to enlighten him well?

If you ask Wu Linger to enlighten people, Brother Ying believes that there will only be two consequences, one is to be angry to death and the other is to be angry. Based on the position of protecting Xiaohua, Brother Ying still kindly stopped her: "Forget it, you are also tired. Go to bed early. You have to go to the orphanage tomorrow, and come back in the evening to video chat with your group of big and small wives. I'll take care of Xiaohua!"

"You? Is that okay?"

"Bah! You haven't seen a lack of arms and legs in the past five years!!" Seeing that Wu Linger didn't trust him, Winge was furious. Just as he was about to continue to curse Wu Ling'er, the doorbell suddenly rang, and then Li Tianzuo's voice was heard in the doorbell call: "Ling'er, are you at home?"

Wu Linger took a look at Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, can you change back?"

Xiaohua nod her head, and the green light flashed and immediately disappeared into the room. Brother Win quickly put the wooden beads into the box and handed them to Wu Linger.

Wu Linger tidied up her clothes a little before she walked over and opened the door. Outside the door, Li Tianzuo looked at her with a smile: "Ling Er! My good niece! I'm coming!!"

Wu Linger threw the jewelry in her hand into the air, then took it, then threw it into the air, and then took it: "So... are you here to get this?"

After Li Tianzuo saw the jewelry box, his eyes lit up. Without waiting for Wu Linger to react, he had already hugged her and began to cry: "Have you really got it? Ling Er! Great!! You are so awesome!!! I'm so happy!!!"

Wu Linger was hugged by Li Tianzuo and suddenly became very unhappy: "Let go!!"

"Linger, I..."

"Don't want this if you don't let go!!" For a guy like Li Tianzuo, there is no need to be pleasant at all. Just use the most direct method! Therefore, when Wu Linger gritted her teeth and said this warning, Li Tianzuo immediately let go of Wu Linger.

Wu Linger looked at Li Tianzuo: "You don't think I'll give you this, do you? How much trouble do you think you have caused me in these two or three months? If you had told me that I would encounter so many troubles, I would not have agreed to your request at all!"

"But...that's yours..." When Li Tianzuo was aggrieved and wanted to say something, Wu Linger interrupted him impatiently: "I'm sorry, I'm an orphan! I grew up under the care of my aunt and aunt, and I have been living independently since college! Children, as long as they are born, it doesn't matter whether they have parents to take care of them. Without them, they can also live well and grow up well!"

Seeing Wu Linger's depressed mood, Li Tianzuo finally put away his exaggerated expression: "Ling'er, this matter... I know that no matter what I say, it's useless to explain it. After all, the damage has been caused. I can't even say how I want to make up for you. Now you will feel very fake when it comes to your family affection. If you are given money... I know that you are not short of money. At least the money and assets left by your uncle are enough for you to live a comfortable life, but you choose to write, which is your choice. I can only tell you that no matter what happens, I will stand beside you. No matter what happens, as long as you make a phone call, I will come to you immediately, accompany you and protect you! This is the only promise I can make to you!"

In the face of such Li Tianzuo, Wu Linger is really not used to it: "What an old fox, only knows how to prevaricate me by writing such an empty check! I don't see anything realistic!" After saying that, Wu Linger threw the jewelry box to Li Tianzuo: "Don't want me to do anything for you recently. I want to have a good rest for a while, and some manuscripts should come out. I can't delay the manuscript all the time!!"

"I know that it's August, and you can stay in F City for the next month and a half. But there may be one thing you need to prepare for!" Li Tianzuo did not open the inspection after receiving the jewelry box, but said to Wu Linger, "The next place is Tokyo, Japan. You have to attack Japanese within this month. If you need me to help you find a Japanese teacher..."

As soon as she heard that she was going to Japan, Wu Linger immediately became unhappy: "No! I don't like that bird place. It's super expensive and eats very little! And all men are greedy and lustful!"

"But it can't be denied that the men and women in their entertainment industry are very beautiful, aren't they?" Li Tianzuo's eyes flashed with some kind of gaze: "For you who like handsome men and beautiful women, you will like it very much, right? A month and a half later, there will be a large-scale talent show in Japan, and I will help you sign up! So please prepare your talents in this month.


No way, three book reviews a day are not good?

There is no reason!!

Can't such a cute Xiao Zhengtai make everyone leave claw marks?

Do you want him to be cannon fodder?