Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 18 Less Self-affeciated

Chapter 18 Less Self-made and Affection

"Cut! If I'm really black-hearted, I'll ask Xiaotuo to help me push my book. It's not too much. The collection has reached 10,000 or 20,000, and the clicks have reached tens of millions. Wow, then I will become a master!" Wu Linger YY lived her happy life with a happy smile on her face, but she was severely slapped by Brother Ying: "Woman, let's talk about it until you dream!!" Is it time to talk about this? If it is brushed out like this, it will be strange if her editor finds out that she will not skin her!!

Wu Linger smiled and didn't mind Brother Win's bad attitude at all: "But occasionally I feel very happy when I think about it like this! Sure enough, occasional YY is good for your health!" With that, Wu Linger fell asleep like this. In the past few days, she seemed to be like this. She fell asleep when she was doing something. Of course, Brother Ying knew what was going on.

The next second, Brother Win has appeared in Xiaohua's room: "Ji Zai!!"

Ji Zai poked his head out of the silk skirt: "What are you doing?"

Brother Win took him away with a rude tail: "Why are you still asking me? Don't you think that idiot woman is troublesome enough? You don't need so much witchcraft at all, do you? Why do you ask me when you do this every day?

Ji Zai was pumped away and fell dizzy: "Dead earthworm, you are looking for me as soon as you come. Do you really want to fight?"

Hearing Ji Zai's provocative words, Brother Win raised his eyebrows: "Fight? OK, I'll accompany you!!"

The door of the bathroom was suddenly opened, and Xiaohua came out wrapped in a bath towel: "Father, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. Someone has itchy hands and wants to practice with me! Xiaohua, go to the bathroom!" There is a lot of water in the bathroom, which is not easy to be burned. As for this house, Brother Win doesn't care!

Seeing the appearance of Brother Win and Ji Zai, although Xiaohua didn't know the reason, she also understood what was going to happen. He stood up to two people. Oh, no, it's a worm and a bird: "No! Don't fight!! Otherwise, I will tell my mother!" Although the most status in this family is probably the poor mother, she is also the owner of Brother Win and Ji Zai. It's okay to stop them from fighting.

When he heard that Xiaohua was going to find Wu Linger, Brother Win was even more angry: "Looking for that idiot woman? OK, as long as you can wake her up, you can look for it!!" Although he is usually polite to Xiaohua, when he is angry, Brother Win is the type that he doesn't care about when the Heavenly King comes.

Xiaohua heard the meaning of Brother Win's words: "Father, what's wrong with your mother?"

"This idiot absorbs a lot of witch power from that woman every day, making her sleepless every night now! Otherwise, why do you think she gets up so late every morning recently? It's not like rushing to the manuscript all night like in F City, and Wu Linger still can't get up every morning because of Ji Zai.

Xiaohua was stunned and immediately understood what was going on. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Ji Zi had already opened his mouth first: "Isn't it just to suck more of her? I didn't want her life again! And I won't affect her during the day. I only do this every day when she almost sleeps. Why are you so nervous? Ah... You don't fall in love with this ugly woman, do you? You..."

Before Ji Zi's words were finished, Brother Ying had pulled over and directly hit him against the wall, making a terrible sound. So far, although Brother Win has hit Ji Zai several times, he has never really hit Ji Zai. When he beat him away, he will also choose a good place, such as glass, curtains, ** and so on. Like this, it is the first time.

Xiaohua was shocked. Obviously, she didn't expect that Brother Win would really take action, and it was so heavy: "Brother Ji!!" He rushed to pick up Ji Zi, but found that his left wing hung weakly aside: "Brother Ji, your hand!"

"It's okay!" Ji Zaiqiang stood up and said, "I tell you, even so, I will continue to absorb her witch power tonight, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, until my next step. If my appearance does not change, I will continue to absorb her witch power until I can become a human form! Unless you kill me, you can't stop me!!"

"Then I will..."

"Father!!" Xiaohua hid Ji Zai behind him: "Brother Ji is the mother's witch pet! If you want to punish Brother Ji, it should also be done by your mother! Not to mention that you are going to kill Brother Ji like you said!! And there is a reason why Brother Ji did this. He..."

Before Xiaohua could say it, Ji Zai interrupted him again: "Xiaohua, you don't have to plead for me! I am such a person, selfish and beautiful. In this world, I don't care about anything other than my appearance!! Since she summoned me out, she will make the consciousness to accept a witch pet like me!"

Brother Win looked at Ji Zai coldly and asked Xiaohua, "Do you still plan to continue to shelter him like this?"

"Father, I..."

"There is no need to force Xiaohua with my business. For him, no matter what I am, I am also his family!" After saying that, Ji Zai has jumped to the ground from Xiaohua's hand: "What do you want to do, fight? Come on, I'll accompany you! There is no need to vent your anger on others!"

Looking at Ji Zai's drooping left wing, Brother Win did not take action again: "Your business, I will tell Linger tomorrow what kind of decision that woman will make is her business!!" After saying that, Brother Ying glanced at Xiaohua and said, "Xiaohua, do you have anything to tell me?"


"Little flower!" Ji Zai called Xiaohua: "What do you have to say to this kind of tyrant? Or do you really think that if he turns you into a human form, you really have to listen to everything?

Hearing Ji Zai's words, Xiaohua was suddenly not full: "Brother Ji, anyway, he is my father who will not change!"

"So do you have to abide by all his decisions? Whether that requirement is reasonable or not?

Just as Xiaohua was about to refute, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Wu Linger came in with a tired face: "I said, do you... do you have to not let people rest in the middle of the night? Can't you calm down a little bit?" After saying that, Wu Linger picked up Brother Ying on the ground: "Are you worried again? It's nothing! Isn't it just being sucked some witch power? How good is it to avoid being discovered by others and treat insomnia?

Looking at Wu Linger's careless expression, Brother Win was angry: "Don't you know that excessively absorbing your witch power will affect your body?"

Wu Linger looked indifferent: "At least I'm also a saint of a bullshit witch clan!" What is this level of witchcraft? Who said I was worried just now? Really! If you worry so much, you won't be afraid of getting old quickly. Don't blame me if your mother earthworm doesn't want you anymore!!"

"You%...*...&(%*(%¥...¥%" is obviously talking about business. Why does it always become so strange when you come out of Wu Linger's mouth? Brother Win is about to be pissed off by the people in this family.

Wu Linger rubbed her eyes and looked at Ji Zai: "Xiaohua, help Ji Zai deal with his wings. Remember to wrap it beautifully! Otherwise, he should shout again!! Also, Jizi, learn to be smart next time. If I fall asleep and then suck the witch power, Brother Win will not be distressed! You won't be beaten either!!" After saying that, she walked out of the room: "Good night!!"

When Xiaohua went to close the door, she happened to see Wu Linger teaching Brother Win a lesson: "Ji Zai is my witch pet at least, right? Wouldn't it be too much for you to hit him like this? I will be heartbroken, too!"

"Bah! Do you feel sorry for the wild (river crab) sparrow? Ghosts believe!!"

"Hey, don't talk like I'm such an unscrupulous master! At least I take good care of you, okay? At least I didn't dislike you, did I? I..." The next words could not be heard because Wu Linger closed the door. Xiaohua sighed and looked at Ji Zai after closing the door: "Why don't you let me tell my father that you are for me..."

Ji Zai, who drilled back into his skirt, poked his head and looked at Xiaohua: "Don't be affectionate!" If it weren't for your beauty, I wouldn't have bothered to care about you! If something happens to you now, they will definitely throw you back to China! If you want me to stay with these two boring people, you might as well kill me!! I had enough of Chicago last time. Fortunately, I had you with me this time, otherwise I wouldn't have come out with them!"

After hearing Ji Zai's words, Xiaohua was speechless and had to sit back silently ** to start today's practice.


I'm preventing automatic updates in case~~

At this time, the butterfly should not have got out of the car~~

Everyone bless you to send it out!!