Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 25 This will cause ambiguity

Chapter 25 This will cause ambiguity

Everything developed as expected, but when she was selected for the grand prize, she was depressed. With his shocking smile at the 15th to 10th, Shangya Ling undoubtedly won the most charming smile award, and Shen Youzhu Tuo is the most charming boy award. Shangya Ling thought that even if she didn't get the most feminine charm award, she could at least win the highest sound award or the best dancer award. As a result, everyone gave her the strongest force award!

The first thing Yao Ling did after returning to the lounge holding the trophy was to strangle Tuo's neck: "I have no problem with Xiaohua getting the most charming smile award. I can't resist his smile! But why can you be the most attractive boy award? Where do you have the charm of boys?!! Why am I the strongest force award?!! Why?!!"

Shangyahua desperately broke Shangya Ling's hand to avoid her murder of her teammates and explained, "Sister Ling, that's because Tuo has been guarding us after the incident!"

"Ah?" After hearing Shangyahua's explanation, Shangya Ling was stunned: "What does this mean?"

"Reciphering the rumors outside, try to protect their teammates and cheer them up from the shock. Coupled with the previous martial arts performance, Tuo won the most attractive boy award!!"

Because of the force, Shangyahua's small face was pink, which caused Yaling to transfer his claws from God's neck to Shangyahua's face: "What about me? Why am I the strongest force?? I'm a peace lover!! I don't want to be a violent woman!"

God touched his neck and looked at Shang Yaling with an incredible look, slandering in his heart: "If you are not a violent woman, how can you be regarded as a violent woman?!!"

Shangyahua patted Shang Yaling's claws helplessly: "It's not because of your foot when you saved me! Ask Xiaotuo how high the clicks of this video on the Internet are!"

Seeing that Shang Yaling's eyes turned to him, God smiled bitterly: "At least tens of millions! Boss, it's not that I won't help you! There were so many people on the scene that day. There were too many videos taken by cameras, DVs, mobile phones, and TV stations, and it was too obvious to delete them. I can't help it either!!"

Shang Yaling sat weakly on the sofa and looked at the trophy on the coffee table: "It's over, my lady image! It was destroyed like this!! Little flower!!! I'm so pathetic!!!" Shang Yaling listened to Li Tianzuo's crying and had already learned an eight-nine portrait of him. As soon as this cry came out, God immediately covered his ears: " boss! Don't! Please don't cry! As long as you don't cry, I'll get you whatever you want! Even if you want Xiaoao's (river crab) photo, there is no problem!"

"Bah, why do I want Xiao Ao's fruit photo? I'm not a sex (river crab) fanatic! Don't impose your interests on me!!" Shangya Ling punched the god with disdain: "I'm in a bad mood! Invite me to a big meal tonight!"

"Uh..." Although she was blackmailed by Shang Yaling again, compared with her crying just now, she would rather choose to break the money and eliminate the disaster. Is that kind of crying a human cry? It's terrible!!

Just as God sighed, the door of the lounge was suddenly knocked: "Ling!"

Shang Yaling immediately opened the door and rushed over: "Bottle!!" Holding the hot beauty in front of him, Shang Yaling habitually buried his face in the elastic softness: "Bottle, I'm so pitiful!!"

Of course, Liu Jingping knew why Shang Yaling said she was pitiful. She closed the door with a smile: "I'm really sorry for the audience if you don't get the strongest force award! But this is also good. Because of your good skills, the development of your choice will be much broader than that of ordinary people. I just met the person in charge of BURNINGRRODUCTION. They said that the new single is ready, and maybe Miss Yan Ye will give you the song later. After going back to get familiar with it today, you will start practicing tomorrow, and then record and shoot the MV!"

Shang Yaling is still tired of Liu Jingping: "But I still can't be happy. I'm a girl! Girls!! Why should I win this strongest force award? If this title spreads, who else dares to fall in love with me?!!"

After hearing Shang Yaling's words, God Zhu Tuo knew what the reason why Shang Yaling had been entangled for a long time. Suddenly, he didn't breathe and almost fainted directly. Instead, Liu Jingping was very kind and comforted Shang Yaling: "Don't worry, in this over-inflated country of male chauvinism, because of your strength and your beauty, there are many men who want to chase you to prove that they are stronger!! Maybe there will be a dozen outside!!"

"Bah! Those disgusting guys, I don't want to stick upside down!!" Obviously, Shang Yaling is also a very unhappy person: "It's better not to let me see it, or hit one by one!!"

"Ling, who are you going to hit?" Yan Ye, who opened the door and walked in, took some information in his hand and just heard Shang Yaling's words: "No! You are an artist now. Pay attention to your image. You can't be as casual as before, let alone hit people!"

Shang Yaling released Liu Jing's bottle with a smile: "Sister Yanye, what are you holding in your hand? Let me have a look!"

Seeing that Shang Yaling didn't take his words seriously at all, Yan Ye sighed and distributed the information to the three people: "The first one here is the new single you want to record! If the first song can enter the top 100, the last four songs are the songs of your first album! Anyway, if you have time, get familiar with it!!"


"What, the requirements are too low? One hundred?" Shang Yaling put aside the information in his hand with dissatisfaction: "At least enter the top ten, right? I also want to see that Musicstation! I'm a fan of Mr. Tamoli!"

Hearing what Yaling said, Jingli Kino smiled: "As long as you can enter the top 30, I promise to let you go to Musicstation to meet Mr. Tamoli!"

After looking at the music score, Shen Youzhu Tuo played the music score with his fingers and asked Kanno Jingli, "How to shoot the MV? Whose copywriter and whose director?

Kanye Jingli took a surprised look at God. Obviously, she didn't expect that he would consider these questions: "It hasn't been decided yet. I heard that the copywriting is still under consideration! But I heard that the producer is a very famous Mr. Guimu in the industry!"

God lived and nodded after thinking about it: "Well, leave the copy of the MV to us! The director also asked him to cooperate with our requirements as much as possible! THIS MUSIC IS GOOD, AND IT SEEMS THAT BURNINGRRODUCTION REALLY wants to support us! With the backing of this song, the top ten are not a problem, and it should be possible for the weekly champion! In addition, if the MV is well shot, I think we are sure to win the monthly championship!"

Hearing God's arrogant speech, Yu Ye Jingli was a little scared. She quickly turned around and found that she had closed the door when she first came in. She breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiao Tuo, I know HYH is very talented, but you must keep a low profile. If your sharpness is too sharp, it will be detrimental to you! After all, you are still new!"

God has a faint smile and confidently received the information in his hand into the bag: "Don't worry, we will maintain the attitude that a new person should have, and then let the strength speak!!" After saying that, God lived in Tuo and said to Shang Yaling, "Ling, the copy is handed over to you!" This proud expression stunned Kanno Jingli for a moment. In her impression, Shen Youzhu Tuo is not such a person. He has always been the object of being bullied by HYH. What's wrong today?

"Huh? Why me?" Shangyaling was suddenly named and looked puzzled. However, Shen Youzhu Tuo put away the things and stood up: "Because you are the captain! And if you want to make me bleed tonight, I will frame you anyway to feel comfortable!!"

As soon as he heard that there was delicious food, Shang Yaling didn't mind being caught as a cooly: "Okay! For your treat to a big meal! I took over the copy! However, about that sentence that I made you bleed, it's better not to say such words casually next time, which will cause ambiguity!" Shangya Ling laughed, but it made Tuo's face turn green!

Kun Ye Jingli doesn't have the energy to care about the bad jokes between these guys. What she cares about is other things: "Ling, don't mess around! This kind of copywriting doesn't look like..."


Suddenly miss Count Drac~~~


People who turn their back on their love for their wives~

Actually, he is also an admirable person~~