Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 91 Auspicious, handsome and cute?

Chapter 91 Auspicious, handsome and cute?

The handsome man half lay lazily** with a ruffian smile on his face: "Because it's the most comfortable to lie here!"

Hearing this, Shang Yaling couldn't help staring at him: the handsome man in front of him has extremely exquisite facial features, a pair of beautiful eyes shining, and his dark eyes are even deeper against the white skin, just like having the magic of sucking people deeply into it, and his towering plump lips. , cherry-colored ** people. It's just that the corners of his mouth raised slightly with a bad smile. Although the whole person is lazy and half lying, it gives people a sense of power, as if the next second, he can jump up and tear his targeted target to pieces!

Although this handsome man gave himself a sense of danger and lay on himself** casually, which was really unpleasant, Shang Yaling suddenly had no momentum after seeing the handsome man clearly: "But... that's his bed! She is a girl! You...er...if you like it, just go ahead!"

"Dead cat, why did you come here?" Jizai, who had been staying in the small flower bag, felt a familiar atmosphere and immediately came out. When he saw the ** person, he couldn't help shouting, "Dead cat, how did you cross the space boundary?"

**'s handsome man jumped up from ** after hearing Ji Zai's voice. His eyes turned from Shangya Ling to Shang Yahua. When he saw Ji Zai's head out of the bag, he couldn't help laughing: "My God!! Yu Lan, do you also have today? Hahahaha!! What you look like! If I make a painting and take it back there, ouch, I can't do it. My stomach... My stomach hurts so much!!!" So his perfect image just now was rolling and suddenly disappeared!

Shang Yaling suddenly became unhappy when she looked at the handsome man rolling on her**! Although she likes handsome men very much, she doesn't have a good face for this kind of guy who doesn't pay attention to her image and then laugh at her witch pet. She walked to the bedside and directly pulled the sheets, making the handsome man roll to the ground and hit the foot of the table: "Oh, woman, why are you crazy?"

"There is no need to be polite to men without quality!!" Shang Yaling shook the sheets and repaved them to **: "First, who are you? Second, why did you appear in my house! If you don't say anything, even if you are a handsome man, I will throw you out!"

The handsome man who fell to the ground looked at Shang Yaling with a ruffian smile: "I was dragged into this world by you! Miss Wu Linger!!"

Before the handsome man finished his words, Shang Yaling had already grabbed his neck with one hand: "How do you know my name? Who sent you here?

The handsome man ignored the threat of Shang Yaling and directly turned to Ji Zai and said, "Is your new master this kind of virtue? Why did you choose such a stupid person as your master?

"I can't help it. Ugly people usually don't have good brains!" Ji Zai spread his hands helplessly on Shangyahua's shoulder: "Unless I want to go back like this, I have to choose her as my master and wait to slowly advance!" After saying that, Ji Zai said to Shang Yaling, "Ling, let go! You are not his opponent. Unless the guy in your hand does it, he can kill you with one move!"

"Ling, let go! He is not a witch, but in our world!" Brother Win's words made Shang Yaling let go.

The handsome man touched his neck: "Woman, you are really strong!! Is it possible to get married?"

I thought that Shang Yaling would be angry when she said this, but she suddenly changed her face: "Handsome man, what's your name? Are you free or not? Can you talk to the little girl about her personal ideals? Otherwise, you can tell me your circumference!"

Unexpectedly, Shang Yaling suddenly became like this. The handsome man was stunned. He looked at the guy in front of him with cold sweat and turned his eyes into a red heart and dyed the air around him pink: "Hey, won't you be stimulated to become a fool?"

"It's not a bad thing to be crazy for handsome men. This is my lifelong wish!!" Shang Yaling continued to watch the handsome man drool. Humph, the best handsome man seemed to have taken a fancy to her little flower last time, so he had a ready-made goal here. How can he let it go?!! The handsome man in front of her is a little rougher than the previous handsome man, but he is more sexy and manly. Wow, God really favored her. When he closed the door for her, he opened a window for her!

Shangyahua couldn't stand Shangya Ling's continued nymphomaniac, so she had to run over and pull her up: "Mother!! You can stop it too!!"

Brother Win slipped from Shang Yaling's wrist to **: "Why did you come to this world? What does it mean to be pulled over by Ling just now?

The handsome man stood up from the ground, reached out and patted the ashes on his buttocks and took a look at Brother Win: "Oh, you have disappeared for more than five years. Is it possible that you were summoned by this woman five years ago? Awesome, it can summon you and Youlan. No wonder just a summoning spell can pull me from that world!"

"Call spell?" Shangya Ling seemed to understand something: "It's impossible. We didn't have a summoning ceremony. I just sang unconsciously. It's impossible to summon witch pets again!!"

"That's right!" The handsome man looked at Shang Yaling with a ruffian smile: "So I'm just summoned by you, not your witch pet. In other words, you can't control me. I can do whatever I want! If you say, destroy the world!"

Seeing the slightly cruel and bloody smile on the handsome man's face, Shang Yaling was stunned. She never thought that she would bring such a demon to the world because of her unintentional singing: "You..."

"Hahahaha! Woman, you are really funny! I'm kidding you! How tiring it is to destroy the world or something like that, I won't ask for trouble!" After seeing Shang Yaling's frightened expression, the handsome man suddenly laughed and fell back to **: "I'm just bored in that world and want to come here to play!" Since these two guys can be your witch pet at ease, there must be something fun around you, right? Then the old man will stay by your side!"

Listening to the handsome man talking to himself, Shang Yaling couldn't help but be a little angry. From beginning to end, she was fooled by this handsome man. Maybe the call was also fake. She smashed a pillow heavily: "If you want to follow me, you have to listen to me in the future and tell you to go east. Don't ask you to beat the cat. You can't scold dogs! If you can do it, you can stay, or get out of here!" Thinking that it was not enough to relieve his anger, Shang Yaling looked at the handsome man: "Just now, Ji Zai called you a dead cat? From now on, your name will be coffee!"

"Car fat? I'm not fat. Why should I take such a bad name? The handsome man couldn't help frowning when he heard the name. Ji Zai sighed, jumped from Shangyahua's shoulder to **, walked to the handsome man and said, "You are satisfied. She only named you coffee, not Harlow Katie!" I didn't name you Jack! It's called coffee, which is very kind for the sake of you being a handsome man!"

Coffee touched his chin and looked at Ji Zai: "So Ji Zai is your current name Luo?" Is it also taken by this woman?

"Well, auspicious, handsome and cute! Isn't that a good name? When it comes to this name, Ji Zai is very happy!

But after hearing Ji Zai's words, Coffee immediately lay down on ** and laughed. Shang Yaling had a bad feeling: "You seem to know each other, so let's talk slowly!" I'll go out for something first!" After saying that, she had quickly flashed out of the room.

After a while, Ji Zai's roar broke out in Shang Yaling's mind: "Wu Linger!! You ugly woman! You are the chicken!! You lied to me, and you are auspicious, handsome and cute. You even laugh at me as a chicken, I #¥%......&¥%*¥......&*%............@#¥%"

Shangya Ling consciously chose to ignore Jizi's anger and ran to Shangyahua's room: "Xiaohua, lend me your bed to sleep!" Although she likes the handsome man very much, and although the handsome man is also very handsome, she can't sleep in the same room with the handsome man. What's more, there is an angry hairless sparrow in that room! In this way, it seems that Brother Win also stayed there and didn't follow up!

Shang Yaling thought about these things in his head and slowly fell asleep.

Shangyahua looked at Shangya Ling helplessly and gently covered her with a quilt. In fact, when Shangya Ling named Jizai, Shangyahua knew that there would be a day, but she didn't expect another witch pet to tell Jizai. But that guy should not be a witch pet, right? It's too dangerous to be summoned without any contract or any restrictions! Fortunately, he and Ji Zai know each other, otherwise, he really don't know what to do!