Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 93 Ling, do you want to try it?

Chapter 93 Ling, do you want to try it?

"No, no! If you die, you can't help Jizai and coffee!! A demonic and narcissistic guy like Jizai must be a beautiful and domineering guy like coffee to control him!!" Shangya Ling is contrary to the habit of returning her mouth and only thinks about what she identifies in her heart.

Suddenly, Shangya Ling grabbed the hand of the coffee: "Coffee, you must cheer up! I will support you! From today on, you can sleep in Xiaohua's room! It's just that Ji Zai is still young. Please be patient and treat him gently!!! Ji Zai, please!!!" After saying that, Shangya Ling didn't care whether the coffee was willing or not, and directly dragged the coffee to Xiaohua's room: "Xiaohua, from today on, the coffee will sleep on your side!"

"Mother!!" Obviously, Shangyahua did not accept the coffee. Seeing that Shangya Ling threw the coffee to him like this, he seemed extremely reluctant.

Shangya Ling pulled Shangyahua: "Don't worry about him, he only cares about your brother Ji! For the sake of him abandoning everything he has and coming to a strange world to find friends, we can't drive him out, can we? What's more, he was summoned by me. I have to be responsible for him. In case no one cares about him and he really destroys the world, I'm not guilty?"

After hearing Shangya Ling say this, Shangya Hua is not easy to refute, and because the coffee is a man, he really can't stay in Shang Yaling's room all the time: "All right!"

Seeing Shangyahua's aggrieved expression, Shangya Ling quickly hugged him: "My little flower is the most obedient! I like Xiaohua best!!! I'm so sorry for making you feel wrong!"

Suddenly, he was held in his arms by Shangyaling, and his face was squeezed into a piece of softness. Shangyahua's little face suddenly turned red with shame. He quickly pushed Shangyaling away: "I know, mother, you'd better rest early! I have to go to the set tomorrow morning!!"

Reminded by Shangya Hua, Shangya Ling remembered another thing. She screamed and rushed to the room of God: "Tuo!!"

God lived and opened the door with a messy head: "What are you doing?"

"Is everything ready?" Shangya Ling looked at him excitedly: "Let me see?"

God lived in Tuo, but he blocked her: "No! A girl's family, why do you look at this kind of thing? Don't be afraid of long needles!"

"Bah, I recorded the original version of this thing myself!!" Shangya Ling didn't like it, so he pushed him away into the room.

In the face of such a domineering Shang Yaling, there was nothing God could do. He came over helplessly and brought up the maid version of the Nagatani Daya** video: "How's it going?" This is his achievement in the afternoon. If it weren't for this, he would have accompanied Shang Yaling to the event site in the afternoon.

"Wow! Awesome!! I don't know how about changing him to another dance!!" Shangya Ling smiled and said, "Send this engraved CD to the dead old man tomorrow to see if he dares to mess around next time!"

When it comes to this, God has Zhutuo but called out another page: "Beichuan was fired!"

Shang Yaling nodded with satisfaction: "I don't worry about your work!!"

Shen Youzhu Tuo put his hands on his chest and leaned against the computer table: "What are you going to do with that coffee?" At night, Shangya Ling didn't have dinner, but Shangya Hua still told God about this matter: "He is already in human form. Although he will not suddenly deform back, he will walk outside like this. Will he find anything if he is seen by the two witch guys? And suddenly there is a big man around you, which is not easy to explain to the outside world, right? Not to mention the media, even if you want Li Tianzuo to arrange an identity for him, how do you tell him over there? If it was summoned by you, what would he think?

When it comes to these problems, Shang Yaling felt a headache: "That's why I came to you so late! Can you help him make up his identity!! For example, Shangyori has hired a driver and bodyguard for us because he is too unsafe recently! In this case, you can set a foreign identity for him casually, and say that he was invited here yesterday!"

God thought about it and thought it was okay: "It's just that you have to tell Li Tianzuo!"

"No, just tell my uncle, and all the identities will be broken when my uncle's identity is found! Just like a little flower!" Shang Yaling is very confident about this. After saying that, she had already called Wu Ningfeng.

After hearing the incident, Wu Ningfeng nodded and said, "This is no problem. It happens that you named him coffee, which is also very similar to the code name of a mercenary!" It's just... Is he really summoned by you? This kind of thing has never happened in the witches! Now your aunt is still in lockdown, and I can't ask her!"

"There should be no problem. If there is something wrong with the coffee, Ji Zai and Brother Win will definitely not let him stay!" Shang Yaling said this and asked Brother Ying, "Brother Ying, don't you think so?"

Brother Win said to the phone, "Coffee is indeed in our world, and he has always been with Ji Zai. I can be sure that if only a witch in the world can summon a witch pet, then he will really have no problem!"

After hearing Brother Win's words, Wu Ningfeng was relieved: "That's no problem! Anyway, you should be careful! You must not act alone until that vampire is killed! Including Tuo, so are you! Since he can kill the black man, he may also attack you! Be careful! Also, tell the coffee and let him be careful not to let the two witches find out his identity!"

God Zhutuo didn't expect Wu Ningfeng to care about himself. He was stunned for a moment and immediately replied, "Don't worry, I will take good care of myself!"

"Well, that's it! I'll send a copy of the information later, and you can paste the photos of the coffee!" After saying that, Wu Ningfeng hung up the phone!

Shangya Ling smiled and made a "success" gesture to God: "It's done! Well, it's getting late. You should also go to bed early! You can't go to the studio like this tomorrow. It will be embarrassing!" After saying that, she yawned a lot and turned around and walked out of the room.

Shen Youzhu Tuo looked back at the mirror: "Wow, when did my hair become such a mess?" After saying that, he quickly found a comb and began to comb his hair. Fortunately, the matter was solved. Shang Yaling was in a good mood and did not lower his handsome level because of the appearance of God living Tuo, otherwise... Thinking of that result, God Zhu Tuo was afraid for a while.

"Sure enough, I can't care about anyone in the world, but I can't care about you!" God Zhutuo looked at the computer with a faint smile, and the desktop of the computer immediately changed from ordinary blue to Shang Yaling's smiling face.

The next morning, when Shangya Flower dug up Shangya Ling from **, the coffee also ran over: "Ling, get up! Autumn morning is the most comfortable. Let's go for a morning run together!"

"Thank you! I'd rather sleepwalk!" Shangya Ling said and arched into the quilt again, but he didn't expect that the whole quilt was lifted by Shangya Ling: "Mother! Get up! You haven't practiced for a few days!! Don't be lazy like this. We're going to record the second single soon!!"

Shang Yaling sat up in pain: "Xiaohua, the identity of coffee has been arranged. Go and ask Tuo, and then go down to make it clear to your parents! Let me sleep for another five minutes, please! I will appreciate you!!"

When Shangyahua was about to continue to call Shangya Ling, Brother Ying suddenly said, "Xiaohua, let her sleep a little longer!" Yesterday was too exhausting!!"

Hearing Brother Win say this, Shang Yahua had to give up: "Then I'll go to Tuo first!" That's also a hard-to-call Lord! Inexplicably, Shangyahana feels that her work pressure is very huge and huge!!

When Shangya Ling came downstairs refreshed, Yoko Kamiya just served all the breakfast: "Ling, are you up? Are you feeling better?"

"Well, have a good sleep. I feel much better now!" After saying that, Shangya Ling had already seen the coffee sitting at the table for breakfast: "Coffee, are you here again?"

Shang Yaliren took a look at Shang Yaling and said, "This is a senior who heard that you are in danger now, so he introduced his bodyguard, but I didn't expect it to be your friend!"

Shangya Ling took a look at the coffee: "He? Protect me?"

Coffee recognized the suspicious component in Shang Yaling's tone. He raised his head from the porridge, stretched out his tongue and licked his lower lip, and licked the rice grains from the corners of his lips into his mouth: "Ling, do you want to try it?"