Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 97 is a wonderful person

Chapter 97 is a wonderful person

"Honey, I'll call you later!!" After saying that, Shang Yaling hung up the phone and quickly dialed her editor's phone: "Shasha!!"

"You're not dead yet? I'm about to announce that the author is dead in the book review section. This is a pit!!" When Queen Shasha's voice came from the other end of the phone, it still suppressed her powerful anger.

Shang Yaling quickly comforted her: "I'm not dead! Live well! I also want to buy Tokyo specialties for you, my dear!! Didn't we make an appointment to meet for a while? How could I be willing to die? Even if I die, I will climb out of the grave!!"

"Bah! Has anyone cursed themselves like this?" Hearing Shang Yaling say this, the editor spat at her angrily, "Anyway, be careful! Although you have said a lot of things before to prove that you have the strength to protect yourself, after all, killing is different from fighting. You still have to be careful!"

"An La La, everything will be fine! I called you as soon as I got home! I'm just afraid that you will be worried. Look how good I am to you!! Love you! Come on, honey, one mouth! ~~~~!!"

"You dead man, don't give me numbness! Hurry up and finish your work and get back! If you break the update, you will die!!" After saying that, the editor had rudely hung up Yaling's phone. Shang Yaling breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Win, what should I do?"

Brother Win lay on the ** cabinet and was too lazy to pay attention to Ya Ling: "What do you want to do!"

"I want to go back to code! I haven't typed for two months, and I'm so uncertain! It's October now. If it's usually at this time, everyone should gather in Beijing to see the maple leaves, right? What the hell am I doing? Leave your job and your flower-like wife and come here!"

"I think you enjoy it very much, hanging out with so many handsome men every day! Isn't this your dream? After the mysterious handsome man disappeared last time, there was another coffee this time. You should be very excited about such a high-quality handsome man!" I don't know why, when Brother Win said these words, he only felt very unhappy. He couldn't wait for something to beat him twice to make him comfortable!

Shangya Ling walked boredly to the balcony and looked outside, but suddenly shrank back: "Brother Ying, there is JQ!" After saying that, she secretly climbed to the balcony and pricked up her ears.

"I said, you have become what you are now. Why don't you terminate the contract and go back?" Jizai in his arms is swinging on the swing in the garden.

Ji Zai ignored the coffee.

Coffee is not angry, just continues to say to himself, "You don't fall in love with that woman, do you?" Although I also think she is more fun! But you narcissist don't like people other than yourself at all, do you?"

"Don't you know you are very talky? What does it have to do with you?" Ji Zai changed his posture impatiently and said, "I don't want to see you, so I want to stay here. Is this reason okay?"

After hearing this, Shang Yaling's eyes widened: "It turned out that there was JQ. It seems that coffee did something that made Ji Zai unhappy, so Ji Zai ran away from home and was summoned here by me! Ah, Ji Zai's hair will not be lost by coffee, will he? Oh my God! Coffee is too rude. Ji Zai is such a slender and wonderful person, and he can also do this cruel hand?!!"

"Dead woman, can't you listen quietly?" Hearing Shang Yaling's evil speculation, Brother Win is going crazy. Her Lenovo is too rich. Lenovo Group's failure to invite her to work is really a big loss for their company!!

Fortunately, the coffee in the garden downstairs didn't hear Shang Yaling's words, but touched Jizi one after a time, and his movements were gentle and familiar, as if this action had been done for hundreds of years and thousands of years. Seeing this action, Shangya Ling only felt that his heart was soft: "I didn't expect that there would be such a gentle side under the strong appearance of coffee! Jizai, such a good person, don't be awkward anymore!! Good and good will fulfill your mother's wish!"

"Blue, come back with me! Don't care about the world! Witches or that woman, they are just a moment for our lives. Don't sink into it! It will hurt!" Coffee continued to gently swing the swing to persuade Ji Zai, and the name was also changed to "blue". As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately turned upside down with goose bumps: "How ambiguous! Coffee is not a bully, is it? No!! I like the strong attack type, but there is no love!!"

Ji Zi jumped out of the coffee arms, stood and looked at the coffee and asked, "I just want to ask you, are you really summoned by Ling Er?"

"Linger?! Haha, you really like this woman! You have never called those who call you that before!" The coffee stopped swing and looked at Jizai: "So what should I do? For you to come to this world, if you want to stay for other women, am I..."

Hearing the coffee say this, Shang Yaling suddenly felt nervous: "No, I'm in enough trouble now!" Don't bother me again! Jizai, I beg you to show your arrogant momentum to overwhelm him!!"

"Do I... also want to take good care of her?" After hanging her appetite for a long time, she suddenly said this sentence. Fortunately, Shang Yaling was lying on the ground eavesdropping, otherwise she thought she would definitely fall down!!

"I have been getting along with each other these days, and I also admit that Wu Linger is indeed a wonderful person! It's completely different from those boring witch saints! Like today, I obviously asked them to go first, but she dared to rush out. Is she dead or alive, or will she never give up her friends? Well, the word friend is really the first time for me!" Speaking of this, Coffee stood up and picked up Jizi: "Well, before you go back, I will accompany you to protect this woman! Just think of it as a honeymoon for the two of us!!"

"Honey, honeymoon?!!" After lying on the ground and hearing this sentence, Shang Yaling only felt heartbroken: "They are really a couple! Brother Win, I'm disappointed in love again!! I'm so sad!! Obviously, it sounds so nice today, but it's only because Ji Zai cares about me!! Why? Why doesn't a handsome man like a woman like me? It's unreasonable!!"

Inexplicably, Brother Win's mood has become very good: "Please, they haven't liked you at all. What's wrong with you? Don't be self-indued! All day long, he says that Ji Zai is stinky and narcissistic! I think you are the most stinky and narcissistic person in the whole family!!"

Although Shang Yaling is a broken glass heart on the ground, it determines the identity of the coffee. As a result, the coffee really reassures everyone. It is unknown how many there are.

In the next two days, although it did not rush out for the announcement, the company also arranged for HYH to be interviewed by several magazines at home. However, compared with the previous schedule, it was indeed much easier. Shang Yaling even stole more than 30,000 words and uploaded them to the website to please her first wife.

On Friday night, Shangya Ling received a phone call from Satoshi Hase, reminding her to gather at the old house at 10 a.m. the next morning and have a party! It was reasonable and unexpected to receive this call. After such a terrible thing happened, everyone gathered together to have a party to ease the atmosphere, which will also be helpful for future work. Of course, it is not the only predecessor, Hase Love History, who did this kind of thing. When Kamiya Ling told Yoko that everyone was going to attend the Haseya family's kimono party, Kamiya Yoko immediately took out three sets of kimonos from the wardrobe and gave them to the three people. Although they are not as high-end kimonos given by Daya Hase, it can also be seen that these three sets of kimonos are also extremely high-end and exquisite!!

The next morning, after breakfast, everyone began to change clothes in a hurry. While Shangyahua made up for Shangya Ling, Shangya Yoko was not idle and stood behind her and combed her hair. Finally, when Shangya Ling successfully tied that pile of things to herself, she was too tired to look in the mirror. What she looked like by Shangya Hana and Kamiya Yoko**. After helping Shangya Ling get dressed, she immediately drove her aside and began to comb her hair and make up for Shangya.

Looking at the busy crowd, the most leisurely thing is probably the coffee rolling like a kitten.

Shang Yaling was a little upset. He picked up a comb directly from the table and threw it over: "Coffee, change your clothes!!"