Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 110 How do you know that I didn't brush my teeth in the morning?

Chapter 10 How do you know that I didn't brush my teeth in the morning?

Shangyahua pushed Shangya Ling away depressedly: "No, we seem to smell the smell of blood, and we are worried that you will get hurt, so we rushed in! Are you all right?"

Brother Ma Yuan Milu calmly dressed and closed the door of his locker before looking at Shang Yahua: "Do you think I look like someone with something?"

"It's the best if it's okay!!" Shang Yaling breathed a sigh of relief at this time: "Maybe I'm too nervous!" There have been so many things recently, and there are really some..." Speaking of this, she was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I'm rude!!"

Shangyahua took Shangya Ling's finger and pointed to another row of lockers: "Ling!!"

At this time, Shang Yaling saw a wisp of long light brown hair over there. She quickly ran over and saw a body lying in front of the locker: "Blackxu?!!"

Seeing that Shang Yaling was going to squat down to examine the body, Shang Yahua grabbed her: "Ling, calm down!" After saying that, she turned her head and said to Ma Yuan Miluke, "Call the police!!"

Ma Yuan Milu was stunned for a moment, immediately nodded, took out her mobile phone from the locker and called the police.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Yuan Mi Luke looked at Shang Ya Ling and Shang Ya Hua: "You didn't think that the murderer was still here. He might attack you who rushed in?" Unexpectedly, he rushed in like this when he smelled blood. What if the murderer is still inside? Do they really think their tricks can deal with murderers?

Shang Yaling looked at the body on the ground and was a little sad: "I didn't think so much. At that time, when I saw you enter the locker room, I remembered that you were in the locker room when I smelled blood. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I rushed in! And if Xiaohua and I rush in at the same time, if something really happens, I can delay my opponent, and Xiaohua can call others for me! In this way, the murderer can't escape!" Speaking of this, Shang Yaling looked at Ma Yuan Mi Luke: "Anyway, at least you're fine!"

"Ling, you..." The voice of God Zhutuo and his exclamation sounded outside the door: "Coffee! What are you doing?"

The door of the dressing room was kicked open, and the coffee appeared in front of everyone: "Ling, are you all right?" It seemed that he also smelled blood, so he rushed in.

Shangya Ling did not look at the nervous expression of coffee, but looked at the door that was kicked by him and shook his head and sighed: "Coffee, you have destroyed the crime scene!!"

"Uh... If you can talk like this, it proves that you are all right!" While talking, Coffee saw the body lying on the ground: "Ah! This beauty also gave me a drink yesterday! I didn't expect to hang up today! What a pity!!" After saying that, he was going to walk over to examine the body. Shang Yaling quickly grabbed him: "Go and call the security guard here!" We still have to stay here to prevent others from destroying the crime scene!!"

A voice came from outside the house: "I have called them here. Come out first!" It's not a matter to let a few girls guard the body all the time!

Shang Yaling found that Ma Yuan Mi Luke's face was a little pale and her hands were trembling. She quickly walked over and helped Ma Yuan Mi Lu Ke: "Mi Lu Ke, are you all right!!" After saying that, she quickly helped Ma Yuan Mi Luke out. Shen Youtuo, who stayed outside, had already prepared hot cocoa. After seeing them sit down, he quickly handed over the hot cocoa: "Drink! It can calm down!!"

Ma Yuan took over the hot cocoa and said, "Thank you!" At this moment, she has completely lost her usual indifference and arrogance. No matter how much she experienced, after all, she is just a 17-year-old girl, and it is inevitable to be scared when she sees the body so close!

After a while, the police rushed over. After inspecting the scene, they began to ask Ma Yuan Miluke about the story of Shangya Ling and Shangyahua's case, and the three people told the previous story.

The coffee has been silent. After a while, he saw that the police had almost finished asking before he came over and said, "This murder case should be different from before! There was not a drop of blood on the body before. Just now, there were obvious bite marks and blood on the neck of the body, and even some blood on the ground. Judging from the fall of things in the locker, the other party was not even killed as usual! Maybe someone wants to use the previous murder case to confuse the public!"

The police looked at the coffee in surprise, but the coffee smiled and said, "At least I'm also a mercenary. If I can't see this, how can I be Ling's bodyguard?"

With the reminder of coffee, the police quickly ordered their colleagues to ask the people on the set again. The deceased, Hexu Bojiang, had an unpleasant experience with whom recently.

After hearing the police say this, several girls' faces changed and gently said to the police, "In the past few days, Heixu has been saying bad things about Ma Yuan, saying that she is pretentious and always insensitive, relying on a powerful mother..."

"I'm sorry! I don't know if I should say something!" Baishi Rimi, who was beside her, also said timidly, "Yesterday, I saw Ma Yuan and Hei Xu quarreling, and it seemed that they were so fierce that they almost started to fight. At that time, I was with Mr. Hase, and Mr. Hase was afraid that they would have an accident, so he stopped them! This matter... Mr. Hase can testify!" After hearing Rimi Baishi say this, everyone looked at Ma Yuan Mi Luke with more fear: "No way?"

"Speaking of which, didn't Ma Yuan also be by her side when the pupil died last time? And there is a wound on the arm that was stabbed by the silver hairpin of the upper arrow flower!"

"Yes, I heard about it too. It's terrible!"

After listening to the police retelling Rimi Shiraishi's words, Hase Satoshi, who came in a hurry, also nodded and said, "Well, we saw Ma Yuan and Heixu quarreled yesterday, but there was something unpleasant between the girls, so it's normal to quarrel, right? Ma Yuan is unlikely to hurt Heishu for this reason!!"

On the other side, the police have begun to ask Ma Yuan Miluke about the reason for her quarrel with Heixu, but Ma Yuan Miluke kept silent. This makes the police very embarrassed: "Miss Ma Yuan, the current confession is very bad for you, and we just found blood stains on your locker skirt. Although we are not sure if it is Miss Heixu's blood stains, you'd better..."

"It can't be Miluke!" Shang Yaling, who had been listening to everyone, suddenly interrupted the police: "When we arrived at the studio, Mi Luke was sitting here reading the script, and we talked to her for a while before she went to the locker room. And for a minute later, Xiaohua and I were also going to change clothes. When we smelled the bloody smell outside the locker room, we broke in. At that time, Ma Yuan's clothes were half taken off, so there was the sentence '75E, lost!' in my confession. Words! Ma Yuan can't kill Hei Xu in a minute and take off his clothes halfway!"

The police listened to Shang Yaling's words with a black line: "However, we still need Miss Ma Yuan to provide..."

Shangya Ling approached the police and said softly, "Mr. Policeman, everyone has something they don't want to tell others!" For example, if you forgot to brush your teeth and chew gum when you went out this morning, wouldn't you feel embarrassed if you let your colleagues know about it?

The policeman covered his mouth and looked at Shang Yaling nervously: "How do you know I didn't brush my teeth in the morning? You..."

"Hee! Just kidding! The smell of chewing gum in your mouth is so strong that ordinary people will feel strange when they smell it, right? We usually don't eat so much chewing gum, unless we want to cover up something! But early in the morning, it is impossible to eat anything with a strong smell, so..." Speaking of this, Shang Yaling smiled badly: "Don't worry, I will keep it secret!!"

Whether the police were depressed or not, Ma Yuan Milu did not say the reason and content of her quarrel with the Heisho River in the end. However, because Shangya Ling Shangyahua and God had Zhukuo to testify that Ma Yuan Miluke had alibi, the police had to let Mayuan Miluke go.

Because of the murder, the film stopped shooting again. Just as everyone dispersed one after another, Ma Yuan Milu stopped Shang Yaling: "Why do you speak for me? Why do you want to testify for me? If you want to take revenge on my mother, just now..."

"I'm not going to do those boring things! Otherwise, I would have to hand over the reporter's recording pen that night. Your mother would have been arrested long ago!" Shang Yaling wrinkled his nose with some dissatisfaction: "And... your mother is your mother, you are you!" Do you think it was ancient? Mother's debt repayment? Then I won't do such a rustic thing!" After saying that, she made a grimace to Ma Yuan Miluke: "Well, it's getting late! Go back early, too! Try to avoid being alone in the future! This will be safer!!"