Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 144 Superman flew through the window

Chapter 14 has Superman flying through the window

"There is a small winery in northern France in Europe. It is said that Prince Stoic has a good relationship with the owners of the winery. He has often been there recently. You can try to look there! But I heard that the owner of this winery doesn't like strangers very much, and it's not easy to meet him!" As Xiao Tuo said, he sent the address of the winery: "If you inform me if there is anything else, I will find another place to find the prince!"

Brother Ying took a look at the address and nodded: "I know! We will leave the day after tomorrow! I will contact you again if anything happens!"

"Where's Ling Er?"

"I didn't sleep until four o'clock last night! Now..." Brother Win glanced at Wu Linger, who was completely sleepless and kicked off half of the quilt. Her upper body and stomach were exposed, said, "She is still fighting with Zhou Gong!"

Hearing Brother Win's words, Xiao Tuo immediately knew what Wu Linger looked like now. He looked at Brother Win with a black line: "Then please take good care of her! After dealing with the things in my hands, I will rush there if I have time!"

"No! Take care of yourself!" If possible, Brother Ying doesn't want Wu Linger to get too close to the people he killed, even if Xiao Tuo, whom he has known for a long time, is no exception.

Xiao Tuo also understood what Brother Ying meant, and his mood suddenly fell half: "I know! If you need anything, please contact the computer! I flashed!" After saying that, he turned off the video. Wu Linger has seen all the killing of nine people. Everyone has more or less received orders from the old man to protect Wu Linger. Such a strange behavior can only be haunted if Brother Win is not guarded.

Wu Linger slept until 12 noon before getting up. At this time, Xiaohua had just made lunch: "Mother, are you up? Lunch is ready, and you can have a meal after dressing up!"

Wu Linger walked into the bathroom with a bath towel in her sleepwalking state. Before she woke up, she did not hear the sound of Xiaohua calling her, let alone the sound of water in the bathroom. She directly opened the bathroom door, closed her eyes and walked in, hung up the bath towel. When she was about to take off her clothes, she heard a roar: "Woman, What's wrong with you?" Then, a burst of cold water poured on Wu Linger's face.

Wu Linger, who was in a sleepwalking state, was poured with cold water and immediately woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a handsome man hiding behind the shower curtain: "How can there be such a shameless woman as you? How could you break into the man's bathroom like this?!"

Wu Linger looked at Brother Ying's angry expression, but smiled: "Handsome man out of the bath picture! I usually watch it secretly, but today I have a rare opportunity to feast my eyes! Come on, give my sister a celestial dance!!"

Looking at Wu Linger's pervert's expression, the anger on Brother Ying's face gradually subsided, and the corners of his mouth rose gently: "Do you really want to see it? Then I'll come out!" After saying that, he suddenly lifted the shower curtain.

Sure enough, as Brother Win expected, he heard Wu Linger shouting: "Ah!! Ruffy!" Then he hurried out of the bathroom. Brother Win came out around a bath towel and smiled: "Your level also fights with me!" You have that heart and no courage!" After saying that, he slowly dressed and wiped his hair before walking out of the bathroom.

Wu Linger, who was in the restaurant, stared at Brother Ying angrily: "Sirty ghost, hooligan! Despicable, shameless, dirty!!"

Brother Win is sitting beside the old god: "I don't know who always breaks in when boys take a shower! Isn't it polite for me not to shout rudeness?"

"I didn't know there was anyone in the bathroom! Usually, I use the bathroom alone at home. Unlike now, there are three more big men at once. I'm not used to it, okay? Wu Linger also looked aggrieved: "It's not that you don't know what state they are in when they get up. They still choose to take a shower at this time. You obviously deliberately want to anger me! It turned out that when you were an earthworm, it was bad enough, but now when you become a human, you are even more..."

Brother Win narrowed his eyes and came over: "What's better about me?"

Looking at Brother Ying's perfect face, his dark wet hair was still dripping with water, making his whole face look more... charming, and Wu Linger's grievances and anger suddenly disappeared without a trace: "More handsome! It doesn't matter. You can use the bathroom if you want! I don't mind!!"

In the face of such an unprincipled Wu Linger, Xiaohua put the soup in front of her depressedly: "Mother, let's eat first!" Really, I don't know who was so angry that she jumped in the restaurant just now. I can't persuade her. Now when Brother Win smiles, she has no principles at all! Although Brother Win is his father, isn't his mother too easy to coax?

Wu Linger didn't notice Xiaohua's dissatisfaction at all. She just drank the soup, but Brother Win suddenly said, "I booked a ticket to France the day after tomorrow!"

Wu Linger sprayed out a mouthful of soup: "France?!!"

Brother Win nodded while pulling out a tissue to wipe off the soup she had just sprayed for Wu Linger as if nothing had happened: "In the morning, Xiaotuo sent the address of a winery, saying that the prince has often appeared in that winery recently. If we go there, we may meet the prince, even if we can't meet him. You can also visit the owner of the winery and ask him to introduce us to the prince!"

Brother Win gently booked the following itinerary. Wu Linger had an impulse to strangle him, but when he saw his face that was perfect enough to kill her in seconds, Wu Linger's controlling heart prevailed again: "Did you inform Ahe that they didn't?"

Hearing Wu Linger's almost idiotic question, Brother Win looked at her with an inconcerable look: "I really don't know how you have lived until now!"

When Brother Win said this, Wu Linger suddenly realized that now Brother Win is a ** character and must not be discovered by Wu He. He even asked him if he had called Wu He to inform them. Sure enough... he is stupid enough!!

Seeing that Wu Linger reflected, Brother Ying didn't plan to continue to hit her. It's the most correct thing to accept it when it's good! In case Wu Linger really angered, after he became an earthworm, he was unlucky: "Call Wu He after dinner. They also need to make some preparations!"

Wu Linger finished her meal quickly, and then dialed Wu He's phone. Obviously, on the other end of the phone, Wu He was surprised that Wu Linger could find the whereabouts of Prince Stogg so quickly. Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders: "The power of the witch is only in China! In foreign countries, the power of the Li family is much stronger!" Although the news came from Xiao Tuo, Wu Linger did not want to drag Xiao Tuo into these things, so she naturally pretended to be the news found by Li Tianzuo.

Wu He thought so. After asking Wu Lingerning's flight number, he hung up the phone and wanted to ask Wu Shu to book a plane ticket.

As soon as Wu Linger hung up the phone, her mobile phone rang again. Listening to the ringtone, Xiaohua frowned: "Mother, if you go to Europe, change the ringtone of your mobile phone! It's too noisy!"

Wu Linger nodded and answered the phone: "What are you doing?!"

"Linger, are you going to France the day after tomorrow?" Rarely, there was no crazy cry on the other end of the phone.

Wu Linger nodded: "Well, I found that Jin Lingzhu may be in Europe, and now I have found a clue, so I'm going to France. Remember to transfer some money to my account, otherwise I don't have enough money to spend. Don't blame me if I can't find Jin Lingzhu!"

"Don't worry about money! Ling Er deserves to be the heir of our Li family. I haven't found out the whereabouts of Jin Lingzhu. You can actually find clues!" Li Tianzuo quickly transferred the problem of money on the other end of the phone. Wu Linger only sneered in her heart: "Anyway, whether I find it or you find it, I always have to pick it back for you in person. Why do you care who found it first?"

"555555... My Linger has finally grown up and is sensible! I'm so moved to know that you share your worries for me! Li's ancestors, thank you very much..." Before Li Tianzuo's crazy crying to scratch the wall came, Wu Linger had rudely hung up the phone: "I can't stand this guy!" You can't stand howling like this every day, can you?

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger: "Don't you tell him about your relationship with Wu He?" If Li Tianzuo know that the news of Jin Lingzhu is provided by Wu He, his vigilance of Wu Linger will also decline. Otherwise, as Wu Linger collects more and more spiritual beads, his vigilance against Wu Linger will certainly become higher and higher.

Wu Linger shrugged her shoulders: "It has been found that my flight has come, and I don't believe that he will not know that I and Ah He are together in the future! The old fox will not show the fox's tail until I finish taking the five spiritual beads! And if I don't explain, he will be more worried! Now let's use them to check and balance each other! This can save us a lot of trouble! Especially this old fox!"

"Ling Er hates that old fox so much? Do you want me to help you..." After eating enough coffee, he finally put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand and looked up at Wu Linger, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face. Wu Linger picked up an apple and smashed it: "Can't you be fed enough with so much food? Still thinking about eating! Be careful that one day you become a pig!"

Coffee took the apple and took a breath, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, if I'm full, I will find Jizai to do weight loss exercises, and I will definitely not get fat!" On the contrary, Linger, you have been typing every day this month and haven't exercised much. It seems that you have gained some weight! However, I prefer Linger now. She was too thin when she was in Japan. She picked it up and didn't feel good!"

Listening to coffee, Wu Linger is in a cold sweat and does weight loss exercise with Ji Zai? For no reason, Wu Linger remembered that Ji Zai and Coffee, who turned into a red robe, rolled the sheets in a deserted place... When she thought about this beautiful picture with her saliva, she heard the comments on her behind the coffee and was suddenly unconvinced: "How thin? When I was in Japan, I also went to the beauty salon to do beauty * body, which increased to 75D! One more cup than when I was in Chicago!" After saying that, she straightened her breasts even more.

Coffee looked at Wu Linger with a smile: "That place... Haven't they tried it yet! Why don't you let me try it now?"

When Wu Linger was about to teach coffee a black line and was about to teach coffee a lesson, an apple had hit the coffee with lightning speed. It not only successfully hit the target, but also smashed him back heavily and came into close contact with the back of his head and the ground.

Wu Linger turned her head with almost worshipful eyes and looked at the insignificant brother Ying. Brother Win just clapped his hands faintly and blatantly destroyed the evidence: "I'm sorry, my hands are slippery!"

The coffee that got up from the ground looked at Brother Win. He looked unconvinced, but he was unwilling to swallow his anger, so he complained to Wu Linger: "Linger, Brother Win bullied me!!"

"Do you have it? Why didn't I see it! Oh, by the way, Xiaohua, I just saw Superman flying through the window. Did you see it? Wu Linger deliberately turned her head to the position of the window.

Rarely, Xiaohua finally learned to take the burden this time: "Well, it's the guy who wears underwear! Aren't you afraid of being caught by the urban management?" Mr. Superman, who was far away on the other side of the Atlantic, inexplicably felt a chill. Inadhement, he hit the glass curtain wall of a building. Although he tried his best to lie on the wall, but the glass was too slippery, so he slowly slid to the ground: "I hate glass walls!!")


Although there are only three times, there are also nine thousand words, no less than yesterday's four~~~~

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