Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 18 Coffee is so lonely

Chapter 18 Coffee is so lonely

Ye Tian looked at the manager on duty who came in a hurry, waved to him and motioned everyone to go outside: "Although she was scared by cockroaches, I will be responsible for the money lost in the room!" So, don't mess with her now! Otherwise, if she makes a scene, it's hard to say about your hotel. After all, your hotel hasn't been cleaned!"

After knowing what had happened, the manager on duty quickly apologized to Ye Tian and promised that he would be responsible for this matter and would not let everyone compensate! Just kidding, who is Ye Tian? In case he is unhappy and fights a lawsuit after losing money, the hotel will not only definitely lose, but also lose its reputation. He won't do this kind of thing.

Seeing the appearance of the manager on duty, Ye Tian didn't bother to say anything to him and waved his hand: "You can prepare another room!"

"I won't change my room, I'll sleep here today! If that cockroach dares to come again, I will definitely trample it to death!" From the room came the angry voice of Wu Linger. Hearing Wu Linger's voice, Ye Tian smiled bitterly: "Then... Let's clean it up when we check out tomorrow!" No need to change! Just repair the door!"

Yes! I'm so sorry!" Seeing that the matter was dealt with peacefully, the manager and waiter on duty were finally relieved. After all, cockroaches are very lethal for ordinary women. Although the lady's reaction was a little exaggerated, it is understandable. So he immediately called the repairman to come and quickly repaired the kicked door, and then quickly flashed away.

Xiaohua sighed after looking at a room of wolves and said to Wu He and Wu Shu, "Go and have a rest. I'll help Ling Er clean it up!" After saying that, he drove the two out together with Ye Tian. After closing the door, Xiaohua came to the room: "Mother, the next time you fight with your father, be quieter! If you are seen by the witch cranes, you and your father will be unlucky!"

Wu Linger held Xiaohua with an aggrieved face: "Brother Win is a hooligan to me! He peeked at my underwear!! This hooligan! Since he became a human, he has become bad! It was not as bad as before! 5555... I was bullied, Xiaohua, you have to make the decision for me!!"

Xiaohua tried hard to break away from Wu Linger, holding him tightly, pinching and clenching his hands on him, and said, "Father! Come out! Why do you want to bully your mother?"

"Dead woman!" After hearing Xiaohua's words, Brother Win poked his head out of the pile of "clutter": "Didn't you want to make up for it after you fell me? I haven't scolded you yet, but you start first!"

"Father! This is your fault! Even if you see your mother... don't say it to stimulate her! Her personality... It's not bad that she didn't demolish the house!" Although there is not much time for Xiaohua to turn into a human form, he knows Wu Linger's character very well. If that's words are really said by Brother Win, he still has a whole body that is already Wu Linger's grace!

Brother Ying stood up from the pile of things depressedly. Instead of looking at the angry Wu Linger, he began to clean up the house with Xiaohua: "Can you blame me? I saw that she was going to fall, so she kindly reached out to help her. After standing firmly with my hand, it was not enough to directly give me a shoulder fall, and she had to step on it! Will I still die if I step on that foot? Do you think I'm really an earthworm now and have the ability to regenerate?"

"Bah! When you were an earthworm, I didn't see you have the ability to regenerate! The first time I was dismembered, I dared to die! It's embarrassing to say! Are you really an earthworm?" As soon as he talked about the last time, Wu Linger was angry. He grabbed another thing and wanted to smash Brother Win, but Brother Win suddenly rushed to her and hugged her and rolled aside.

Before Wu Linger understood what was going on, she heard a sound of cloth being torn apart, followed by a low roar. She was about to probe to see what was going on, but she didn't want Brother Win to protect her tightly under her body: "Idiot, you want to hit somewhere else! Don't you think it's messy enough here?"

Coffee fought with the shadow in the room, and his mouth was not idle: "Nonsense, if I can beat him, do I have to bring this guy here? Come and help!! Xiaohua, close the window, Linger, hang the necklace on the window!" It seems that Coffee wants to close the door and beat the dog today!

The little flower did not move, just reached out and twitched, and the rose in the vase turned into a long whip of thorns in his hand. Brother Win's head suddenly got bigger when he saw Xiaohua like this: "Xiaohua, don't play in the room!" Are you kidding? There are a few whips in this room. Can there be people staying at night? If you accidentally break the ** formation, let's stop!

The little flower was stunned and immediately understood what Brother Win's words meant. The green light flashed, and the long whip of the thorns immediately turned back into a bright rose, but the petals on the rose flew into the air one by one, forming a space composed of petals.

After Brother Win saw Xiaohua's move, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't help patting Wu Linger's head: "I told you not to show Xiaohua comics for a long time. You don't listen! Let's see what he has become now!"

Wu Linger hid behind Brother Win and smiled: "That's right, my little flower is no worse than the demon fox hidden horse in Youyou White Book! He is the king of flowers! Controlling roses is nothing. Any flowers and grass can be played in his hands much better than the magnificent round dance array of Zangma! Look, that guy's cloak is almost cut by the petals controlled by the little flower!!"

At this time, the petals controlled by the small flower are much stronger than in Japan. Under his power, the delicate petals have become sharp blades and can be arrayed at will. The sharp petals can tear any invading thing...

"Can't you be careful when I say Xiaohua? Your enemy is this guy, not me!!" The coffee in the petal array suddenly shouted with dissatisfaction, while Brother Ying, who was standing beside him and watching the drama, commented, "Xiaohua's control is much stronger now than in Japan, but it's far from enough. His current petals can't distinguish between enemies and comrades!"

After the coffee was accidentally injured by the petals of the little flower again, he was so depressed that he almost cursed. At this time when he was distracted, the dark shadow suddenly turned into a black smoke and escaped from the window. When the coffee was about to chase, another petal flew towards him. He retreated quickly in fear, but there was no sign of black smoke.

When Xiaohua collected the petals, the coffee dared to jump angrily: "Xiaohua, what the hell are you doing? If you can't make it, don't make trouble! You put those petals by the window, and he can't run away, can he?

Xiaohua took a look at the coffee and felt that he was right, so she nodded: "I will remember it next time!!" After saying that, he began to clean up the more messy room.

Seeing the light and windy appearance of Xiaohuayun, the coffee was so mad: "Linger, take care of your little flowers! He bullied coffee!!"

Wu Linger had already leaned comfortably against the head of the bed: "It's all her own family. Why do you have such a bad temper? It didn't really hurt you! Moreover, even if it really hurts you, as long as your face is not hurt, Ji Zai will not dislike you!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger looked at the coffee with a bad smile: "Or, Ji Zai hasn't paid attention to you recently, so you feel lonely and need someone to soothe your lonely heart? Don't worry, there is nothing else in France, but there is never a shortage of beautiful and handsome men! I won't ask about your emotional problems! But if Ji Zai is jealous afterwards, I don't care!"

Coffee flows with broadband and tears beside Wu Linger: "Or Linger, you know me best! Now you can't disturb Ji Zai. You only deal with those paintings and sculptures! Coffee is so lonely!! I want Linger to accompany me for coffee!!"

Wu Linger pushed away the coffee: "Sorry, although I don't discriminate against homosexuality, it doesn't mean that I can accept homosexuality! If you like Ji Zai, don't get tired of saying that you are lonely by my side all the time!"

"However, people like Ling Er's witch power! You know, there is not much magical power in the world, and we have not signed a contract. I can learn very little magical power from you. Only by sticking to you can I be more comfortable! Fighting is also a very powerful thing!!"

In the face of the coquettishness of coffee, Wu Linger was unmoved: "Come on, if you want the witch power, the witch power on the witch crane and the witch tree is much stronger than mine, right? Why don't you stick to them?"

"They don't like them! Especially that witch tree, with a stinky face all day long, is really annoying! After watching it, I really want to beat him up!!" Speaking of this, the coffee sat up and said, "Anyway, Linger is not happy with Wushu to spy on you, or we will get together and beat him up!" Bian made him dare not report even if he finds out your identity? In this way, Brother Win and Jizai don't have to hide so hard!"