Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 20 Armor-piercing Bullet

Chapter 20 Armor-piercing Bullet

"I know it's a winery! I asked what the name of the winery is! It seems that French wineries will have good names and stories. I like this kind of place the most!"

Xiaohua shook her head: "Xiao Tuo said that the name of the winery is the winery. So the place we are going to is called 'Vinery' Winery!"

"What the hell name? If you don't know, you thought we were stale!!" Wu Linger lay down on the table depressedly: "At least take a nice name like those famous wineries!"

Ye Tian also heard Xiao Tuo talk about this. He shrugged his shoulders: "It is said that this winery used to have a name, but later after selling it to another person, the man said that the winery is the winery. Why did he take those messy names?" This manor will be called a winery in the future! So the name of the winery was decided like this!"

"The original owner is definitely going to cry!" Wu Linger lay on the table as if without bones: "I'm so sleepy. How long will it take to arrive!"

"There are still 40 minutes of TGV, and then we rent a car to go to the winery. According to Xiao Tuo, it may take more than five hours on the road, and the geographical location is a little remote! However, Xiao Tuo also said that he had rented the car for us in advance! After getting off the TGV, you can pick up the car, and then go straight away. We can arrive in the afternoon, but we have to eat lunch in the car!" Xiaohua is now like a very conscientious secretary, arranging Wu Linger's itinerary in an orderly manner: "If we leave after lunch, it is likely that it will be dark when we arrive at the winery. If the winery doesn't talk on the phone and visits rashly, it's better not to choose the time when it's eating!"

Wu Linger lay on the table and nodded: "Long-distance bus or something, I hate it the most! 55555... Why is it like this? Is there no way to get there directly? What's good about that manor? How can you seduce the vampire prince to such a remote place!"

When he heard Wu Linger say the term vampire so casually, Ye Tian was shocked and quickly covered Wu Linger's mouth: "Don't talk nonsense. This is not in the hotel!"

Wu Linger was covered with her mouth and looked around with a depressed face. She found that there were two people next to her who were already looking at her. She quickly smiled shyly: "Well, I'm thinking about my novel! I'm sorry!"

What does the Loire Valley produce? The Loire will be proud to answer: castles, white wine and writers!

So, after hearing Wu Linger say this, everyone immediately nodded and diverted their attention with a smile. For this, it gave birth to things like Rabais, Balzac, Alexandre Dumas, Maurice Genevoix and Charles Péguy In such a place of literary and artistic celebrities, it is normal for a fantasy-loving female writer to appear.

Seeing that Wu Linger had fooled everyone over, she lay down on the table again: "Is there anyone who can answer my question!"

Xiaohua was also a little helpless: "I also asked Xiao Tuo. Xiao Tuo said that he was not very clear about the specifics. The winery seemed to have changed owners ten years ago. At that time, the winery was not very famous, but in the third year after the change of owners, many experts praised the wine from the winery, but since then, the winery's wine Only ten boxes are sold out in a year, and it is definitely the type that you don't know wine and can't buy it for any money. This is also the reason why he is not famous. He produces too little wine. All of them have been digested by top wine lovers!"

Wu Linger said feebly, "I think it was digested by those vampires, right?"

"It's also possible! In addition, according to the data, the owner has a strange temper, and it is not easy to see him! Linger, you have to be mentally prepared!" Xiaohua is worried about this!

Wu Linger is completely like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, it's coming, and the grinding is going to come up with an answer! Is it possible that he has a strange temper and we will dodge people? It's impossible!" Speaking of this, Wu Linger looked at Xiaohua: "Is there any information about the prince? Can you find the prince anywhere else besides here?

Xiaohua shook her head: "This is the only information in my hand now! If it's so easy to find, uncle won't let Linger do it!"

"That dead fox, sooner or later I will peel his fox skin to make a cloak!!" Wu Linger drank the juice in the cup with hatred: "Let's see how I can fix him after collecting these five spiritual beads!!"

"I'm afraid that after you collect the five spiritual beads, he won't be afraid that you will clean up!!" Ye Tian looked at Wu Linger with a headache: "Although I don't know much about Li Tianzuo, everyone's comments on him are really not very good. Are you sure you want to help him? In case he achieves his goal..."

Wu Linger said carelessly, "What are you afraid of? I don't want his family's money, and I don't want his family's power! Helping to find Wulingzhu is just a little filial piety and satisfy my curiosity! Are you still afraid that he will hurt me? With you, I have to think about whether I have the ability to do it! Among other things, it's just a matter of letting Xiao Tuo directly destroy his Li's group, right?

Ye Tian thought about it and thought so. Anyway, Xiao Tuo has been staring at Li Tianzuo for a long time. In case he really wants to do something to Wu Linger, Xiao Tuo will be the first to find out that if he touches the reverse scale of Xiao Tuo, not to mention Li Tianzuo, even the old man has to think about it! Thinking of this, Ye Tian was also much relieved: "This is the best!"

"Originally, I only pursue handsome men and beautiful women, plus a few small words on the Internet to entertain the public! I'm not short of money to spend, am I? So, you don't have to worry about what that old fox can do to me! I just want to wake up my father and ask him why he left my mother and me! I don't believe the kidnapping method mentioned by the old fox!"

Ye Tian was a little relieved after hearing Wu Linger say this: "Anyway, no matter what happens, I'll be on call!"

"Bah, do you really think you are a free man? In case the dead old man asks you to do something, I see what you will do!" Wu Linger smiled and took out a box of milk coffee from her bag and shook it. The coffee became as excited as a hormone cat: "Linger, you want to drink coffee!! Give me coffee!! Do you want coffee!!"

Wu Linger threw the milk coffee to the coffee with a smile: "I, I have coffee and small flowers, so I'm not afraid of others!"

As soon as Wu Linger heard Wu'er say this, she immediately smiled happily: "Of course! Coffee will protect Linger!" With that, he came over and said, "Or, Linger, are we now strangling the danger in the cradle?" Don't open your mouth, you just need to nod, and the coffee will understand!"

Wu Linger rudely knocked on the head of the coffee: "He also strangled him in the cradle. If he is killed, who will help me wake up my sleeping beauty father?" Don't drink coffee every day and drink your brain, okay?

Coffee held his head pitifully: "I just want to help Linger solve the problem..." Before the coffee's words were finished, his eyes changed and he directly rushed up and pressed Wu Linger to the ground: "Bang!" With a sound, a bullet hole appeared on the window. The glass around the bullet hole had cracked along the crack lines. A whole glass was suddenly covered with cracks. The cold winter wind immediately poured in, but a big pit appeared on the back of Wu Linger's chair, and even the sponge in the back of the chair burst out.

After hearing the strange sound, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but stand up in panic. Looking around, they found the abnormal situation of Wu Linger and others. After seeing the glass window and the back of the chair become like that, everyone was scared to leave their seats and run to other carriages.

Ye Tian took a look at everyone, and then put his eyes on the back of the chair: "It's really hard to do it!! The armor-piercing bullets of depleted uranium have come out! If this is hit, it won't taste good!!"

After the coffee found that there was no danger, he let go of Wu Linger: "Linger, stay here! I'll go out for a moment!"

Wu Linger found that others had already looked at her side and quickly pulled the coffee: "I'm driving here. Where are you going? How can I explain when someone asks me later?