Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 31 I haven't read for many years

Chapter 31 I haven't read for many years

"Mother!!" Xiaohua couldn't stand Wu Linger's disconnection and couldn't help interrupting her crying with a black line: "The coffee didn't eat the stone. He just stored the stone in his body to absorb the witch power on the stone!!"

Wu Linger looked at Xiaohua indistrustfully: "Really?" Xiaohua nodded, and then Wu Linger looked at the coffee again: "Really?" Coffee also nodded, and Wu Linger was relieved: "Please don't play this high-tech game next time, okay? It scared me a lot!"

Coffee squeezed into the room with a smile: "Ling Er is worried about me?"

"Nonsense! At least you are my tenant and bodyguard now, and there are such powerful guys outside who want to deal with me. How can they not worry about you? In case something happens to you, do you expect Xiaohua to protect me, or do you expect Ahe to protect me? Wu Linger knocked on the head of the coffee angrily: "Don't scare me next time!! Otherwise, I will bite you!!"

Coffee smiled: "I'm not scared, I promise I won't scare you!! Coffee is the best!! Linger, don't worry!! If you want to protect Linger, of course, I have to do the coffee myself. Xiaohua and Ahe are useless! They, in your words, can only make soy sauce!! Coffee is the strongest!!"

"Bah! You are the strongest when you eat! If you fight, you don't know who is the best!" In the face of such a stinky coffee, Wu Linger certainly left no room for a blow.

Seeing that the room was in a mess again, Wu He and Wu Shu said good night and retreated. Xiaohua finally did not drive the coffee out because of the appearance of that figure, but let him stay in the room to protect Wu Linger. As for coffee's strength, it can only be soy sauce. Xiaohua didn't listen to it at all. Next time he fights, he will let coffee know who is soy sauce!

One night passed safely and nothing happened, which also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. After Wu Shu repeatedly told Wu He to pay attention to safety, he drove away from the winery and rushed to the airport. Xiaohua stood by the window and kept looking at him leaving. It was not until four hours later that Xiaohua breathed a sigh of relief: "Father, it's okay!"

The white light flashed, and Brother Win had already appeared in the room. He looked back at Wu Linger, who was sleeping soundly, and couldn't help smiling faintly: "idiot woman!" Ordinary people will long be scared knowing that they are targeted by such a powerful vampire, especially this woman has seen the power of vampires. Now she can still sleep so soundly. I really don't know whether to scold her for not knowing whether to live or praise her for being too optimistic. This is the only advantage of this neurotic woman. When the sky falls, it is only covered.

The door was gently knocked: "Ling Er, are you up? Piaoping invited us to have breakfast!!"

Xiaohua hurried over and opened the door: "Hello, Mr. Ye, Sister Ling'er is still sleeping, or you can have breakfast first!"

"What's going on? Doesn't she usually get up early? Hasn't the fever subsided yet? Hearing that Wu Linger hadn't got up yet, Ye Tian frowned and said, "Would you like to invite a doctor to come and have a look?"

"No!" Brother Win suddenly appeared behind Xiaohua: "I will take good care of her!"

Seeing the handsome man in white in front of him, Ye Tian frowned: "When did you come from? Why stay in Linger's room?"

"It doesn't matter when I came from! The important thing is that if I stay here, this woman won't be sucked by a vampire!" Brother Ying had a faint sneer on his face, which seemed to laugh at Ye Tian for being Wu Linger's protector, but he didn't know how dangerous Wu Linger was facing now.

Ye Tian was going to be angry when he saw Brother Ying's expression, but after hearing him say the word "vampire", his face changed and he quickly entered the room. When he saw that Wu Linger was not injured, he was relieved after sleeping: "Xiaohua, what's the matter?"

Xiaohua said shyly, "Last night, a vampire appeared outside the window. Although I found it, I didn't see his shadow. But Wu Shu saw him, but he had left today because of an emergency. This... sir, he also came this morning and said that he knew Sister Ling Er. It's dangerous, so I came here to protect her!"

Brother Ying smiled faintly: "I have the same surname as that woman, and my name is Wu Ying!" You can call me Brother Win!"

"Good brother Ying! Thank you for saving Sister Ling'er so many times before!" Xiaohua politely thanked Brother Win. Ye Tian looked at Brother Win vigilantly: "Who the hell are you? Why can't we ever find your information?"

Brother Win walked slowly to the window, opened the curtains, and the white snow scene outside the window suddenly came into view: "It's a nice day!!" After saying that, he looked back at Ye Tian: "Is it important who I am?"

Ye Tian just looks at Brother Win and doesn't talk. For him, it may really matter who Brother Win is. As long as he can really protect Wu Linger, even if he is Satan Ye Tian will not care.

Seeing Ye Tian's expression, Brother Win just smiled faintly: "Since that's the case, why do you ask me who I am? Just like I never ask you, or who you killed, and what do you want to do around this woman!"

"We have no malice!" Ye Tian was anxious and immediately said it. Who would have thought that Brother Ying was still in control of everything: "I know! Otherwise, do you think you can still live until now?

When Brother Win said this, Ye Tian remembered that everything that hurt Wu Linger didn't seem to have a good end in the end. Even if some of them were captured alive, life was not as good as death in the end. It seemed that this man's means... Inexplicably, a chill surged into his heart, and Ye Tian immediately labeled Brother Winn's dangerously.

Just when Ye Tian felt that Brother Win was in danger, a pillow suddenly flew towards Brother Win. Brother Win reached out and grabbed the pillow. Before he could say anything, he heard Wu Linger's voice: "Brother Win, are going to die? I got up early in the morning and bullied my 'sister-in-law'. Believe it or not, I told Aunt Xuan to let her fix you!"

In the face of Wu Linger's threat, Brother Win just patted the pillow and threw it into the sofa aside: "Woman, get up quickly when you wake up, and others are ready for breakfast! Don't forget that you have class today!!"

As soon as it came to class, Wu Linger, who had already sat up, suddenly screamed and fell down and rolled in ** with the quilt in her arms: "I'm so pitiful. I haven't studied for many years!! Why do I have to go to class!! God, have you abandoned me? Why did you do this to me!!"

Seeing such a Wu Linger, Ye Tian smiled proudly: "It's useless to roll again. You can't escape from my clutches!" Get up and eat! Then we will start classes!! I also abducted Piaoping as a teacher for you! At least he graduated from the French Wine Academy. It's no problem to teach you!"

Wu Linger sat up depressedly and patted the back of the coffee that was still drooling on his stomach: "Coffee! Get up for breakfast!!"

"Morning? Where is the breakfast?? I'm hungry for coffee!!" As soon as I heard that there was breakfast, I immediately got excited about coffee. Wu Linger felt a little ashamed when she saw him: "Go wash your face and brush your teeth! Also, don't stay at the table as usual, otherwise others will think that I have abused you before!!"

At this time, I only remembered that there was breakfast for coffee, but I couldn't listen to Wu Linger's advice. When he was about to rush out, Brother Win suddenly reached out and grabbed him: "Brush your teeth and wash your face!!" After saying that, he took him into the bathroom.

Seeing that the strong coffee was thrown into the bathroom like a kitten, Ye Tian rubbed his eyes in disbelief: "Am I dazzled?"

Wu Linger picked up the clothes handed over by Xiaohua and huddled in the warm quilt and wore clothes. When the coffee came out of the bathroom, she reluctantly moved down from **. After entering the bathroom and washing, she asked Xiaohua to help her tidy up her hair, and then she was obediently led by Xiaohua. Restaurant.

Seeing Charlie and Nalan Piaoping sitting at the table after breakfast, Wu Linger smiled at them happily: "Good morning, Mr. Charlie, Miss Nalan!"

"Ha ha, it seems that you are very satisfied with the room we prepared! I didn't get up until this time! But what does it matter? Just like grapevines need to rest in winter, human beings also need to have a good rest in winter!" Charlie deserves to be from the winery, and anything can be related to grapes.

Wu Linger sat at the table happily: "Yes! Usually staying in a big city, it's always so noisy! Stay here to know what quiet is! Even the sound of snow and the sound of firewood in the fireplace make people feel very relaxed! I think I'm going to fall in love with this place!"

"Ha ha, what is this? When you come here again in summer and autumn, you will really understand the charm here!!" Charlie smiled and pointed to the wine beside him: "Would you like a glass?"