Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 55 The feeling of gentleness and strength

Chapter 55 The feeling of gentleness and strength

Wu Linger looked at Vivian wrapped in a fur coat and didn't talk much. She couldn't help but feel a little strange. She walked over and took Vivian's hand: "Vienne, what's wrong with you? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Don't say hello to this kind of meeting, but directly ask if there is any health problem. I'm afraid that no one else can do it except Wu Linger, right? Vivian reluctantly smiled: "It's okay, I'm just... a little airsick!"

"Hasickness? How is that possible?" It's hard for others to say that the Brown family makes helicopters almost every day. How can Vivian get airsick? Fortunately, Daniel came over at this time: "For God's sake, Linger, don't tell me that you don't know Vivian is pregnant!"

"Pregnancy?!!" Wu Linger's voice suddenly increased eight degrees: "Daniel, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Wu Linger's face asking guilt, Daniel immediately stroked his forehead: "For God's sake, Ling'er, can't you let Vivian find a place to lie down and rest before asking these questions?"

Knowing that Daniel was right, Wu Linger stared at him hatefully and helped Vivian to walk to her rest room: "You are the same, Vivian. Don't follow me if you are inconvenient. You should have a good rest at home, you..."

Seeing Wu Linger holding Vivian all the way, Anthony smiled: "Miss Wu, you are really different!" At this time, he really believed what Wu Linger said before and how she felt about her friends.

Daniel met the group of handsome men in front of him from Ye Tian and knew yesterday's exam questions. Then he said to Brother Win, "Xiao Tuo contacted me and said that Ningzhang had contacted him yesterday. They didn't do what happened last night. For someone who provoked things at this time, they also seemed very Annoyed, he said he would give us an arrass!"

Brother Win nodded indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether they give it over or not. They are not afraid of losing people, and we won't be tired either!"

"Wow, who said that? It's not you who kill people every time. Of course you don't feel tired. Running around like this also consumes a lot of energy!" Seeing that Brother Win said so easily, the coffee did not dry, but Wu He looked at the coffee and asked, "How's the wound on your back?"

After making a bodybuilder's action, Coffee smiled proudly and said, "That little injury will be fine in a moment!" But the medicine Ling Er gave me is really good! I heard that you gave it to her! Thank you in advance!"

"You're welcome!" Wu He smiled and turned his head to look at Daniel: "So, do you want to see the Mona Lisa now?" It seems that he is really eager to help Wu Linger solve the problem.

Daniel said with a bitter face: "God, I didn't even eat breakfast, and you actually took me as a cooly! I..."

"If you say another word of God, I will kick your ass!" Wu Linger rudely hit Daniel: "I thought you would get a little better after getting married, but I didn't expect it to be so annoying! I really don't know what Vivian like about you!"

Daniel came over with a smile: "Of course, I like my elegant, gentle and considerate, gentlemanly manners! Serve the lady as a responsibility! Look at your phone call, and I'll be there right away!"

"Cut, let me know that Vivian's body is like this, I won't let you come here! And Ye Tian asked you to come here, not me!" As Wu Linger opened the door of the lounge, Daniel standing at the door suddenly saw the Mona Lisa. His eyes lit up and he strode over. He stood by the edge of the painting and looked carefully. After a while, he sighed, "It's worthy of being the work of the master! This stroke, this charm! Oh, my God! You..."

An apple suddenly hit Daniel's head, and Daniel rubbed his head depressedly: "Ling Er, it's impolite to interrupt others!"

"If you want to sigh, I can stand here and say that I won't repeat it for three days. What do you want me to do? Help me think about it!!" Wu Linger hit Daniel rudely, as if she hadn't heard his complaints at all.

Daniel sat down on the sofa with a smile: "I don't know!"


Daniel shrugged his shoulders: "I admit that I have some appreciation for art. If you just want me to help you appreciate whether this painting is authentic or not, I can tell you that it is true! But if you want me to find a bottle of wine according to this picture, I don't think I can do it!"

Hearing Daniel say this, Wu Linger rolled her eyes at the sky: "Well, you can go back!" Are you kidding? He made such a cool appearance, but in the end, he just didn't know?! Then why did he run here?!

Ye Tian heard the meaning of Daniel's words: "You mean, as long as Ling Er can say the feeling of this painting, you can help Ling Er find the wine she needs?"

Daniel turned his head and thought, "It's inseparable!" At least, when you see this painting, I think you should have looked for it yesterday. What kind of wine did you take?

Nalan Piaoping stood up: "We are thinking of the year of ChateauPalmer 2000 in Bordeaux. Ling Er has tried it. She said that although Chateau Palmer 2000 is also Mona Lisa, it is the Mona Lisa of the Louvre instead of this one. "

Daniel shrugged his shoulders: "Look, that's what I'm talking about!" Only after she really understands the essence of this painting can we help her!"

Wu Linger was stunned for a moment and stood in front of the painting: "...is it the reason for my...?" If you can't find the real feeling of this painting, you can't find the bottle of wine.

Just when Wu Linger was in a daze, Xiaohua handed over her sketchbook and pencil: "Linger, since you can't think of it and can't see it, let's try to draw it as usual!"

Wu Linger nodded, took the sketchbook and pencil in Xiaohua's hand, sat on the sofa and began to copy. Suddenly, the whole lounge became silent.

After a while, Anthony pushed open the door of the lounge, but saw everyone sitting or standing quietly, surrounding Wu Linger. He walked over curiously and took a look and found that the prototype of Mona Lisa had appeared on Wu Linger's sketchbook: "In this way?" He smiled faintly and turned away.

A morning passed, and the Mona Lisa in the sketchbook had appeared, but Wu Linger suddenly tore off the painting: "No! It's not that way!!" After saying that, she threw the notebook aside and held her head in pain: "I can't draw it! That feeling of gentleness and strength can't be drawn! I don't understand! What kind of woman would feel that way!!"

Seeing that Wu Linger was a little crazy, Brother Ying walked over and took the sketchbook and pencil from her hand: "If you can't draw, take a rest for a while! There are still two and a half days left. What's the hurry?

Wu Linger looked up at Brother Ying with tears in her eyes: "How can you not be in a hurry! It feels like the submission deadline is approaching, and I still need a lot of manuscripts! If I can't write any more, my Shasha will clean me up!!"

After hearing Wu Linger say this, Brother Win almost hit the ground with his head. This guy got into a crazy state of submission: "Okay! Vivian should be better now. Do you want to accompany her first?

It is worthy of being the winning brother who has lived with Wu Linger for so many years. It can be said that he knows Wu Linger very well. Hearing Brother Win's words, Wu Linger's eyes lit up: "Yes, go with the beautiful woman! Now there are all handsome men around, and there are too few beautiful women! Vivian, I'm coming!!"

Seeing Wu Linger rushing out of the lounge, everyone was in a cold sweat. Daniel looked at Brother Win and asked, "Is she usually... like this?"

Brother Ying threw the sketchbook on the coffee table: "Xiao Tuo should have said what she usually looks like on the information he gave you, right?"

Originally, I wanted to explore the bottom of Brother Win, but I didn't expect him to eat a soft and hard nail for himself. Daniel looked at him with some depression: "Your personality is still as awkward as before!"

"Each other!" After saying that, Brother Win picked up the painting that Wu Linger had just tore off from the ground and compared the two paintings. Although Wu Linger's painting has not been finished, and although Wu Linger's painting is very similar to that painting, it can also be clearly felt that Wu Linger's painting is slightly different from the Mona Lisa in front of her, which is this small Does the difference determine the final key? What exactly is it?