Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 57 The Glory of Maternality

Chapter 57 The Glory of Mother

"That's the best!" He raised his fist at Daniel, and Wu Linger and Brother Ying left the lounge together, including Wu He and Ye Tian. Coffee originally wanted to follow, but it was stared at by Ji Zai and immediately stayed aggrieved.

After returning to the room, Xiaohua put the painting away. Wu Linger looked at the painting from the sofa and picked up a glass of wine: "The power of love?" After saying that, she took a gentle sip of wine. After a while, Wu Linger put down the wine: "No! It's too gentle!"

He raised another glass of wine and took a sip: "No, it's too strong, less gentle!"


"It's still wrong!"

After tasting five or six bottles of wine in a row, Wu Linger put down the glass with some discouragement: "Brother Ying, Xiaohua, I don't think it's right! We still seem to be approaching some misunderstanding!" After saying that, she stood up, but she didn't want to be unstable. She fell to the ground. Before Xiaohua moved, Brother Ying had already supported her: "You are really not ordinary and can't drink! Lie down for a while!"

"I'll get a hot towel to apply it to Linger!" Xiaohua quickly ran to the bathroom and got a hot towel. At this time, Brother Ying had already lied down with Wu Linger in his arms. After taking the towel from Xiaohua's hand and applying it to Wu Linger's head, Brother Ying looked at the picture on the wall: "What does Ling Er mean?"

After thinking about it, several people in the room shook their heads together: "I don't know!"

Wu Linger put her hand on her face and grabbed the towel: "We... still have to understand what the painting means first! There is nothing but love! Is love because of Leonardo's love, or Mona Lisa's love, and this Mona Lisa is obviously stronger than the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. What did Leonardo da Vinci draw her for? If I don't solve this mystery, even if I touch that bottle of wine, I can't feel it!"

"What else can make women gentle and strong than love?" Ye Tian thought for a long time and shook his head: "Although I have met a lot of women and made many girlfriends, it seems that I really haven't encountered the situation Ling Er said!"

Wu Linger took a deep breath and sat up: "I don't care. Since I can't think of it and can't drink it, then I won't drink it anymore! It's rare to see Vivian. I'm going to accompany her!"

Brother Win suddenly seemed to have inspiration: "That's good! Vivian has been gently taking care of Daniel for so many years, and then strongly supporting the whole Brown family. Maybe she will give you some answers!"

Wu Linger's eyes lit up and immediately jumped up from ** and ran out: "Vivian, beautiful woman! I'm coming!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, Ye Tian smiled bitterly: "I think this is her real purpose, right?"

When she came to the door of Vivian's room, Wu Linger found that the door was empty, and a small argument was coming from the door: "No, I won't let you go back to Chicago alone!"

"Family affairs can't be ignored! You are pregnant again. Don't worry, I'll be fine!!"

"Daniel, I'm scared! If you go back alone, those people..."

"If they are really so ignorant, then I won't be polite! But there is a premise for me to do these things, Vivian, you must protect yourself well! Absolutely put yourself first! Even... If the child really affects your body, I want you to give up the child!"

"No, I will protect our children! Daniel, I..." The following words were not said. Wu Linger gently opened the door and saw Daniel and Vivian standing in front of the window hugging and kissing. The soft light shone through the window and sprinkled on them, turning them into a beautiful statue. Wu Linger also found that even if she was kissing her husband, Vivian's hand was still protecting her lower abdomen, where there was a child she had not yet been born...

Wu Linger left thoughtfully and returned to her room, but fell to ** without anyone: "Holy, gentle, strong... At this time, Vivian is so happy! Whether it is before, now or in the future, she will be strong enough to protect the people she loves!"

"Uh, Linger, what's wrong?" Seeing Wu Linger's soulless appearance, Ye Tian asked worriedly.

Wu Linger ignored Ye Tian and just said to herself, "Is that so? Strong, soft, the most loving, the most shining, is the brilliance of motherhood..."

Speaking of this, Wu Linger suddenly sat up: "I know!!" After saying that, Wu Linger rushed to the cart and raised a glass of wine to try it.

When she tried the third glass of wine, her eyes lit up: "It appeared!" Mona Lisa!" She held up the glass and looked at the painting: "Is that so? Mother with a child! Girls are the gentlest, strongest and the most beautiful time! So, what are you trying to tell me? After saying that, Wu Linger suddenly drank all the wine in the glass, and even Brother Win didn't have time to stop it.

The smell of wine came to my mouth, and the fragrance came to my mind. Suddenly, the Mona Lisa in front of me disappeared and was replaced by an extremely humble house. In front of the window, a woman with a big belly stroked her stomach gently: "Baby, you have to be obedient!"

Because of the backlight, Wu Linger couldn't see the woman's face, but inexplicably, tears slipped down. She had an eager feeling and wanted to see who the woman was! Almost instinctively, Wu Linger grabbed the bottle of wine and poured it into her mouth. It was so urgent that even a large amount of wine flowed down from the corners of her mouth and dyed her clothes red...

"Ling'er!" Ye Tian and Wu He saw that Wu Linger was so abnormal that they wanted to rush forward to stop it, but they didn't want to be stopped by Brother Win: "Don't bother her!"


"At most, it's just drunk!" Brother Win took a look at Xiaohua: "Don't let her hurt herself later!"

Xiaohua nodded, and a mandala flower suddenly appeared in her hand, preparing for a stay.

However, Wu Linger was not as drunk as usual. After pouring the wine into her mouth, she was stunned for a moment and loosened her hand. The wine bottle slipped from her hand and fell to the ground. After finding the crisp sound, it fell to pieces. The bright red liquor splashed on the ground and splashed on Wu Linger's skirt.

Wu Linger stood there in a moment, and tears suddenly slipped down: "Mom..." After saying that, she fell softly to the side. Brother Win rushed up and hugged her, with indescribable regret in his eyes. Inexplicably, he hated the wine in front of him. It is these wines that make Wu Linger so sad!


Happy birthday, water drop!

Today's first update~~

See that I have updated so much, you need to prepare a book review!

If there are no ten book reviews today, I will have to consider it next time I break out!!