Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 59 Death under the peony flower, it is romantic to be a ghost

Chapter 59 Peony dies, and it's romantic to be a ghost

Wu Linger lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed and ran out of the door: "Brother Win, I... Er, what are you doing?" Outside the door, it's okay for Brother Win to stand there, and it's normal for Xiaohua to stand at the door. Ye Tian and Wu He to stand here, but Daniel, Jizai and Coffee are all standing at the door, and Wu Linger was a little scared: "Hey, that... I'm fine. I'm fine!"

"Who cares about you? Don't do this kind of thing in the future, so that everyone will not be at peace!" After seeing that Wu Linger was fine, Ji Zi rolled his eyes at her and turned away. Coffee took a look at Wu Linger, then at Ji Zai, and finally said aggrievedly, "Ling'er, remember to eat and go to bed early!" Coffee will play with you tomorrow!"

"Dead cat, let's go!" After hearing Ji Zai's scolding, the coffee followed quickly. She looked like a little daughter-in-law, which made Wu Linger almost laugh.

Seeing that Wu Linger returned to normal, Brother Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiaohua cooked dinner for you, and it's still hot in the kitchen!"

"I'll bring it here!!" Before the little words were finished, the man had already run out.

Ye Tian saw that Wu Linger's eyes were a little red and touched her head: "Are you all right? Drink less wine in the future! Don't be impulsive even if this wine suits your appetite! What did you say? Impulse is the devil!"

Wu Linger glanced at Wu He, who stood aside without saying a word, and Daniel, who was ready to sigh for God, suddenly smiled: "Hmm! What happened in the past is a thing of the past! Now, I'm surrounded by a lot of handsome men! This is the happiest! I want to have fun in time!"

"You are so happy!" Brother Win took out a wool scarf from the room and put it on Wu Linger's shoulder: "Go to bed early after dinner! A drunken madness made everyone restless! Vivian went to bed when she heard you wake up!!"

Hearing what Brother Win said, Wu Linger immediately felt a little embarrassed: "Daniel, what are you still doing here? Go and go with Vivian! You are usually very smart. Why are you so stupid today?

Daniel sighed aggrievedly: "God, it's hard for a man to do! Vivian wants me to guard Ling Er, and Ling Er wants me to guard Vivian. Can you give me a split skill?"

"Get out! I've already said that God wants to practice splitting, and I don't have time to care about you!" Wu Linger kicked Daniel angrily: "Stay with Vivian. What's the trouble? Find Xiao Tuo! Tell him that his boss wants you to find him! If you want him to have the ability, come and ask me for money!"

Wu Linger's joke is equivalent to giving Daniel a promise, a promise to let Xiao Tuo help Daniel. Although they are also members of Lixu, it does not mean that there is no cooperation between them. From the last time in Chicago, Wu Linger can see that Xiao Tuo does not like Daniel very much, but now with her words, Xiao Tuo will definitely help Daniel.

Daniel took a deep look at Wu Linger and finally said, "Ling'er, the Brown family owes you a favor. No matter what happens in the future, as long as you speak, Brown will never say a word!"

In the face of such a serious promise, Wu Linger waved her hand like a fly: "Go! Go with Vivian! If you don't take good care of her, I'll ask Xiao Tuo to kill you!"

"Hey, if you want to make a whole person, you can also add me and Xiaojing!" Ye Tian had an expression of falling into the well. Daniel patted his forehead and sighed that he accidentally turned to his room to make friends.

After everyone entered Wu Linger's room together, Xiaohua also brought up the hot dinner: "Linger, let's eat something first. You didn't eat at noon or evening!"

Wu Linger sat happily on the sofa while eating dinner cooked by Xiaohua, and asked everyone curiously, "Why is it so quiet tonight?" Aren't there always a few people who come to make trouble? Peeping or bullets or something... Did you make a scene tonight?

Hearing Wu Linger's words so easily, everyone sweated coldly: "Do you think the family is not lively enough, do you want to be more lively?"

"That's not true, but recently, someone has been making trouble every day, and suddenly it calms down, which makes me quite unaccustomed!" Wu Linger ate late with a smile while joking with everyone. Brother Win angrily exposed her idea: "I think you want to meet that beautiful woman again, right?"

Hearing Brother Win say this, Wu Linger quickly retorted, "How can I?" But I don't want to refute so quickly, but it just makes everyone understand her guilty.

Seeing Wu Linger lowered her head depressedly, Brother Win rubbed his eyebrows: "You, one day you will die on this bad problem!"

"Isn't it romantic to die under the peonies and be a ghost?" Wu Linger muttered in a low voice, but obediently closed her mouth after seeing Brother Ying's angry eyes: "If you don't say anything, I'll eat, is that okay?"

"Ha ha... If I were you, I would dump such an amorous man and find another cute one!" The erratic laughter suddenly sounded outside the window. Brother Win frowned. Xiaohua had rushed to the window, but when he saw the red light flashing, Ji Zi had already chased him out. His speed is even inferior to coffee. Fortunately, Wu He was sitting behind his back to the window and didn't see Ji Zai, otherwise he would have been suspicious again!

Wu Linger sighed: "Sure enough, you can't talk about people during the day and ghosts at night! Look, I just mentioned it and ran out immediately! I'd better have a safe meal!" However, Wu Linger suddenly remembered another thing: "Brother Win, did you order that Guerlain for Ji Zai for me?"

"I ordered!" Seeing that Wu Linger didn't realize how dangerous it was and still talking about it here, Brother Win was super angry.

Wu He thought for a moment, took out a small bottle of water from his arms and gently sprinkled it on Wu Linger's bedside. After that, he bit his finger, merged his blood with water, and began to say words in his mouth. With the end of his last spell, a blue light flashed, and the water and blood stains on the ground disappeared. At this time, Wu He wiped the sweat on his forehead and stood up: "Ling Er, if you find something wrong, hide in ** immediately. You will never be fine before everyone comes!"

Wu Linger glanced at her bed, and then looked at the tired witch crane: "However, there are still four days left, and we will go inside... Can you... take it away?" After saying that, she did not forget to remind Wu He to point to the empty bottle in Wu He's hand.

Wu He looked at Wu Linger with a black line: "You can't take it away!"


The third update!!

Is it awesome?