Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 79 I don't want news about evil tigers and hurting people

Chapter 79 I don't want to have news about evil tigers and hurt people

"Impossible!" Daniel's voice came from the door. It seemed that he had appeased Vivian and was worried about Wu Linger, so he came here to have a look.

Wu Linger looked at Daniel strangely: "Why are you so sure?"

Daniel sat on the sofa and said, "The blood race is an arrogant race. In their eyes, human beings are just food and toys. Maybe they will be interested in some human beings, but they will never cooperate with them. In particular, Ningzhang has always acted arrogantly and is even less pleasant in Europe. If their strength hadn't been there, they would have been cleaned up by other killer organizations! Blood clans will not like such people even more!"

Wu Linger nodded and suddenly shook her head: "Why did the blood clan stare at me and coffee? The woman said she wanted to cover me and coffee! Er, she is not bisexual, is she? I don't want it!! So horrible!!!"

"Woman, can't you think of something normal in your head?" Seeing that Wu Linger said something about this again, Brother Win couldn't help but be angry. He really wanted to reach out and teach Wu Linger a lesson.

Fortunately, Daniel has known Wu Linger's character for a long time and doesn't care about her problems: "It's not necessarily because he loves you that he wants to 'cover' you!" I said, human beings are food and toys most of the time in the eyes of blood clans. Will you fall in love with your food or toys?

Fare in love with food? Wu Linger inexplicably remembered the guy in Tokyo who gave away ** and cucumbers as soon as they met. She suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "Don't! Don't fall in love with food. It's horrible!!"

Daniel looked at Wu Linger strangely and didn't understand why she was so excited, but he continued to say, "So, as far as I analyze, maybe that woman thinks you and coffee are fun and wants to treat you as pets!"

"Pet?!!" Inexplicably, Wu Linger thought of wearing a collar around her neck and crawling on the ground like a puppy. After another chill, she quickly drove these evil pictures out of her head: "No pets! It's horrible!" After saying that, she looked at Brother Win pitifully: "Brother Win, what should I do? I don't want to be a food or a pet! I'm so pitiful!!"

Brother Win looked at Wu Linger angrily: "Didn't you swear to protect us before? What? Are you starting to ask me for help now?"

Blocked by Brother Win, Wu Linger suddenly had nothing to say and drew circles on the table with her hands. This move was the most commonly used move when Ji Zai did not transform into a human form: "Draw a circle to curse you!"

In the face of Wu Linger's childish approach, Brother Win can't laugh or cry: "Well, it's getting late. Let's go to bed early!" I'm going to enter the village tomorrow. If I pass that level, I can see the owner!" Even if you see the owner, can you still know the whereabouts of the prince? Not to mention that he is entangled with the blood clan now, he alone destroyed the Changgu family in Japan. According to the personality of the blood clan, he is afraid that he will not easily hand over the golden Lingzhu. Thinking of what will happen later, Brother Win only feels big.

However, when he saw that Ji Zai and Coffee were going out, Brother Win still stopped them: "You two are with her tonight. I still have something to do!"

"Why is there anything else? Do you like any girl here? I warn you, don't be debbling! Otherwise, I will ignore you!" As soon as she heard that Brother Win did not accompany her, Wu Linger was immediately unhappy. Ji Zai also looked at him strangely: "What's wrong?"

Brother Win thought for a moment and shook his head: "It's okay! It's just... You can stay with her tonight. I still have something to confirm!" After saying that, he left the room with everyone.

After confirming that Brother Win will not come back, Wu Linger sat back angrily**: "This dead earthworm, a big erotic demon, must have gone back to find his mother earthworm! Humph, even if there is no parasite, he is a perversion! The same can't be changed, the essence of hermaphrodite!!"

Looking at Wu Linger who was rampaging in **, Ji Zai was a little strange: "Why are you so excited? Didn't he say something?"

"If he has something to do, he has something to do every day!" Wu Linger withdrew into the quilt depressedly: "I'm fine! Lie down like a pig every day and sleep well, protected by you!" Speaking of this, she couldn't help sitting up again: "Didn't you say that I'm a witch saint? Why do I have nothing but summon you? Can't the so-called saint do anything but summon a hitman?

When the coffee saw that Wu Linger was angry, he quickly came over and said, "Linger, no! Generally speaking, in addition to summoning witch pets and communicating with gods, the saint will also have one or two unique attack methods. If you don't, maybe it has something to do with your witch bloodline! But don't worry, it doesn't matter if you don't fight with us. As long as you say who you want to beat, coffee will help you bite him immediately!!"

After being coaxed by coffee, Wu Linger was finally in a better mood. She looked at the coffee depressedly: "I just don't want you to be too tired and dangerous! At least, when there is danger, I hope we can bear it together! Now it makes me so depressed!"

"If you look like this, won't you save me?" Ji Zai sat on the window sill and looked at the snow outside: "What can be done has nothing to do with ability! You think too much!" After saying that, he jumped off the window sill, closed the curtains, and threw a few pieces of firewood into the fireplace: "Coffee, watch her, I'll go out!"

Coffee looked at Ji Zai with some worry: "It's still me..."

"That woman didn't appear, and I can't deal with her now! You stay!" After saying that, Ji Zai has disappeared into the room.

Wu Linger looked at the coffee strangely: "What's wrong? What's going on outside?

Coffee listened with his ears up and shook his head: "People I don't know have some powers, but they should be human beings. Ji Zai was probably in a bad mood and vented his anger on them!"

Listening to coffee, Wu Linger immediately guessed who those people would be: "No way? Did that group of guys really come to the door? They are too lifeless, aren't they? Some time ago, there were people pretending to be them. It's too late for them to get rid of the relationship. Why did they call again?

Coffee lay lazily beside Wu Linger: "Don't care about them! Anyway, it's good that they don't come to quarrel with Linger and coffee! Otherwise, I will eat them all one by one!"

"Bah!" Wu Linger rudely patted the head of the coffee: "In this case, tomorrow's newspaper will publish news about evil tigers and hurt people!"

Coffee rubbed his head depressedly, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

After thinking about it, Wu Linger took out her computer from the bedside and popped up Xiao Tuo's video: "Salted fish!"

"Big boss, what's the matter? Your shoulder injury hasn't healed yet. Can you take a rest? On the other side of the computer, Xiao Tuo seemed to be busy with something, but it did not prevent him from communicating with Wu Linger.

Wu Linger looked at Xiao Tuo and asked, "What's going on in Ningzhang? You should have communicated after last time, right? Why did they attack Ye Tian again today? Also, just now, Ji Zai found that there was a person with Ningzhang nearby!"

After taking a sip of the drink, Xiao Tuo shook his head and said, "I don't know, who knows what they are smoking crazy? It's said that they didn't do it for a while, and then they started fighting again. What a repeated villain! Fortunately, we are strong enough, otherwise other clowns will come to join in the fun! I contacted that Jin Minchang before. He said that they didn't do anything. They just took the order to assassinate you, but after knowing that we were involved in the killing, they returned the order. It's also a respect for NO1, but it's really strange to dare to take action against Ye Tian today. After I got the news from Daniel, I tried to contact them, but found that they had refused to talk to us!"

Wu Linger heard Xiao Tuo's words and turned her head and thought, "Well, in the past, because I was not as strong as you, I had to be soft on you. Now by doing so, I may have found a big backer! Check if there are any new trends in your list recently, and if it is possible for you to unite with anyone!"

Xiao Tuo was stunned for a moment and immediately tapped his finger on the keyboard. After a while, he shook his head: "I didn't find it!"

"Well, maybe other forces have been added. Please observe carefully! There must be another reason why Ningzhang suddenly took action against Ye Tian and me. Now I am no longer the heir of the Li consortium. There should be no one else who can pay to kill me except the heir of the Li consortium, the Brown family and the old man Li Tianzuo. With such a big man, his strength will definitely rise sharply, which may become the reason why they take action!" After a careful analysis, Wu Linger said what she thought.