Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 85 Let's have some friendship

Chapter 85 Let's have some friendship

"You're welcome! Since the owner said, you are the guests in the manor, which is the basic way of hospitality, and I heard that several of you have been injured and injured guests at Anthony's place. This is really the owner's dereliction of duty. Here, I want to apologize for him!"

"Where, we're bothering you!"

After being polite, a seductive fragrance came over. Xiaohua sucked her nose and said, "What a fragrant plum pudding meat filling!"

Hearing Xiaohua's words, Bella turned her head and looked at Xiaohua unexpectedly: "You can know what it is just by smelling it?"

Xiaohua immediately smiled shyly: "Well... I just prefer cooking, so... I'm really sorry!"

"What's wrong with this! I also like cooking very much. I don't know you..."

Seeing Bella immediately pulling the little flowers and talking endlessly, Wu Linger smiled bitterly: "It seems that this Miss Bella is not an ordinary love for cooking!"

Everyone took a look at Bella, who was holding the little flower, and then nodded together. Instead, Nalan Piaoping summoned up her courage and said to Bella, "Miss Bella, there are still several wounded among us. I wonder if we can let them go back to their room for a rest first?"

Bella waved her hand and agreed, and continued to talk about cooking with Xiaohua. Everyone shook their heads helplessly and then went back to their rooms.

It was not until lunch time that the servant came to everyone's room and invited everyone to the restaurant, but after coming to the restaurant, everyone was stunned. This table full of dishes...

"Is it a combination of Chinese and Western?" Wu Linger was stunned for a long time and finally said a word.

Bella sat on the main seat and smiled at Wu Linger: "Because I just discussed with Xiaohua and found the differences in the diet of the East and the West, so we made some dishes separately. Please forgive us for any inconvenience!"

Wu Linger looked at the dishes on the table and smiled: "No, there is delicious food. We never care about anything else!!" After saying that, she took a look at the dishes on the table: "Wow, you should make this dish, right? It has a western three-dimensional style. This should be made of small flowers. The platter has an obvious feeling of oriental painting and pursues a sense of artistic beauty.

It just revealed who the owner of the two dishes was at a glance. This level also made Bella can't help looking at Wu Linger differently.

When Bella saw it like this, Wu Linger quickly shook her head: "I can't cook! I may be in danger even if I make instant noodles! I can only eat and only evaluate!!"

Hearing Wu Linger say this, Bella smiled: "I heard your painting! Charlie likes your evening clock very much! I heard that he found someone to make a picture frame for the painting and hang it in the living room.

"Ah?" Wu Linger didn't expect that her painting would be treated so politely. Even with such a thick skin, she was a little embarrassed: "That... I scrimbled after drinking. Mr. Charlie really makes me feel embarrassed like this!!"

"It has nothing to do with the quality of painting, it has something to do with the heart! You can really draw Charlie's feelings at that time without knowing any past of that bottle of wine. According to you Orientals, you are a confidant!" Bella looked at Wu Linger gently: "So, don't easily deny yourself. Everyone's own potential is unpredictable, only whether we can inspire our own potential. Well, let's go on. The food is cold. Let's sit down and enjoy it together!"

As each dish came up, the servant also changed several wines for everyone. When the last dessert came up, Wu Linger sighed: "I usually eat a lot of Xiaohua's dishes, but I have never felt as delicious as today. Why is that?"

"This is the marriage in wine!" Daniel held up the champagne and said to Wu Linger, "To make the food taste delicious, you need to order a drink that goes with it."

"But doesn't marriage mean marriage in French? Why did it become a match in cooking? Wu Linger is still confused.

Daniel smiled and said, "In wine, this marriage refers to the combination of food and wine, pulling out each other's personality and taste, which means mutual improvement!"

When Daniel gave birth, Wu Linger remembered one thing: "When we were in Paris, someone sent the 07 DRCRichebourg. At that time, the coffee gave me a raw oyster, and I felt very disgusting, but the foie gras sent by Ye Tian, which I thought was more delicious than usual. Is it because of this reason?

Daniel looked at Ye Tian and nodded to Wu Linger: "Yes, that's what it means!"

Bella didn't know how little about wine Wu Linger knew until she heard Wu Linger's words. If it hadn't been for Charlie and Anthony, she would have really thought that it was two people who let Wu Linger get to this level, but looking at Wu Linger's powerful group of relatives and friends, maybe they would have against Portugal. Do you know something about wine?

Daniel suddenly raised his glass and said to Bella, "Miss Bella, here, I want to thank you for your hospitality! Because the family affairs are inseparable, we will leave in the afternoon!"

Bella glanced at Vivian, whose stomach was slightly bulging, and nodded with a smile: "Well, the winter in France is indeed a little unbearable. For the sake of Mrs. Zun's health, it's better to change to a warm place!"

Miss Bella, I'm so sorry! If you don't mind, I will bring my baby to visit again next time!" Vivian has also had some morning sickness recently, which is really not suitable for him to stay outside.

Although Daniel is leaving, because Shi Zhijun just sent a text message saying that he would arrive in the afternoon, Wu Linger also mentioned it to Bella. Bella became very excited as soon as she heard Shi Zhijun's name and seemed to be looking forward to Shi Zhijun's arrival. No wonder, as a food lover, how can he not know the name of Wang Shizhijun, a world-class chef?

In the afternoon, shortly after everyone sent Daniel and the others to the helicopter, another helicopter fell down, and Shi Zhijun jumped off the plane with a smile: "Ling Er, I haven't seen you for months. Why are you fat again? Be careful to really become a pig!"

"Cut, you have become a pig!" Wu Linger rudely punched Shi Zhijun. Just as Shi Zhijun wanted to return Wu Linger's punch, Brother Win grabbed his fist: "She's injured. Don't mess around!"

Shi Zhijun looked at Brother Ying unexpectedly: "Will she get hurt with you?" After saying that, he wanted to withdraw his fist, but found that Brother Win held on tightly and didn't let go: "Well, I won't really hit her!" It's just a joke. Is it necessary to be so nervous?

After getting Shi Zhijun's guarantee, Brother Ying let go and stood behind Wu Linger again. Shi Zhijun glanced at the people around Wu Linger and sighed, "Ling'er, you have really become the world's first face control. Look at the people around you now, not to mention the world. Unparalleled, but also absolutely the best!"

Wu Linger looked up proudly: "Of course, don't look at who I am! However, if you say so, do you also want to bring yourself into the ranks of my handsome men? Let me tell you, you are the most, that is, Ye Tian, Ah He, and others. Don't expect to be at the level of my brother Win, Ji Zai, Coffee and Xiaohua!"

When Wu Linger said this, Wu He was suddenly unhappy: "Ling'er, why am I better than them? Why did you rank me and Ye Tian to the same level? It's unfair!! At least I'm also an idol-level handsome man in Tokyo!"

Wu Linger rudely pushed Wu He away with her hand: "Although we have a good relationship, I will never be selfish in judging the level of handsome men! Although Ah He is handsome, no matter your appearance or aura, you can't reach the level of these handsome guys in my family, and you have to grow up well!!"

"What? It's so strict that you don't have any friendship!" Wu He muttered dissatisfiedly, but his face was full of smiles, as if he didn't care at all.

Brother Win saw that everyone talked more and more, and interrupted them helplessly: "Okay, go in, Miss Bella has been waiting for a long time! Her afternoon tea should be ready!" It was to prepare for afternoon tea that Bella did not come out to greet her idol Zhijun in person.

Entering the room, Shi Zhijun sniffed: "Lemon protein pastry pie? It seems that the baking time is a little shorter! This will affect the taste!"

Ah? Really? But I baked it for 30 minutes as mentioned in the book! I usually do this, and everyone thinks it tastes good!" Bella, who was holding the lemon protein pastry pie, came in and heard Shi Zhijun's comment.