Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 96 The indispensable existence in life

Chapter 96 The Indispensable Existence in Life

"Well, don't be bold, dare to refuse me!" With a cold hum, a black light curtain covered Wu Linger. Wu Linger only felt that the pressure around her had become much greater. She was unstable and fell down and knelt down on one knee. If it hadn't been for holding the ground, maybe she would have fallen to the ground.

"How does my gravity boundary taste?" The prince's happy laughter came from the chair: "Don't think that I don't know anything in Europe. You are the leader of their group. When you were in Japan, you killed at least six blood clans together. If you follow the law of the blood clan, I can execute you now! How about it? As long as you promise to hand over that person to me as a blood slave, I will not only go into it, but also give you the golden Lingzhu you want! Then you don't have to die to save your father!"

Wu Linger supported the ground with one hand and pressed the injured shoulder with the other. Because of the change of pressure, the wound cracked again, and blood flowed down her fingers: "I! Reject! Absolutely!!"

"You really don't know how to live or die! Now it's only three times the gravity. What if I increase it to five times? While talking, Wu Linger sat down again. It seemed that the pressure around her had increased again: "Or ten times? Can you still survive at that time?"

" Stop!!" Among several people, the smell of coffee is the most sensitive. He has long smelled the smell of blood from Wu Linger's body. Seeing Wu Linger's appearance, he couldn't help standing up: "I..."

"Coffee, shut up! Ji Zai, take care of him!!" Just a few simple words almost exhaust all Wu Linger's strength. Seeing Wu Linger like this, the coffee was so anxious that he wanted to rush up, but Ji Zai stopped him: "Listen to Linger and stay behind!"

At this time, the coffee found that everyone who was standing scattered had surrounded him in the middle after the prince said that he wanted to be his blood slave, with the faint intention of protecting him. He immediately became anxious: "I'm fine, Ling Er..."

"She has her decision!" Brother Win glanced at the chair: "Our answer is no! Your Highness, do you still want to continue? Now it's five times the gravity. You might as well add ten times the gravity to see if this woman can still live!"

"Win Brother!!" Hearing Brother Win say such words, Coffee was anxious, but Brother Win knocked him to the ground with a backhand: "Do you think she would be willing to exchange your life and dignity for her life?"

The coffee that was knocked to the ground was stunned and immediately understood what Brother Win meant. After thinking about it, he stood up and said, "Ling Er, I know! No matter what decision you make, I will support you! If... you really have something to do, then go to heaven and earth, and I will avenge that man for you!"

Wu Linger, who knelt on one knee and forced herself not to fall down, was a little relieved when she heard the words of coffee. She reluctantly raised her head and looked at the prince: "This is our decision. What are you going to do now? Ten times the gravity? You might as well try it!!"

"You...don't think I really won't do this!" A black light shot into the black light curtain on Wu Linger's body. Coffee couldn't bear to turn his head to one side, but only heard a loud bang. When he turned around again, he found that Wu Linger had appeared in Brother Win's arms. The person in the chair stood up excitedly: "Impossible! How can my gravity boundary be broken?!! She definitely doesn't have that strength!!"

Wu Linger gently coughed out a mouthful of blood and looked at the prince: "There is a very strong seal in my body, and it is also because of this seal that seals most of my power to make me look like an ordinary person! When the seal is under certain external pressure, it will automatically fight back!"

"No wonder you and Brother Win have been stirred me up to increase my gravity to ten times. It turns out that you have planned it for a long time!" Speaking of this, the prince suddenly applauded: "It's worthy of the person I like. It's really smart! It's just that coffee is so good to you that it really makes me jealous!! I really like him, so I want to take him as a blood slave!!"

Hearing the prince's voice suddenly change, Wu Linger smiled bitterly: "I should have guessed it was you!"

The prince came out of the dark. Who is Michelle who he met in the Louvre? A familiar purple dress, long curly hair, and a skeleton mask, it is the female vampire who has been harassing them recently.

Seeing everyone's bad eyes, Michelle shrugged her shoulders: "Don't you think it's a good deal to use her little injury to calm Japan?" After saying that, she threw out a bottle of holy water: "Drink it for her. The holy water blessed by the Cardinal of the Vatican is more useful than what I gave you that day!"

After looking at Michelle, Brother Win pulled out the bottle cap without any hesitation and poured a bottle of water into Wu Linger's mouth. I have to say that what Michelle gave today was really good, but after a while, Wu Linger's pale face regained a little blood, and she also seemed to be a little energetic: "Brother Win, let me down!" I'm fine!"

Brother Ying threw the crystal bottle aside, took out a green plant from his arms and chewed it in his mouth, and then applied it to the wound for Wu Linger.

Wu Linger sweated coldly because of the pain oozed by herbs, but with a stubborn personality, she clenched her teeth and tightly grasped the clothes on Brother Ying's chest without saying a word. After a while, after the pain, she let go of Brother Ying: "I'm fine!"

Brother Ying pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the cold sweat on Wu Linger's forehead before helping her stand up. And Michelle just stood quietly and looked at them, without any impatience in her eyes: "Is the wound healed?"

After seeing Wu Linger nodding, Michelle clapped her hands and immediately appeared four groups of servants from both sides. They quickly sent tables, chairs, candlesticks, food, wine, and served everyone to sit down. After sitting down, they quickly retreated. If it hadn't been for so many more things in front of them, everyone would have thought that it was just a Illusion.

For no reason, Wu Linger suddenly smiled, pointed to the coffee and said, "If I had just promised Michelle, you would do these things in the future!" Maybe when I come down to play, it's you who served me for dinner!"

Coffee suddenly lay on the table depressedly: "Linger, you bully coffee again!!"

Michelle, sitting on the main seat, held her glass and looked at Wu Linger: "I don't understand. Why would you rather die than agree to my request?"

Wu Linger looked at Michelle with a curious face: "Then why did you choose my coffee?" Speaking of handsome, my brother Win is definitely the most handsome. Speaking of gentle and considerate, Xiaohua is definitely more obedient than coffee. In addition to being coquettish and clingy, coffee will only cheat milk coffee to drink. The only time he is serious is when I am in danger. Usually, he is also an unreliable guy!"

"Linger, you bully me again!!" Hearing that Wu Linger described herself like this, the coffee was even more depressed, but Ji Zai threw a roast chicken in front of the coffee: "Eat yours, so much food can't stop you?"

Michelle ignored coffee and Ji Zai, but looked at Wu Linger: "I just think he's funny, that's why I want to accept him as a blood slave!" With such a blood slave, I don't think it will be too lonely! As for those who want to be handsome and obedient, as the prince of the blood clan, will there still be a lack of handsome men and people who serve me?

Peacock! What a peacock!! The degree of Michelle peacock now is as simple as that of a lucky boy who has not turned into a human form! If it hadn't been for the appearance of coffee that had distracted Ji Zai to a large extent, I'm afraid Ji Zai would be similar to Michelle now!!

Just when Wu Linger was thinking about something in her little brain, Brother Win hummed to wake her up from her mind. Only then did she find that Michelle was still staring at her: "Well... I think this is the difference between you. For me, they are not my servants, my followers, nor my slaves and pets. They are my friends and relatives! It is indispensable in my life!"

"So, even if you don't have a good relationship with that masked guy, will you get hurt to protect him?" Michelle raised her chin and signaled that she was talking about Ji Zai.

Wu Linger smiled and said, "Although Ji Zai always quarrels with me, he has been protecting me when I am in danger. Obviously, I was afraid of the cold, but I rushed outside to protect me. Well, as he said, ugly people are usually stupid, but I think beautiful people usually have a strange temper!"

"Women! Let me beat you again!" Ji Zai threatened Wu Linger with an apple in his hand, but Brother Win glanced at him coldly: "You have the courage to try it!!"


Will anyone come at 8 o'clock tomorrow night?

YY is waiting for you!