Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 116 Don't Touch Me

Chapter 16 Don't Touch Me

Mark heard the doorbell ring all the time, as if he had guessed something. He grabbed the knife on the table and cut the rope tied to Jizai: "I'm sorry, because my wife has just been attacked by human beings, and you suddenly appeared in my basement again. I thought you and they are the same! Now, I guess those people are outside. Do you want to help me?

Ji Zai moved his shoulder and stood up. While Mark was unprepared, Ji Zai punched him fiercely. Before Mark was angry, Ji Zai continued to say, "Okay, it's even!" I'd like to see who dares to kill God!"

"What? Only one punch?!" Coffee muttered with some dissatisfaction, but under Ji Zai's stare, he finally shut his mouth obediently.

At this time, the doorbell finally stopped and became quiet around. Ji Zai said to Mark, "I'll accompany you to the front door to have a look. Coffee, you guard it at the back door. If anyone dares to break in, you know how to do it!" After saying that, even with a mask, the bloodthirsty smile still made Mark feel a little chilling: "It's good that you help me!" After saying that, he took Ji Zai to the front door.

When I got the free coffee, I immediately walked around the room and muttered in my heart: "Changing stump, evergreen stump!! Where are the evergreen stumps?!!" After the two found something wrong in the basement just now, the wooden stake in their hands was immediately burned to ashes by Ji Zai, otherwise Mark would never believe them alone. But now, coffee is starting to have a headache about where to get the evergreen stump.

When Coffee's eyes stopped on the Christmas tree in the corner of the room, he suddenly smiled and said, "Yes!" After saying that, he rushed over, knocked down the Christmas tree three or twice, and broke a thick branch from it. The branch was very hard and fresh, and it was absolutely no problem to use it as a weapon.

The coffee smiled and hid the branches behind him, but the front hall was very lively. He was a little worried that he ran out quickly. At this time, Brother Win had knocked Jizai to the ground, and Father Duffer was dealing with Mark.

Mark was shocked when he found that Ji Zai had been knocked down. After a roar, a dazzling light flashed. While Father Duffer was distracted, he quickly disappeared into the room.

After discovering that Mark was missing, Brother Win was shocked and pulled up Ji Zai who fell to the ground, but found that his arm was injured: "What's going on?"

"I can't die! That pagan god is likely to find Ling Er. Let's go back quickly!!" Ji Zai patted Brother Ying's hand, and the next moment it had turned into a red light and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. Brother Ying frowned slightly and said to Xiaohua, "Xiaohua, come here with the priest! Coffee, let's go!" Mark had seen him just now, and he would have guessed that Wu Linger was with him. Now he must rush back to protect that woman immediately!

The coffee whined and disappeared into the air with Brother Win.

Father Duffer stood up with some embarrassment and said to Xiaohua, "I'm sorry, I'm dragging you down!"

Xiaohua looked at Father Duffer faintly and said, "Let's go!"

"No, Wendy's body must still be here! I must destroy her so that she can't be reborn, otherwise such a tragedy will continue decades later!" Duffer said and walked to the room. Xiaohua hesitated for a moment and finally followed. When they found Wendy's body and the two unfinished remains in the basement, they were silent.

After Father Duffer quickly prayed for the two dead, he found salt from the kitchen and sprinkled it in the basement, and poured all the remaining salt on Wendy's body. Xiaohua also found some olive oil and poured it in the basement. As the match fell to the ground, the whole basement turned into a sea of fire. At this time, Father Duffer turned around and left the room with Xiaohua: "I hope... this matter can be completely ended tonight!"

Seeing such a bloody scene, Xiaohua was not in a good mood. When she went out, he took a deep breath in the cold air: "Hope!" After saying that, he strode in the direction of the hotel: "Hurry up and keep up!!"

Father Duffer seemed to feel Xiaohua's unhappiness and hurried over: "I'm sorry, because I dragged you down!"

"Nothing! Even if it's not you! They won't let me participate in the battle either!!" In this family, I am probably second only to Wu Linger, and I also want to be protected, right?! Inexplicably, a feeling of loneliness surged into her heart, and Xiaohua shook her head hard and accelerated her pace.

In the hotel, not long after Wu Linger felt the fluctuation of witch power on Brother Ying and Ji Zai, she only heard: "Wah!" Suddenly, a whole window exploded, and an ugly old man dressed in dark and ragged suddenly appeared in the room: "Good evening, Miss Wu!"

Seeing such an ugly person, Wu Linger subconsciously hid behind Wu He: "Obviously, he is a god. Why is he so ugly?"

"Linger, this is not the point now, is it?" In the face of such a key Wu Linger, even Wu He, who has already known and is used to her personality, can't stand it: "Remember, no matter what happens, you must not go to bed!"

Wu Linger peeked at the ugly old man from behind Wu He's shoulder and immediately nodded vigorously: "If you want me to fight with such an ugly old man, I don't want it!" Look at that dirty body. Maybe it hasn't been washed for hundreds of years. If you touch it, you will be poisoned at all! It's useless to soak in the marlin at that time!! It's almost become a biological and chemical weapon!!"

Listening to Wu Linger's broken thoughts behind him, although Wu He knew that the current situation was really not suitable for laughing, he still couldn't help laughing: "Linger, can you be normal?"

"Normal? I'm normal! Don't you think normal people won't dress like this? And he said it was God! I will definitely beat Xiao Tuo later. How can such a person be called a god? It's disgusting!"

Listening to Wu Linger's broken thoughts, Mark kept walking by the bed. As the god of the winter solstice, after receiving human sacrifices, he could give human beings good weather. How could he not feel the powerful power of the earth by the bed: "Who are you? Why do you want to make trouble?!"

Wu Linger saw that the old man was about to leave and did not dare to step closer to the bed. She suddenly eased a lot. After clearing her throat, she said, "Me? I am the legendary face control, occasionally flirting with the dark handsome man, occasionally bullying the cute Zhengtai, and occasionally ** the coquettish cool man! As for why you make trouble, the main reason is that you are so ugly that I can't stand it, so I have to walk for heaven and destroy your ugly creature!"

"Delimination?!!" The ugly old man, who was still angry, couldn't help laughing after hearing Wu Linger's words: "It's up to you? Do you really think this boundary can keep you safe?!"

Feering the power gathering around, Wu He quickly stopped Wu Linger: "Don't stimulate him anymore!"

"I'm right. He's already ugly!" Wu Linger whispered, but made the ugly Mark's face darker: "Okay, I'm going to see what you can do!" As he spoke, he suddenly stamped his footboard, and suddenly a big crack appeared on the floor: "Aren't you very strong? I cracked your boundary. Let me see how you can destroy me!!"

Wu Linger was shocked when she saw the cracks on the ground: "Hey, don't mess around! This is not my house. In case you collapse someone else's house, you have to pay for it!! I warn you that you damaged this house, and I will never pay compensation!"

"Compensation? Don't worry, I won't let you out, because the dead don't have to pay compensation!" Mark stamped his foot again, and the crack suddenly destroyed the formation on the ground. The yellow light flashed, and Wu Linger and Wu He were suddenly exposed to Mark.

Mark sneered and stretched out his paws! Yes, it's claws, a pair of dead branch-like claws grabbed Wu Linger. She was so scared that Wu Linger screamed and grabbed a sharp stake and threw it at Mark.

Mark laughed and patted the stake: "Within this boundary, you are nothing!!"

Wu Linger screamed and grabbed the wooden stake and threw it to Mark: "Ah! Don't touch me!! It's rude! What a hooligan! Killing people!!!"

Seeing Wu Linger's panicked expression, Mark smiled even more happily. He patted the stake thrown by Wu Linger one by one: "Although it is not in line with tradition, I like to see your expression. Be a little more afraid! This will make me happier!"


Two chapters are over!